Исследования медиа и коммуникаций: теории, практики, исследовательские перспективы. Сборник трудов III Межвузовской научно-практической конференции бакалавров, магистрантов и аспирантов. Сергей Давыдов
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      Mediacontent consumption during smoking cessation: selective exposure model

      Bugaev Anton

      Higher School of Economics

      [email protected]


      Anti-tobacco campaign failure is often attributed to low exposure to campaign messages and explained through the model of selective processing. According to selective exposure hypothesis, people tend to both expose themselves to consistent information to strengthen their attitude and behavior and avoid inconsistent one. Consequently, the smokers who have decided to quit and therefore have negative attitude towards smoking should be more exposed to health campaign messages than to pro-smoking content. However, previous studies showed weak connection between quitters’ attitude towards smoking and their consumption of pro- and counter-smoking content. The aim of current research is to suggest the factors from Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura) and Health Belief Model (Rosenstock) to explain quitters’ selective processing. The study demonstrates significant correlation of such factors as anxiety about relapse and illness-susceptibility due to smoking with quitters’ ability to recall information for and against smoking.

      Key Words: Selective processing, cognitive dissonance, tobacco smoking, information recall, Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief Model.

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