The Human Mind. Marion Julius
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Название: The Human Mind

Автор: Marion Julius

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9781649695109


СКАЧАТЬ to forget forever. However sometimes in life it gets remembered or someone talks about which triggers that memory which often can make them remember the hurt and pain they experienced. Memories can be a time of sadness also because that's life the reality sad and bad things do happen to people. Memories can be short or can be long depending on the person and all what they remember or forget. For other people they might get amnesia and not remember anything from their lives or get dementia and just forget every memory. Then people have to keep reminding them about that particular memory from their life so memories can be pleasant and hard to live with.

      Memories are moments we relive every time we miss something from our past we want to remind ourselves of because it was such a wonderful memory. We can think back to a day and time we were maybe the happiest in our life a time that we can relive over and over again. Its so special and we hold it close in our hearts we often think about it now and again and it comes up in conversations.

      Chapter 21: Beliefs And Dreams

      Beliefs And Dreams

      Everyone has their own beliefs some people who are the same culture, nationality and/or religion would have the same or very similar beliefs. The human mind stores our beliefs what we believe in from everyday simple things to our ideas on life and how we feel towards topics and situations. There are very important beliefs we choose to never forget and we often remind ourselves in our thoughts about them so we don't forget. Over the years people will think about faith and religion and maybe you might even question your religion that you grew up in whether you were forced and it was someone who was a volunteer to be in that religion. People turn to beliefs because they were possibly also growing up in families where there was religion and so it stuck with you. Now that your older you also have chosen those beliefs to follow and teach your children maybe. Sometimes people get confused about beliefs and religions because something might make complete sense and other things might not make sense. For me personally I remember looking at many religions and beliefs growing up christian in a christian home we were taught the christian way however when I got older like many other people I began asking questions and learning about other religions.

      It's okay to look out there and see if there’s some other beliefs that you can also follow because your just searching for answers and maybe what your beliefs and religion is now might not give you the answers or the way of life you want or need. Even though it seems like the easy way to just follow or you might feel that you have to be that way because its your parents and family you don’t want to cause a problem and make them get angry. Over time you will find something that you believe in a belief system that really works for you so don’t feel scared or worried people need to search and learn and venture out there delving into many things before they find something that works for them. If people really love you they’ll accept what path and belief you now follow and if they truly care about you they’ll support you and help you on your way to becoming what you choose.

      The multicultural society we live in there’s so many different religions and beliefs out there so much to choose some so whilst we’re exploring into our self-discovery meeting and spending time with different people and places might help you find out who you really are and maybe you’ll also meet some wonderful people on your journey to learn from. It doesn’t mean that you have to be in that religion or beliefs for the rest of your life. People change all the time as they grow you’ll find that there might be something that helps you learn, something that helps you grow and something that helps you heal. So it might come from many beliefs and religions not just one so be open minded to seeing about other beliefs.


      When we go to sleep at night most of us have dreams which are like watching a show reel seeing things, places, people and much more. They seem so real because we are fast asleep as a human being the mind often thinks even during sleep because during the day or night we go to sleep thinking about different things that happened that day. So it plays on our mind and when we fall asleep we seem to have a dream because of what happened that day or because we were worried or scared about something so we might have a nightmare depending on who you are and how you deal with things. Our dreams could make us wake up with a fright and/or the next morning we might not even remember what we dreamed about.

      And other times we can remember what we dream about there are people whose dreams come true within time. We've all heard the saying dreams can come true and yes they do how many times we've heard about people having dreams and within time they come true whilst they're asleep having seen and heard things like a gift or ability. As well as those whose dreams are to do a certain occupation/career and it came true without dreams in life how can one look forward to something? kind of like having no faith or hope without that you got nothing how will your dreams manifest into reality with believing in your dreams. When asleep dreaming the mind can relax and the person and can go to many place interacting with different people and things dreams at time are telling us something, maybe its things we had on our mind that day, sometimes might it be a warning to see to something urgently or simply a pleasant visual dream where you can have a peaceful sleep being entertained.

      It helps to write down our dreams in a dream journal keeping notes and recording what you had dreams about. This can help you with your daily lives and for your futures dreams a time where you can have the chance to escape from your everyday life maybe you're someone who cannot travel anywhere and so when you dream its your chance to go off to some location where you can picture yourself being at a holiday wherever you want and the good news you don't have to pay for it. Dreams can show you things to help you with what your going through we hear about people who have had dreams of people who have died their loved ones. And we believe its usually a loved one who passed away who is maybe trying to tell us things to help us on our way many people all over the world believe that the dead can communicate with us through our dreams. What you believe is completely up to you? but what if it was through the human mind when asleep is also a doorway for something else the dream land where you can find and see many things, people and places. Try remember what you dream about because its possible that they can help you with what you're going through it can provide you with an idea of how to sort out something that maybe is bothering you? or something you want? trying to do? perhaps its a warning signal to watch out for something?

      Chapter 22: Six Dimensions Of The Human Mind

      The Six Dimensions of the Human Mind

      The human mind contains six dimensions that being love, fear, joy, hatred, boredom and sexuality. All of these dimensions are in all human minds so its intensity of some of those dimensions the core personality of your mind. When you're looking into the study of the individual mind and behavior this is called psychology.

      Your Mind

      What's In You?

      There's your behavior, language, modern psychology, social, learning, development, cognitive, perception, personality and so the human mind contains a lot of what we think, say and do. In the human mind there's self-conscious and subconscious so it contains planning, judgment, reasoning, will power, decision making, thoughts, memory, beliefs, emotions, problem solving, learned abilities, behaviors, feelings, perceptions, instincts, habits, reflexes, addictions, body, functions. When we talk about what’s inside your mind take a look at the following information. The human mind can be considered to have three major divisions.

      Consider a part of your mind to be as a computing machine. The human mind was discovered to have been most grossly maligned, for it was found to be possessed of capabilities far in excess of any heretofore imagined much less tested. Basic human character was found to have been pilloried because Man had not been able to distinguish between irrational conduct derived from poor data and irrational conduct derived from another, far more vicious source.