The Human Mind. Marion Julius
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Название: The Human Mind

Автор: Marion Julius

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9781649695109



      Chapter 1: Your Mind

      The Human Mind

      For so long mankind has researched how the human mind works the way we think how thoughts go into our mind thinking good or bad thoughts and sometimes trying to stop thinking about things because our mind becomes confused should we think this? or think that? why can't I stop thinking about this? I got to get this out of my head all we know is that days and nights our minds are filled with thoughts that we process through our head during the day.

      That is what we end up thinking about and even before we go to sleep we often think more about things. Which is why we find it hard to go to sleep at night we get influenced by people and places which often leads us to thinking about those things. Or when people say things to us whether good or bad it influences the way our mind thinks. The anger and stress we build up within us over a situation causes us to get a headache because we are either worried or scared about an event that happened whether its about a fight or death or something else.

      This unpleasant experience which makes us think that way at times we sometimes think the worse but its not so bad and we thought of those negative things for nothing. Or thinking of answers to questions at school or work or studying strain builds up in our head/mind.

      Some days we cannot control the thoughts in our mind we try to force it them to go away. They don't and it distracts us from carrying on with business/work etc. We tell ourselves to stop thinking it over and over but it stays in the back of our mind.

      If people say things to us such as:


      "You're stupid."

      You would think am I stupid or why are they saying that or no I'm not stupid depending on your personality and the way you take things.

      When you're doing something like watching television maybe a movie and your mind will be most likely be thinking about what the people said. Maybe you're thinking about what's about to happen next in the story. However some other people might have something else on in their mind a problem so they don't really pay attention to the television.

      The thoughts in our mind make us have emotions if we are thinking about something sad we might cry or if we are thinking about a future event which makes us happy we smile and laugh and feel good inside. Controlling what is in our mind takes time because some people are stronger than others therefore they can control what they are thinking. But others are very weak and might not take things so well they constantly think about a issue and it makes them have thoughts in their mind which drives them to feel so sad or angry. Some might be living with guilt or shame and so they may think about the same thing again and again they carry on with their daily lives but it still sits in the back of their mind.

      And so when we perform at a sport or school or business or work we cannot get the results we hoped for. They are then disappointed and feel discouraged but this all because their mind and thoughts floating around in their head. Lack of focus on what they are doing however it doesn't have to be that way.


      The thoughts we have might influence what we do next we need to be careful so that we don't jump and act impulsively causing us to make the wrong choice. Our thinking makes us have an emotion and so we react in that way by stopping for a moment and evaluating the situation and sitting down going through it slowly may give you a better answer and/or idea so that your next step is the step in the direction which takes you to what your goal/plan/target etc.

      You all might need to improve in areas with your personality you might be strong and good in one area eg. business but you are weak in your relationships eg. marriage so by helping to get your weaker side stronger you are then able to improve so you can have a much healthier relationship.

      When we process information into our mind we might be able to let it sink in straight away and/or maybe for others it take awhile for them to totally understand it so that its clear. When things are clear its easier to move forward but it you're the sort of person who is confused about things your mind might make you react in a different way causing you to fail or maybe cause problems for yourself.

      For some people they live in a fantasy world maybe they live double lives maybe their whole life is a lie and they hide behind a mask so they forget when to lie. And for others they have an imagination and are always dreaming not being able to then cope and deal with the reality that is in front of them.

      The thoughts that we have make us do things if we think something sad we want to hide and not talk to anyone. But if we think of good things we will get up and do things not feel down and miserable. Your negative thoughts/thinking can go worse and it might lead to depression, sadness, possibly anxiety, phobias and panic attacks because you’re worried about something. Depending on your situation that you’re going through positive thinking helps because your mind is focusing on things which didn’t make you feel angry or stressed. By controlling your thoughts so that you can act in a way that won’t cause a problem for you.

      In our minds we have the following:

      1. We store information

      2. Memories

      3. Thinking of answers

      4. Thinking of questions

      5. Thinking about ideas

      6. Thinking what to do

      What you think is up to you, you will need to learn how to control the thoughts inside your mind. If you're thinking of something you cannot put down because you fear if you make a the wrong move its going to cause trouble for you. Your life then gets turned upside down because of this event/experience that keeps going through your mind the ultimate choice is yours do you want to continue worrying and stressing? or do you want to find out what you're not good at and make things better for yourself. Don't allow confusion and negativity to run and take over your life.

      Mankind needing to survive in this world having to deal with all the problems which life throws at him. Throughout our lives we face a huge amount of problems they are easy and can get complicated and tough but with having the right attitude and positive we try to cope and manage with our lives. People are too scared to face the truth so they create a story to cover up what they don't want to reveal and talk about people live with so much locked up in their minds.






      Chapter 2: How To Behave


      Why Am I Behaving This Way?

      People are always saying things like "why is this happening to me?" its because of your behavior you have behaved in a way that has made this occur in your life. You have said or did something that has cause this situation to take place this is why you find yourself in this circumstance. Whether it was instigated by yourself or by others and you took part and/or you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our behavior begins by what we think and what we do so if we are thinking of СКАЧАТЬ