A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages. Black William
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Название: A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages

Автор: Black William

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664604477


СКАЧАТЬ 314 Anasarca, 317 Hydrocele, 318 The predisposing and occasional causes of dropsy, 320 Tympany, 322 Excess of fat and corpulency, 323 Female diseases, 324 The proportion of menstrual obstruction and excess, and of hystericks, to other diseases, 325 Morbid and irregular menstruation, including chlorosis, obstruction, suppression, 328 Uterine relaxation, including excessive menstruation and fluor albus, 330 Final cessation of menstruation, 334 Hystericks, 335 Childbed, the proportion of mortality, 339 Abortives and twins, the proportion, 340 Conception and pregnancy, 343 Parturition, natural, laborious, preternatural, and complex, 350 The principal diseases in consequence of pregnancy, and also after parturition, 362 Abortion and uterine hemorrhage, 366 Convulsions, 370 Irregularity of the lochia, comprehending excess, obstruction, and suppression, 371 Inflammation of the womb, 373 Puerperal fever, 375 After-pains, weed, milk fever, inflammation of the breasts, 378 Infant diseases, 380 The general causes of infant diseases, 383 Convulsions and inward spasms, 385 Dentition, 387 Rickets, 389 Thrush, 391 N. B. Their other diseases are before described, 392 Venereal disease, 393 Scurvy, 398 Scrofula, 403 Leprosy, 406 To the Reader: an apology for breaking off abruptly, 407 Executed, 408 Of the London bills of mortality; their defects; easy and important improvements recommended, 414


       Comparative View, &c.

       Table of Contents

       A Sketch of our Planet’s Station, Rotation, and Rank amongst the other Celestial Orbs; and of its Investing Elements:—of the Habitable Parts of our Planet: the Number of the Human Species, and their Division into various Classes, Genera, Groups, and Gradations: their Comparative Births.

      There are two methods of promoting Medical Knowledge: one by negative information, or criticisms on the numerous errors of preceding authors: the other by direct instruction, and improvement on former models. The first method is worn out in hackneyed chimes: the second is encumbered with infinitely more difficulties; and its merits paramount in the superlative degree. However unequal I have imposed upon myself the latter task. But, previous to the discussion of the general theme, it will conduce to order, and to the anticipation of explanatory digression and illustration, to glance at the station, rotation, and rank of our Parent Planet amongst the other celestial orbs; at its investing elements; and at the number, groups, and recruit of mankind. A navigator or historian, who undertakes the description of any island, kingdom, or continent, commences with their geographical outlines and climate, penetrating afterwards thorough a scrutiny of the inhabitants. Upon a similar, but more majestic model, our Introductory Preface is founded. Throughout the whole of this intricate, sublime, and inexhaustible subject, if I do not delay sufficient time to fix, I shall at least hope to start the reader’s attention to a variety of grand objects, inseparable from a comprehensive knowledge of Medicine; and of which I shall touch the fundamental keys and chords.
