A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages. Black William
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Название: A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages

Автор: Black William

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664604477


СКАЧАТЬ 172 Pulmonary phthisis, 174 Other species of consumption, 177 Asthma, 183 Dyspnœa and coughs, 190 Catarrh, 192 Hooping cough, 195 Croup, 198 Headach, 200 Night mare, 202 Apoplexy, 203 Lethargy, coma, and carus, 207 Vertigo, 209 Palsy, 210 Epilepsy, 212 Tetanus, 217 Spasms and cramps, 221 St. Vitus’s dance, ibid. Catalepsy and extacy, 222 Fainting and asphyxy, 223 Palpitation of the heart, 226 Polypus of the heart, internal aneurism, and ossification, 227 Hypochondriasm, 229 Insanity, 232 Diseases of the external senses, 251 Vision, 252 Hearing, 257 Smell, 258 Taste, ibid. Voice and speech, 259 Sterility of the sexes, ibid. Morbid irritability of the genitals, 260 Impediments in deglutition and manducation, 262 Diseases of the stomach and intestines, and organs of digestion, 263 Of the stomach, 268 Cholera morbus, 272 Dysentery, 274 Diarrhœa, 275 Colick, 277 Gall stones, 282 Jaundice, 284 Worms, 286 Hemorrhoides, 288 Vomiting of blood, 291 Poisons, 293 Hydrophobia, 294 P.S. Costiveness, and nasal hemorrhage, 297 Diseases of the urinary organs, 298 Inflammation, and calculi in the kidneys, 299 Inflammation, and calculi in the bladder, 301 Incontinence of urine, and diabetes, 305 Ulcers in the kidneys and bladder, and bloody urine, 307 Dropsy, 309 Of the brain and spine, 311 Thorax, 312 Abdomen, СКАЧАТЬ