A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages. Black William
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Название: A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages

Автор: Black William

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664604477


СКАЧАТЬ Irregularity of the Lochia ,

       Inflammation of the Womb

       Puerperal Fever ,

       After-Pains; Weed, Milk-Fever; Inflammation of the Breasts ,

       Infant diseases

       The general causes of Infant Diseases

       Convulsions, Inward Spasms, and Tetanus.




       A Miscellaneous group of diseases

       Venereal Disease.


       Scrofula ,




       Of the Institution of the London Bills of Births, Mortality, and Diseases; their Defects, besides those already pointed out; important and easy Improvements recommended.


The station and rank of our planet amongst the celestial orbs, 1
The solar system and stars, 3
The earth’s figure, magnitude, motion, 4
Of the moon, 7
The investing elements of the earth,
Heat and light, 8
Atmosphere and winds, &c. 10
Rain, snow, &c. 11
Electrical emanation, 12
The earth’s division into land and water, and into continents, 13
The situation of the human species upon the earth, 14
The number of the human species, 15
The multiplication of the human species, 19
The distinction of the human species into classes, 21
Mankind diversified by civilization, 22
The inhabitants of cities, towns, and country, constitute other groups of society, 24
The human species diversified by their ages, 25
The distinction of the sexes into male and female, form two important groups, 27
The comparative produce of marriages in city and country, 28
The general proportion of births to the mortality in various kingdoms, 30
The comparative births of males and females, 32
Of public registers, of births, burials, and diseases, 35 СКАЧАТЬ