A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages. Black William
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Название: A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages

Автор: Black William

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664604477


СКАЧАТЬ The primary orders of medical architecture not yet established, 37 The mortality of the human race in city and country, and from birth to the extreme of existence, 38 Of longevity, 43 Comparative mortality of males and females, 44 Comparative mortality of husband and wife, 45 Comparative longevity in the married and single state, 47 Comparative mortality of the seasons, 48 A general abstract of human mortality in city and country, and throughout the globe, 49 The probabilities or expectation of life, 51 A general chart of mortality in city and country, and in different kingdoms, 54, 55 The probable prospects or expectations of life at all ages, 55 Of the mortality by different diseases, 56 Of the London bills of mortality, 57 The chart of London diseases may serve as a general scale and index of diseases and casualties to Britain and Ireland, or to the whole globe; with exceptions: a sort of medical geometry and trigonometry, 60 The number and proportion of diseases not to be estimated by the mortality of each, 63 A medical catalogue of all the diseases and casualties by which mankind are destroyed or annoyed, 65 A chart of all the diseases and casualties in London, during 75 years, 64, 65 Of diseases in general, 70 Of the fatal epidemicks in England during two centuries; and comparison of sickly years in city and country, 72 Of fevers, 75 Intermittent fevers, 78 Remittent fevers, 84 Nervous and putrid fevers, 90 Inflammatory fever, 97 Small pox, 102 Measles, 111 Scarlet fever, 113 Plague, 115 Sweating sickness, 121 Of the predisposing and occasional causes of all the preceding fevers, 121 Of general febrile prognosticks, 127 Of the local phlogistic fevers, 133 Inflammation of the brain, 134 Angina, inflammatory and putrid, 136 Pulmonic inflammation, 142 Hepatic inflammation, 150 Inflammation of the stomach, 152 Erysipelas, 153 Rheumatism, acute and chronic, 155 Gout, 159 Internal suppuration and gangrene in the thorax and abdomen, 166 Diseases of the lungs and organs of respiration, 168 Pulmonary hemorrhage, СКАЧАТЬ