The Midnight Rake. Anabelle Bryant
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Название: The Midnight Rake

Автор: Anabelle Bryant

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781474024600


СКАЧАТЬ should not be a difficult task and in truth, your company in house will balm my mother’s concern for my sister. It does not signify she suggested Julia would benefit from the holiday. That fact remains inconsequential. Feel assured you’ve already returned the favor.”

      He neglected to add how it also prevented Maman from turning more attention to her only son. Other motivating factors were at work. His mother wished for grandchildren, despite he was not reticent in his announcement he’d no wish to settle down. It did not signify many of his closest friends had come to a pass in their usual roguish activities, and now either considered the parson’s mousetrap or pursued it with zeal. Devlin Ravensdale, Duke of Wharncliffe existed as a prime example of how utterly euphoric the right union could be. His friend Constantine Highborough, once a notorious scoundrel, was also ensconced in wedded bliss.

      But such relationships were rare and elusive; exceptions to the norm. His parents had more of an amicable friendship than a passionate love. His father spent most of his time traveling. Phin could easily recall childhood memories of vehement arguments recurring on a regular basis. Marriage presented a delicate balance of which he was not anxious to maneuver.

      He settled his eyes on Penelope. Apparently this lady’s heart was given. It made no difference despite she possessed a certain something that provoked his interest. His thoughts returned to their earlier collision and his body’s immediate reaction. With a sideways glance he assessed her adorably thoughtful pose. Not a classic beauty, she appeared more a wildflower, fresh in its simplicity. Those freckles, now they were entrancing to say the least. And her long eyelashes, a soft mahogany color, framed each of her green eyes creating such a distinct outline, one would have to be daft not to notice their alluring effect.

      He ignored the observations with a huff of impatience. Companionship and flirtatious endeavors withstanding, he sought nothing with permanence and this inconvenient attraction to Penelope was an unexpected irritation.

      She turned to him then, her gaze provoking an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. He shouldn’t have eaten so fast. Things were running in deuces. Penelope’s eyes held the same forlorn expression he’d left behind in Brighton; and her actions, tentative as her words, reminded him of the anxiety-ridden conversation he’d had with Julia before leaving to journey home. He needed to do something to remedy Penelope’s distress. Best confront the facts so the issue could be solved and dismissed.

      “Now here’s a bit of serendipity. Tomorrow evening the Pimbles are holding their annual masquerade. I normally dissolve into the night after I’ve attended for a reasonable amount of time, but I will endeavor to stay longer if you wish to initiate a few inquiries. With everyone’s face hidden behind a mask or domino, it will serve your purpose even if the gentleman you seek is covered in kind.”

      He could only explain his sudden enthusiasm to attend an organized function due to Penelope’s beguiling nature. Her factitious mixture of innocence and subterfuge piqued his curiosity.

      Penelope surrendered to a delighted clap before resting her hands in the skirt of her gown. The fabric looked worn and a little out of date, but he could never claim to be altogether current with fashion.

      “And once you locate this gentleman, will all your problems be solved?”

      Color drained from her cheeks. Apparently there remained more than she willingly revealed.

      “I…I suppose.” She resisted the words as she said them. Then dismissing her response, she clasped her palms together with enthusiasm. “Oh, a masquerade will be perfect. I don’t want him to see me, not now at least.”

      Perhaps she thought her words provided a sufficient answer because she reached for the last strawberry and took a dainty bite.

      “Pardon?” His eyes narrowed with speculative curiosity as she adroitly sidestepped his inquiry.

      “I would like to see what he’s doing and observe him unseen. We have much between us that needs to be settled.” She took another bite of the berry.

      Phineas recalled the convoluted thoughts of his sister and her friends whenever they fancied themselves in love, and dismissed Penelope’s reply without further consideration. If only Julia was home, she could be of better assistance. Relationships and their related nonsense were hardly his forte.

      “Well, we can talk about that later. I’ll need to know if this gentleman has committed you a wrong.”

      She gave an abrupt cough, choking on the last bite of fruit and recovering although a drip of juice dropped to her skirt. She glanced downward and muttered something under her breath.

      Phin pushed on. “I cannot protect you if you don’t allow me to know the circumstances.”

      It sounded like an ultimatum and he hoped she realized he sought to avoid putting her in harm’s way. She had already taken some reckless chances. He suspected she was either impetuous, desperate, or worse, a combination of both.

      “I can only tell you it is vital to my existence that I find this gentleman. I am grateful for any assistance as I’ve no one to depend on. My father passed months ago and my sister and I find ourselves unprotected and nearing dire straits.”

      Her words came out in a threadbare whisper and he hardly heard her, his mind otherwise occupied with the phrase vital to my existence. Relationships were dangerous. Never would he allow someone such a firm hold on his direction in life.

      Still he would help Penelope if possible. Why would the gentleman abandon her during this time of need? The only way to elucidate the answers would be to spend more time in her company. A task he would accept as duty, nothing more.

      Feminine chatter drew his attention to the walkway where Maman and Aubry appeared soon after. Glad for the additional company and the distraction the two could provide, he watched the three ladies converse in the waning afternoon sun, while his mind considered Penelope’s somewhat illogical explanation and false show of bravado. For as much as he could tell, she appeared a very scared young woman attempting to accomplish a nearly impossible task.

      Phineas pushed through the door of Tattersalls and into the crowd, packed front door to rear, a sense of anticipation and wealth heavy in the air. No mere coincidence brought him to the club. Like everyone else, he wished to see Lord Trumpington’s grey go up on the block. The auction promised to be the most anticipated bloodstock offering at the horse house in months. Not one to spare a pound to improve his stable, Phineas aimed to purchase the animal. With careful planning, his unexpected trip to Brighton hadn’t interfered. Waving his hand in greeting to a friend across the room, the two met at the doorway and walked further down the ramp toward the stable area.

      “Have you had a look, Dev?”

      Devlin Ravensdale, Duke of Wharncliffe was a venerable expert with horses of every kind. Phin hoped Devlin’s report proved pristine so he could proceed with the sale.

      “He’s remarkable, Phin. You’ll definitely want to win this auction. I haven’t seen a better example of horseflesh in the entire General Stud Book. As a direct descendant of one of the foundation sires, he’s a pure thoroughbred. If you weren’t so set on buying him yourself, I would steal him out from underneath you.”

      They chuckled and then, reconsidering, Phin dropped all humor. “No, you wouldn’t.” He eyed his friend sincerely. Devlin possessed enough money to buy Tattersalls, never СКАЧАТЬ