The Midnight Rake. Anabelle Bryant
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Название: The Midnight Rake

Автор: Anabelle Bryant

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781474024600


СКАЧАТЬ His mother trilled the words.

      Taking Aubry’s offered hand, he stifled another chuckle. “I am pleased to meet you. I hope you’ll be happy here while you visit, even if my mother has planned your life away.” Maman, one of the most determined people he knew, would enjoy spoiling Penelope and Aubry as substitute daughters.

      “It is wonderful to meet you. The Countess has shared the lessons she’s planned and I cannot be more excited.” Aubry eyed Victoria Betcham with adoration in her eyes. “She’s arranged for everything from academics to wardrobe. I feel as though my every wish has come true.” She nodded her head, her short wavy hair bobbing in agreement.

      Phineas noted Aubry’s exuberance, belatedly catching Penelope’s eye and the curious note of concern hidden there.

      “Let us eat. Cook has provided a delicious meal.” Lady Fenhurst took a step toward the garden, then turned back and nodded her head in his direction. “I neglected to mention Chef Pierre has agreed to join us. He should arrive by tomorrow evening.”

      Phin’s brows climbed in curiosity as he stepped behind the ladies on the walking path. “However did you manage to convince him? It’s a small miracle whenever you’ve coaxed Pierre to leave Paris, never mind take residence in our London townhouse.”

      Maman released an abrupt laugh. “He knows how much we enjoy his artistry in the kitchen. And too, he’s worth the price.”

      No need to inquire about the latter portion of that statement. His mother knew what she liked and what she wanted. There would be no changing her mind.

      Instead Phineas offered his hand to assist Penelope as she settled upon the flannel, but when he turned to do the same for Aubry, the gesture was lost, his mother having whisked the young girl toward the flowerbeds, their silhouettes disappearing among the yellow-throated roses. He sat down, chagrined, yet all too familiar with his mother’s whims.

      “Lady Rosebery.” Phineas offered her a plate. “We have been abruptly dismissed.”

      “I think you’re correct.” She returned an amiable smile. “It will be good for my sister to have some order in her life. As much as I regret to admit it, the past months have not been kind.”

      Phineas watched as she placed the china plate upon the blanket, adjusting it twice before she was satisfied. She turned her concentration to the silverware next. Could she be nervous? His eyes swept up her slight form, stalling to admire her hair as she gave the place setting her full interest. Sunlight reflected off the caramel waves shadowing her face. Lush lashes swept against her creamy soft skin and captured his attention. Good thing her eyes remained cast toward the silver or she might wonder what he was about, yet it was only subtle interest that held his attention.

      His mother best not have offered his assistance in whatever she’d schemed with the ladies. He clenched his teeth to evoke patience and then forced himself to relax. He was preoccupied with Julia’s issue and unwilling to invite further misery by way of female emotion. Still, congeniality would harm no one.

      “Please call me Phineas. After nearly knocking you over and now sharing a picnic, I would like us to become friends. We are living in the same house.” An unexpected emotion coursed through him as he said the words aloud and he reached up to tug at the too-tight knot in his cravat.

      “I know. This is more than I ever imagined.” Her admission, a beguiling mixture of whisper and awe, disappeared on a pleasant breeze. Then, as if riddled with uncertainty, she continued. “Phineas.”

      “Well, now that’s better.” He handed her a linen napkin, although his mind twitched with the question of why he liked the sound of his name in her voice. “Let’s eat, shall we?” The words came out stronger than necessary.

      He unwrapped the assortment of foods and strove for casual conversation. “Cook was generous. Clearly my mother is intent on strolling with Aubry this afternoon whereas I thought her famished.” His eyes followed the vacant path.

      He’d be damned if Maman was orchestrating another matchmaking episode; having grown wary of any situation involving an unmarried female due to his mother’s unrelenting desire to see him settled and producing offspring. Relationships were messy business.

       No wife, happy life.

      He silently repeated his mantra and with swift vigilance dismissed the unpleasant thought of Maman’s interference.

      “Thank you for this.” Penelope motioned to the plentiful food on the blanket. “It seems a long time since I’ve relaxed and forgotten my troubles.”

      The honesty of Penelope’s statement spoke straight to his heart and Phin found he could not drag his eyes from her. Realizing his ridiculous discomfiture, he forced his gaze to his plate. “Well then, please enjoy. I never need a second invitation to eat.”

      Penelope glanced at the man settled across the flannel. Dressed in a pale blue linen shirt and brown buck trousers, his casual repose was contagious. How unusual for her to feel at ease in the presence of a gentleman. The few instances when Simon initiated affection, she’d never experienced such calm. But then, she no longer trusted her intuition. A niggling voice reminded of her ineptitude in perceiving Simon’s true nature. Oh, she’d proved every kind of fool to believe herself in love with a pernicious thief.

      The stark comparison between Simon and the effortless eloquence across the blanket caused her breath to catch. Phineas genuinely cared for his mother and showed consideration beyond his own wishes. From their shared time in the hallway earlier, a picnic in the garden seemed his least preferred activity for the afternoon, yet he couldn’t be more charming if he tried.

      Light reflected in his amber eyes and the shimmer of sunlight that glinted on a stray lock of hair adrift in the breeze gave her heart a little hiccup. She had not described Phineas with accuracy when discussing his appearance with Aubry. Her sister would be setting her to rights. Viscount Fenhurst was a downright pleasure, easily the most handsome man she’d ever laid eyes on.

      He may have wondered at her silence because he leaned a little closer, his dark brows aloft in question. She sighed as she experienced the full force of his notice.

      “Is everything alright?”

      His voice evoked feelings of security, a condition that had escaped her life for almost a full year. His chin angled strong and dependable, his nose equally fine, and his golden-hued eyes were fathomless as if one could fall in and get lost in his gaze forever. She forced herself to concentrate on the question and cease admiring his remarkably good looks.

      With a firm mental reprimand, Penelope swallowed a threat of emotion. No longer would she allow sentiment to label her a fool. It would be best if she spoke of the weather or some other subject having nothing at all to do with rugged handsomeness and a charming cleft in the chin. She’d been a small child the last time she’d enjoyed a picnic on the lawn. Straightening her shoulders, she formulated a mundane reply. “This is lovely.”

      “As are you,” he replied without hesitation. “Now, what is it that brings you to London?”

      She smiled at the compliment while Phineas retrieved two glasses from the basket along with a bottle of claret. “I’ve traveled in hope of finding someone. It is a matter of great importance.” She strove to keep her tone cheerful; noting the quaver in her voice likely sabotaged her attempt at congeniality. Reaching across the blanket, she accepted a glass of wine.

      “I’ve СКАЧАТЬ