The Midnight Rake. Anabelle Bryant
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Название: The Midnight Rake

Автор: Anabelle Bryant

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781474024600


СКАЧАТЬ every invitation. I can see this matter is of great importance. It reminds me of my sister Julia. She too is seeking to solve a problem.”

      “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is your sister unwell?” Penelope filled her plate with food. There were all sorts of wonderful things to eat, choice bits she hadn’t tasted in months, their meager savings allowing only the bare essentials. And there were strawberries. She did love strawberries.

      “Yes, Julia will be fine.” He offered her a scone before continuing. “She’s in Brighton now, but I’m hoping she’ll return home soon.”

      Penelope detected a note of sadness in his words. Clearly, the matter troubled him. Her initial impression, that he possessed a genuine kindness, strengthened. She darted a glance to where he relaxed, noting he’d piled his plate high; his hearty appetite indicating they shared something in common.

      “It sounds like the cause of my own distress, but then I suppose it’s a long road that doesn’t have a turn.” She took a bite of her food. “May I ask your opinion?” Her words held the smallest note of uncertainty. She hardly knew the man before her, yet he expressed such sympathy for his sister’s plight, she could not help but trust him.

      His brows slashed low over his eyes as if he wasn’t sure how to answer, then he made quick work of a reply. “It would be my honor.” He paused to take a sip of his wine. “Be assured I am a veritable vault when it comes to secrets.”

      His response was everything Penny needed to hear and she raised her wine for a fortifying sip before beginning her discreet confession. She included a respectful verisimilitude, editing when necessary to keep true the promise she’d made with Aubry to find Simon Maddock and force his repentance for wrongdoing; even if it meant embarrassment and exposure in the process. In truth, they had little choice. Money was running out no matter how parsimoniously they lived.

      Of course, she had no one to blame for their hardship but herself. She’d pleaded with her father to release her dowry and entrust their savings to Simon’s promise of profitable wealth. Yet no such investments existed; at least none her father’s solicitors could secure in any London bank.

      “Allow me to understand.”

      Phineas finished a second serving of food and reclined on the blanket, his arms a support as he leaned backward, his long legs crossed at the ankles. Her pulse hitched a notch under the penetrating scrutiny of his amber stare.

      “You wish to find a specific gentleman in London, although you won’t reveal his name. When he is located, you want to speak to him in private and the why of it, you also will not share. Is this correct?”

      Penelope found it increasingly difficult to answer. Did he consider her request foolish? No matter the questions racing through her mind, she couldn’t break the hold of his speculative stare. He reminded her of a lion, tawny and regal, reposed, yet powerful. With a nervous swallow she reordered the path of her thoughts. Nothing but trouble was found the last time she opened her heart to emotion. She would need to be much smarter in the future.

      “Stated like that it does sound a little far-fetched.” She placed her empty plate on the blanket and smoothed the crumbs from the skirt of her day gown. The faded fabric was hopelessly out of fashion. She wondered what Phineas thought of her appearance accompanied with her incredulous explanation. But no, he did not seem put off with her confession, only curious.

      “Shall I clarify a bit more?” If he detected the compunctious tone of her voice, he was polite enough not to comment. More the pity she could never tell him the complete truth, but she would be mortified to reveal she’d been disgracefully left at the altar and made penniless in the same afternoon. He would think her impetuous at the least, unworthy at the worst and for some unidentifiable reason, the thought of Phineas establishing a lowered opinion shot a pulse of panic through her.

      “I’m all ears.”

      Did he merely humor her? He smiled and his face transformed from serene and inquisitive, to breathtakingly handsome in a heartbeat.

      She cleared her throat with a small sound. “I’m seeking this man because he’s left me little choice but to do so. It is a matter of the utmost importance. Life and death one could even claim.” She let out a regretful sigh and cast her eyes downward. How embarrassing to be put in this situation. Simon’s actions were despicable and she’d happily see him drawn and quartered for the hurt he’d perpetuated on her family.

      She raised her hand and gently placed it over her heart, remorse and regret causing her palm to tremble. Still as her emotions threatened to overtake her, she vowed to stop her foolish weeping and locate the man who had brought about their ruin. Without a doubt, he deserved not one tear.

      Penelope appeared deeply troubled. When she laid her hand across her breast unable to form the words she’d given her heart to the gentleman she sought, it felt as though someone punched him in the stomach and Phineas couldn’t fathom why the admission would strike him with such intensity. It could only be the comparison to Julia’s condition.

      He wondered at Penelope’s circumstances. She ate like she’d never seen food before and the observation urged the corner of his smile upward. How he detested females who spoke of nothing but maintaining their figure and, in turn, nibbled like a mouse, one berry or half a scone on their plate. He stole another glance, settling the heat of his gaze on her mouth in wait of the conversation.

      Her lips were absolute perfection and a lovelier shade of pink he’d never seen. The sleek curves and delectable plumpness formed the most delicious little bow; although she did not look overfed. Quite the opposite. Did Penelope suffer from lovesickness, unable to eat because of her broken heart? Clearly there was much he needed to learn. One thought remained resolute, he would not play the role of paladin. This was Maman’s problem to solve.

      “My mother could escort you to a few functions if it would offer the opportunity to learn the whereabouts of the gentleman in question. Not only would it be a safer arrangement than attempting the endeavor alone,” Phineas lowered his voice to emphasize the rest of his statement, “and I do not intend to sound braggadocio, but it would gain you entrance to the most sought-after invitations. My family is ever popular with the ton.”


      The one syllable expressed pure disappointment, and it didn’t take much logic to decipher the situation. “I assume my mother has already offered my services.”

      He disliked the idea of spending more time in Penelope’s company, notwithstanding her heart belonged to another. He’d no use for serious relationships and the emotion involved. The entire situation evoked anger more than anything else. He’d had his fill of Maman’s meddling. His eye caught a small movement on the blanket and he flicked away an intrusive spider, annoyed he’d found himself in the middle of his mother’s manipulation.

      “Would you do that for me? It’s all I desire.” Penelope’s eyes lit with sincere gratitude while her incredulous tone eased his temperament. “If you’d gain me entry to the more refined ton socials, I would be most thankful. I don’t want my troubles to become yours. I simply wish for the opportunity to resolve them myself.”

      How very brave and interesting. Her words spoke of a determination he never would have detected in her sweet, unassuming countenance. This stranger’s reason for losing contact with Penelope ought to prove a good one. Why else wouldn’t someone spend time with the delightful creature in front of him? While he rarely intruded on personal matters, he would detest the effort were he to locate the man only to discover he effectuated a threat. Not one to raise his СКАЧАТЬ