The Midnight Rake. Anabelle Bryant
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Название: The Midnight Rake

Автор: Anabelle Bryant

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781474024600


СКАЧАТЬ trust affection again or forever be alone with her regrets. Unable to formulate a suitable response to her sister’s argument, the silence in the room became deafening.

      “When we find him, we will report him to the authorities. We will see the devil punished for his deceit.”

      Penelope remained silent, her sister’s words nothing more than a child’s innocence although at present they had no choice.

      “It will be no easy task, but I vow to see it done.” Penelope’s answer hardly disguised her promise full of doubt. How could two gently bred ladies, two impoverished gently bred ladies, somehow locate, ensnare and report the blackguard when few resources and little proof of his deception existed aside from a collection of false promissory notes and a few poorly written love letters? The tightly bound pile of papers caused her distress whenever she glanced in their direction. She only kept them for the far chance they could somehow prove Simon’s malicious intentions.

      “One thing is certain. We’ll need some way to connect Simon to the theft otherwise even if we do find him it will all be for naught.” They sat in pensive silence until Penelope placed her hand atop her sister’s and offered a gentle squeeze. “Mother’s cameo. If Simon has it, there will be no denying his crimes. No one could feign ignorance or mistaken possession if the uniquely carved brooch were found.”

      Their mother’s heirloom cameo, meant to be a gift upon Penelope’s wedding day, would be the single truth needed to prove Simon’s guilt. What type of man leaves his bride waiting at the altar while he burglarizes her parents’ home?

      “He really is a horrible man.” Aubry exhaled a despairing sigh.

      Penny nodded agreement. Much to her unease, she harbored some undecipherable sentiment for the man. The wretched inability to extinguish her misplaced emotions ate at her sensibility. Anger, resentment, sadness and affection, intermingled with restless confusion to cloud her judgment and swamp her with self-doubt.

      “I’m sure he traveled to London. He spoke of it often. At the time he meant to impress me with his mention of high society, but it would be easier to get lost in a large city. How else could he spend our savings and move about undetected? I dare to think the Rosebery name is remembered as the most laughed about name among the ton.” Penelope shuddered with the admittance, her eyes flitting to the bed’s coverlet where she idly traced the floral embroidery with her fingertip. “Still here we are, left with no other option but to welcome the scandalous embarrassment if we’re discovered.”

      “Oh, I’m not so sure.” Her sister’s voice rose on a sharp note. “In London, scandal is common. It’s more likely the Rosebery name can be vaguely recalled but not linked to any particular incident,” Aubry replied with certainty, even though today was her first day in the city.

      Penelope speared her sister with narrowed eyes. “I dare say that’s wishful thinking. I wouldn’t be surprised if people referred to any gentleman’s jilt as a ‘Rosebery’ after reading of the incident in the gossip rags.” She managed a wry smile. It wasn’t that she thought herself important, as the mortification of being left at the altar in front of the entire village and the duplicity of Simon’s deceitful actions cured her of that illusion; it was more she could not fathom who wouldn’t discuss such a scandal in an attempt to teach offspring prudence in their affections.

      “I disagree. Cousin Elizabeth’s letters haven’t contained a single suspicious question.” Aubry’s expression grew indignant. “And even though we neglected mentioning Father’s death, her voracious curiosity would persist if she were to hear even a hint of scandal attached to the Rosebery name.”

      “You make a good point. It would be terribly difficult for Elizabeth to stifle her inquisitive nature notwithstanding it saved our reputation. I know it’s wrong to exclude Elizabeth and her family concerning Father’s death, but what choice do we have?” Penelope hemmed her bottom lip in worry. “Our scandal would become hers. I would never wish to mar her favorable status with my impetuous engagement to Simon, nor the horrid circumstances it wrought.” Penelope lifted the teapot to refill her cup and then changed her mind and replaced it on the tray. Even the smallest decision felt overwhelming.

      Lady Elizabeth Bretton portrayed the idyllic picture of aristocratic perfection. Her cousin wrote of making a splash in London, embraced by the most desired social circles. Penelope never minded her status of country cousin until now when the division of weal and woe grew so veracious. She glanced to Aubry, a familiar expression of concern mirrored in her eyes. “And let’s not forget the irascible situation with cousin Carrick.”

      “How could I? The very idea causes my stomach to wretch and it is you who would be forced to marry our cousin.” Aubry’s repellent tone equaled Penny’s ill ease.

      Elizabeth’s brother Carrick had asked for Penelope’s hand twice before her dramatic collision with ruin. If Carrick knew she currently lived in such a pitiful manner without the supervision of her father, he would swoop in and force the marriage claiming familial responsibility and financial security. Penelope held no doubt her aunt would support the decision, no matter the thought caused Penny’s stomach to roil.

      She walked to the window and glanced at the sunbathed gardens below. As of today, she held renewed hope everything would change. She’d arrived in London under the protection of Lady Fenhurst, and the opportunity to find Simon and recover her family funds seemed never more attainable. She would not allow the opportunity to slip away.

      “So is Viscount Fenhurst handsome? You never answered me.”

      Aubry’s question broke through Penelope’s reflective thoughts. Cured of giddy daydreams, she would be hard pressed to deny her sister the luxury of hopeless romanticism. Viewing the expectant look on Aubry’s face, she recovered her laughter and relented with an easy smile before sitting beside her on the bed.

      Viscount Fenhurst was handsome. Very handsome. Their accidental brush convinced her thoroughly of that. My goodness when they collided, it was as if she’d walked into a stone wall. Who would have guessed fishing could develop such a hard muscular frame? If only she had met him a year ago instead of that horrid scoundrel Simon. How different her circumstances might be now.

      Phineas found Maman and her guests within the wooden gazebo, the three a pastoral amongst the last roses of summer. He smiled, knowing his mother would enjoy having the ladies in house. How long would they be visiting? Would Julia have the opportunity to make their acquaintance? He’d overheard his mother arranging appointments from seamstresses to assorted tutors for Aubry’s lessons. Poor Jenkins. Phin stifled a laugh. It would appear both sisters meant to stay an extended period of time. If nothing else, life was proving unpredictable of late. With hope his mother’s intrusive arrival would not disrupt life overmuch.

      “I knew we possessed the loveliest gazebo in London.” Phin took the two steps as one and entered. Conversation stopped as attention shifted in his direction. He lingered on the glittering green interest longer than was proper, recalling their earlier collision with full force.

      “Phineas, you startled us.”

      His mother rushed forward with the admonishment and clasped his hands. Phin flicked his eyes skyward before taking a step back in an attempt to release her hold.

      “Penelope and Aubry were keeping me company as we awaited your arrival. The ladies are all settled in.”

      He glanced at the two sisters, similar СКАЧАТЬ