A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid. Аlmaz Braev
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СКАЧАТЬ of Stalin, because they are sure that only executions and labor camps solve the problem of theft). Is there a Chinese saying like “a Holy place is never empty”? Most likely there is something similar. It can not be, in order to stimulate actions. On the other hand the Chinese great leap and cultural revolution somewhat repeated in a reduced form the Soviet repression and struggle against the enemies of the people. Such events are possible only if the masses of the rural population find themselves in cities and create a stream of popular (rural, traditional) radicalism from their flow. The cult of personality and any deification is associated with ignorance and the need to serve it. However, the Chinese repressions “strike at headquarters” next to Stalin’s are ridiculous. Stalin and Mao, as a couple, did not actually fight with thieves but with rivals. Just the struggle of any leader finds echoes in the mass heart of the people. And he uses his power to promote this love – cult. Being in power at this moment is the most important thing. Only for this reason our losers (Kamenev and Zinoviev) rushed to challenge the championship, hoping that it would be easier to continue. The main thing in the traditional world is to take power. Then the power will work for the leader. (On the other hand it is more difficult to remove such a leader and therefore only in a deeply traditional peasant people, the rulers do not resign but leave for physical reasons, in other words they die in office).


      Zerefs are community people whose behavior conforms to stringent standards. Taboo, morality, law. Their reflection is zero; therefore their reflexes are rigidly set by the community, authorities, and law.

      Remids are people of honor. Their reflection is average, and they are a conditional elite and conditional authority directing the members of the community – the zerefs.

      Refags represent the highest form of reflection, that of tradespeople. Selfish reflection aimed at making profit from underdeveloped or traditional people.



      Buddhists do not have theft and freebies because of the success of reforms

      “It can be said that a person will find agreement with the deities and the Buddha if his heart is straight and calm, if he himself will honestly and sincerely respect those who are above him, and show compassion to those who are below him, if he will consider the existing as existing, and the non – existent as non-existent, and accept things as they are. And then a person will find the protection and protection of the deities, even if he does not perform prayers. But if he is not straight and sincere, the sky will leave him, even if he prays every day”

      Hojo Gagauz

      There are two reasons why China did not liberalize public and political life as the Soviet leaders did. First: the founder of Communist China and the Marxist peasant movement of the same name, Chairman Mao, led the people’s Republic of China for a very long time. So long that if the founder of the USSR, Lenin had lived an equal length of life, the country would not have seen either Stalin or Khrushchev at the helm – the main actors of Stalinism and the thaw. This means that there would be no repression and personality cults typical of the zeref (peasant) leadership style. There would be no Moscow trials, no persecution by the entire ideological apparatus of the USSR (with a huge budget) of the second leader of the revolution, Trotsky, after Lenin. It is even possible that the Second World war would not have happened, but there would have been a world revolution with a series of coups in the likeness of the modern orange Maidan. And of course there would not have been a demarche of the two unfortunate ambitions of Zinoviev Kamenev, who fell the first victims of the Stalinist struggle for power. This means that modern corrupt regimes might not exist either, if Lenin had the health of a bull. Rampant theft and embezzlement of money by the highest elite of all possible republics, too, might not have happened, because Lenin’s “cook” in the face of the army, trained and educated zeremids, would have been under the control of a reflexive and not shot as a kind of intelligentsia.

      And yet, why is there no such proverb in China?

      A holy place is never empty. Is it because the main ideological base of the inhabitants of the middle Kingdom is tradition? And its most important Foundation is Confucian morality?

      What is Confucianism?

      This is a strict adherence to paternalistic ethics. First of all, submission to the state, then reverence for the father and parents and the third condition is respect for the elders. Yes, it seems to be true. For Confucians, brought up in the spirit of respect for the old, the state of the Emperor is something like a deity. How can you steal from God? However not everything is so rosy. China has made a rapid radical leap from an agrarian society to an urbanized industrial one. This means that the population is mixed. No one can monitor ethical standards. This means that it is very difficult for people from their deep villages and from the poor to resist material temptations. Evidence of this is public executions of corrupt officials. There are not enough of them, corrupt officials, they are not so echeloned, they have not penetrated like rust into all authorities and society, but they are there. More like exceptions against the backdrop of a rising giant economic monster.

      And yet, during the cultural revolution and the struggle with its consequences in addition to the overthrow of defense Minister Lin Biao in 1974, there was such a poster: “Criticize Lin Biao, criticize Confucius – this is now the most important thing for the Party, the army and the people. Young schoolchildren and students red guards or” guards"Mao protected the chief from all party leaders and prominent intellectuals, teachers who were much older than their executioners and rapists. In other words, the revolution and Mao’s experiments in remaking consciousness were not in vain.

      What is the secret that Chinese, Korean, Singaporean, and Japanese officials do not steal? I list not only ethnic Han Chinese, Chinese from Singapore and Malaysia, but also Koreans and Japanese – all participants in the Southeast Asian miracle.

      Japanese Shintoism preaches no less an ethic of honoring the Emperor and the elders (all peoples of today’s Christians and Muslims of different faiths have reverence for the elders). But Japanese Shintoism differs in that it is very close to liberal norms-here and now. Life is short, but you need to live – help me kami (spirits).

      Finally came the moment to explain why the leaders of the Soviets Zinoviev and Kamenev made an attempt to take the wrong path and thus confused the Soviet way (Tao). Not because they were ill-bred nonconformists, any revolutionary is a subverter of the foundations, but not in the case of his party comrade Trotsky. They acted on the principle of I will take that badly lies and the Holy place is empty does not happen – very popular (also tradition) councils of the people. But the point is that both of these fellow leaders were not… enlightened.

      Who is such a teacher, who is such a bodhisattva, and finally, who is a Buddha? This is a very rare example of a large and small chariot! No follower of Buddhism, that is, no disciple or just a visitor to the temple will attempt to take the place of the Buddha. That’s why Buddhists don’t have impostors. But anyone can be a Buddha! The place of an enlightened teacher is a Holy place. That is why power is not needed by anyone who does not feel that he is achieving enlightenment. In plain language Buddhists have an ethical norm in relation to the chosen people-geniuses. They will never take power as a thing that doesn’t lie well. Hence, all the reforms in the countries of South – East Asia are doomed to success.