A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid. Аlmaz Braev
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СКАЧАТЬ chose not the bespectacled Trotsky, but Stalin). But whoever is responsible will not necessarily be the real enemy. He will look more like a victim, reminding you with all his pathetic appearance that he is the victim of blind, angry people.



      There may be an opinion that the traditional system is omnivorous, that it is capable of implantation. This is true. It is capable of implantation. It is like a chameleon taking the right shape. But inside it remains the same traditional system. In other words the traditional people cannot live without hierarchy. Whatever system the zerefs create and whatever they call it, they will still create a hierarchy where there will be a commanding elite and despicable subordinates. They can’t do without it. It is very difficult to explain what this is related to. Maybe with the climate, maybe something else accompanies the heaviest conditions of life, which necessarily needs a leader and his people the discipline of the community. But traditional people wherever they gather and wherever they move under the influence of need, hunger, in a new place they will again live as before and nothing will change. It has already been said that all the time there is an invisible central spine and all the other circles are strung on it. You can live under a natural product exchange relationship, you can consume under capitalism, you can learn under socialism, even under democracy, this Central core will stand here and there. But no one sees him. Although everyone inside will be fine. The high priests will be painted in the colors of the elite, the rest will stand in rank as if they are about to rush into battle again right now.

      It’s all about what the next quality will be central. If under feudalism it is the gentility and subordination of the nobility by blood, under socialism the ability to remember and adopt words and slogans from revolutionaries then under capitalism, when in General the traditional people do not know the meaning of money all zerefs will start speculating. Yes, so that they will overtake their teachers in rigidity and cynicism. Authoritative capitalists will be surprised and revolutionaries will turn over in their coffin, why do these people have so much rigidity towards their own, namely their own? And when were traditional, crypto-traditional and post-traditional people sensitive to each other? In the family group the relatives will see everything and will not allow it: they will punish for callousness, for non-participation, for disrespect, that is, there are witnesses nearby. The traditional person was always visible in front of the community. Under feudalism zeref must observe the norms of community morality, under socialism morality tripled by slogans generally put more pressure on zeref than the pressure of relatives. Under capitalism this triple pressure has disappeared. Triple! And immediately cut off – it’s time to build a new hierarchy. And who of the same people will move just like that? Give way. Will he want to stand at the bottom and train his eyes on the forehead? From above there is always pressure and violence, scolding – in fact, everything is the same traditional, without the sentimentality of civilization. From below, execution and sensitivity with eyes on the forehead. Hence the cruelty of banks – these instances or other forms that are traditional substances in themselves. Who is sitting in banks? —the Zerefs. That is, their own. And we know that zerefs needs to rise quickly, if not already risen, that is the same traditional people. And traditional people always just push. On their own kind exactly the same people, but unfortunately lower status. If in the natural era there were all sorts of heroes, warriors, now in the realm of money, these heroes and warriors are the most cruel, heartless speculators. They don’t see relatives and don’t look for any kinship. They just push and belittle. Discipline in the name of discipline. This is the law of survival. So it was and so it remains.

      Where did it go?

      All the people are scattered in the cities. But what kind of people are they? What do they profess? What values are recognized? How quickly and clearly they imitate other people’s forms, but immediately remain themselves.

      If we look at the ranks of officials and see that the ranks of the chosen were not recruited for professionalism, then we will definitely indicate that this is a traditional group of pseudo – warriors. They are not well adapted for real combat conflicts, so they have a very strange appearance, but for privatization, for example, this type and, most importantly, the quality of candidates will be optimal. We never forget that the core of the tradition is already at the very center and circles are strung on it one after another, one on top of the other. The right people in the system are only required to remain silent and run errands just like in war. On the other hand each chief Executive will choose exactly the same silent relative – the same necessary anachronism of tradition, at the very end it is just as suitable as at the very top, only at the top while the form is observed and at the bottom immediately there is no form. At the bottom everything is simple: if you can’t cope, if you don’t arrange it, go for a walk. Thus, the entire market system is created on the traditional (military, paramilitary, crypto-military) basis and there is no place for others, alien, dangerous and incomprehensible in this system. Although this is no longer a system of primitive warriors, it is already a system, a socio-economic formation. Even such a state. Consists only of a form. The institutions of the state seem to exist but the content is old, feudal.

      How was it overcome a little, so that each chief Executive did not choose his own shadow?

      Under socialism, there was of course rotation, so that one official did not create a circle of “friends”. In fact, under capitalism this problem of acquaintances is solved by the same change of leaders, only have time to mix them. But all of them were selected for privatization and distribution of benefits, that is, they are not relatives, people are not really relatives, they are a kind of relatives, they are almost a medieval order. And do not forget for a minute about the central spine. A stranger, a man from the street, is not allowed in such an order. Yes, to such an extent that they immediately have time to agree. But in general, the hierarchy has already been established. Actually, she lived here. But in culture. And people of a select circle are extremely reluctant to choose their assistants from nowhere, unverified but still there are elevators.

      What kind of abilities do you need to have to please the new elite?

      It seems to be capitalist and always talks about a new round of mimicry – about democracy. But there is still the same traditional one, where there is no criticism, there is discipline and few people can say bad things about it (about power). After all, if they start talking about it, about democracy, about rights, these next ambitious people, the faster the whole system with the center and circles will fall apart. But why would it fall apart? To gather again on the same prohibitions and respect for the elders (by position). There is no doubt that such a system will come together again. And the more people talk about their commitment to the old, to the precepts of their ancestors and similar folklore, the sooner this old structure will gather, despite the new fashion, however. After all, traditional people, although they look like adherents of the old and talk about precepts, in fact at the same time are the most ridiculous, but zealous imitators of world fashion. Because to create a primitive hierarchy (by blood), you need to go through all the circles of rebirth back with the search for these same people of famous blood. It always sounds beautiful in words. In fact, the people of the past ruined nobles went through many battles to subdue exactly the same freedom-loving zerefs of the past. And under capitalism, the set also occurred and many drank the joy of large (no matter how received) money. After all, the goal is everything and the means are nothing. This law sounds invisible sounds, creating new circles around the Central spine (the core of hierarchy) Whatever you build, I will, “this rod says. Whatever you talk about at feasts, corporate parties, hangouts or just because of swagger and bragging, about the great past or bright present, next to you the same I – your core, your culture.


      By the СКАЧАТЬ