A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid. Аlmaz Braev
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СКАЧАТЬ But both were already ill with the eternal disease of the russian intellectual self-eating as a habit of intellectuals.

      It is worth mentioning that the leaders of the two left-wing revolutionary factions-the social revolutionaries and the bolsheviks-Kerensky and Lenin were the sons of provincial noblemen.

      What were they missing? The truth? Justice? Or victories on the Russian-German front? Although, most likely, victories. But for the lack of victories for pride there is something else that no one can understand or see.

      The traditional regime anyone builds a rigid social pyramid. Although the founders of any pyramid want to stay at the top with their offspring they are also interested in having more or less intelligent guys trickle up, so that there is less mess and fuss. At least for now. If you only recruit Executive jerks to the top, then the mess and fuss will be more than the cases themselves. But all the same each part of the pyramid wants to legitimize its rights to a place for centuries, that is, to remain at the top forever and that no upstart will take the place of his children, who will receive the father’s place, rank and rank by inheritance. It would seem that all the dethroners of Nicholas II got all the career opportunities and fulfilled their desires. They grew up almost from the bottom. But still there was something wrong with it. Desires fulfilled but the internal is what the worms have left. And these worms are the rings of tradition. No matter how you twist these rings and no matter how you break them, they will still shrink. They will shrink the way they should. And tradition always wants ossification, wants to stagnate. Hence the eternal recurring periodically stagnation in the traditional world, which change to the same sharp revolutionary explosions.

      What do people always lack at all times in the hierarchy? And what is missing is a higher rank and everyone is missing completely. (Many former Soviet citizens know that jeans, Coca – Cola, and gum have nothing to do with it. Only children of the party elite wore american jeans and chewed gum. Here is how comically the plebeian craving for elitism, which in tsarist times was expressed by suits, buttons and collars, has shown itself – each class of officials has its own coat collar!).



      In a hierarchical community, if you fall down, no one needs you. At the bottom everyone looks at the conditional top. In this form traditional society is like a frog or toad, seeing all the blue sky, but not the slime of a swamp or the fungus from the bottom of a well. The conventional frog or toad does not care about the simplest life under your feet. Here is so, fallen from above down, still will be visible during the fall, even fractions of seconds but this will be the last the last picture and further nonexistence. Every celestial knows this. And he knows that they are not watching frogs, they are just similar in the direction of their eyes and attention. The fall itself will be sweet to all. Because no one wants to fall at the top. He wants to die quietly on the top. Even better with honor. To be carried out feet first. And this is still the case.

      I don’t know if I explained the reason for refusing to voluntarily leave the government in essence but there is something in this for another problem in the same area.

      The fact is that as soon as the coveted first place is released, many people rush in that direction, including those who do not deserve to be at the peak. That is, everyone strives for power with every fiber of the traditional soul. But why do applicants behave so irresponsibly because we know that traditional people are the most responsible in the world? They are always responsible for their actions to society. Before the father, before the brothers, before the conscience of the ancestors and glory. But that doesn’t stop anyone. Is it because those same toad eyes don’t judge winners but wait. Who should bow down and bring some of their harvest. Everyone is already waiting to see who will sit on the top to take their vegetables from the garden or the carcasses of game from the hunt. The trays are ready, the backs of the obsequious servants are already bent in greeting the new boss. The toad’s eyes stared at it. The main thing is to get in there.

      What is the reason for the same unscrupulousness of revolutionaries, that they forget that they are not climbing ahead of their talents? Isn’t it with the same toad eyes of tradition?

      And I’m sorry, what kind of revolutionaries are unscrupulous?

      If these revolutionaries came from the traditional world the traditional community, then the tradition itself explains it all. These same revolutionaries know very well that a society with eyes only looking up recognizes power. Any power even an alien one. It is necessary to take power. And then you can do whatever you want with this crowd. History is full of examples when not the best ones outstripped the more worthy and gifted ones in the struggle for power. But on your own head. Of course, the unworthy bypassed the worthy not always but at a time when there was no direct danger. Otherwise, no unworthy person will take the risk. It was at the moment when the upstart was left alone with his more worthy opponent, surrounded by the traditional people, the ignorant crowd, that he could have every chance to seduce the crowd to take power. Because the danger has disappeared there is no risk, no need for great talents. We only need to deal with populism. Flatter right and left. Seduce with your kindness and simplicity. Promise mountains of gold. Yell as in the jungle “We are of the same blood!” The crowd itself does not like bright ones. She likes simple people like herself. She will choose her own kind in the image and likeness – out of vanity.



      The traditional man has eyes on his forehead. To see movement at the top. Because he doesn’t watch what’s going on below, he can jump in any direction just like that. If he hurts someone like that, he will apologize. But this is because at this moment others are apologizing. If they do not observe the culture of respect then they will not respect themselves because everyone who jumps to the side, back, or side is themselves. And he’s the one who gets jumped on. And he loves himself, though he doesn’t respect him. Well, in what way does he respect you? If he did not respect or pretend to respect himself under the influence of his own kind of jumpers, he would despise himself as he despises any lowered person. And no authorized and highly respected person in any way wants to fall, lose power, so that the eyes on the forehead of such traditional people stop looking at him. But each time someone jumped from above, from the side, though from where, and at the same time did not always apologize for the attack. In general superiority in the traditional community is important including to get rid of random hit-and-run attacks, so that fewer people step on their feet. They all have, once again, eyes on their foreheads. So obliges hierarchy or culture to simply say subordination. There will be power, there will be no attacks.

      In addition, the traditional people circle around the Central core which no one sees but everyone knows that it is there. All people with eyes on the forehead are strung on this rod by invisible pins but they manage to jump sideways and sideways, but still without falling or rising above the border of the invisible pin, where they draw a line where they can not jump. They jump around the pin at a certain level, so that someone from below does not jump to them on the level and at this time jumping to the side and to the sides a little higher, jump to the side and to the sides to jump on the insolent from the lower conditional level. A superior easily shits on a subordinate. And the subordinate is silent or says thank you. An attack on the feet is the same signal that the next step will be on the head. According to the same principle, heads fly from below or more precisely, those creatures with eyes on their foreheads that have lost the sense of jumping (sense of proportion). Although it may be during the jumps to the side, to the sides, forward and back but at their level, they are well fed (relatively speaking, enriched). But they fell. This means СКАЧАТЬ