A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid. Аlmaz Braev
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СКАЧАТЬ of outcasts. In order not to fall into the cast of outcasts all those who fall from a height quickly move (jump away with all their strength) to another space where there is no Central rod on which all the jumpers are strung together. And since jumps are often accelerated as if everyone is trapped in a tight space, traditional people always feel that the space around them is narrowing, sometimes panic jumps begin at any level, so people with eyes in the middle do not get to the top. That is, normal people. Let’s call them conditionally talented because their view is somewhat broader. But if the view increases it means that they are not so sensitive to movements from above and jumps from the side. Hence their non-viability and the explanation that they can not get to the top in any way, although the selection is not for jumping but for the eyes on the forehead. Sensitive, sighted, yielding, flattering, but still with eyes on their foreheads. There can even get zerefs from other pyramids with a Central hierarchical core, that is, even from another nation, but the mandatory strict condition is eyes on the forehead. And increased sensitivity of the skin. For jumping sideways and sideways, no one ever stops for a second. So that traditional people whose eyes began to see around, that is, in their own way, the talented did not get higher, conditionally climbed from above, try to also shit or to make a vile, smiling maliciously. That is, they see that they are inferior in the survey, but they know that in this world the selection is made by other eyes. Let them be oblique, large-tuft, narrow, blue, brown, but still they should be on the forehead. But they will still cheat and shit unnoticed, because they initially consider themselves higher. In some families where the sons have a slightly different view of things, and we are talking here about traditional families, where the fathers of the family all the time with the installation that their eyes are always in place and they are always right (the fathers are always right), will correct this deviation of the eyes not on the forehead (educate). At least something. Though directly, though meanness. If only the sons manage to jump a level higher so that the traditional fathers can see them, then any eyes the sons have are approved and accepted. Even if these sons steal, Rob and corrupt they jump high in a savage society. This is very good for all wild people. They will glorify the name of their father, the name of their village and the name of their family. And this is very important on the invisible rod, where everyone jumps sideways and sideways according to the same wild laws.


      Zerefs are community people whose behavior conforms to stringent standards. Taboo, morality, law. Their reflection is zero; therefore their reflexes are rigidly set by the community, authorities, and law.

      Remids are people of honor. Their reflection is average, and they are a conditional elite and conditional authority directing the members of the community – the zerefs.

      Refags represent the highest form of reflection, that of tradespeople. Selfish reflection aimed at making profit from underdeveloped or traditional people.



      Against loop of remids (loop of remids -struggle remidov between themselves, after what ahead, option, in power it turns out zeref, a wild and strong-willed man)

      After Lenin’s death.

      Does this mean that if the power is lying on the road or a real candidate is experiencing difficulties, a less talented one will pick it up, as for example happened to the Bolsheviks after Lenin’s death?

      For example, we take the attempt of Zinoviev, the Chairman of the Petrosovet, a member of the Politburo and Central Committee, and Kamenev, the Chairman of the Mossovet and head of the STO, to push aside the most talented in the Central Committee Trotsky, the Minister of war. After all, both knew that they would not pull responsibility and that their talents were lower than the LDT. Further, the party apparatus supported the even more inconspicuous and mediocre Stalin. In 1936, Stalin executed Kamenev and Zinoviev – the logical conclusion of the remids loop, when the most gifted come forward in the struggle of the most untalented. Then the most incompetent destroys them.


      After Stalin’s death.

      Beria was the most influential of the Soviet elite. But Malenkov and Khrushchev united against him, supported by Marshal Zhukov. Beria was shot. Malenkov was sure that the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers was the main one (it was held once in the past by Lenin and Stalin). He recommended Stalin’s buffoon Khrushchev to lead the party. But he was very wrong. Who led the party, he was in charge of all.


      In 1957, Stalin’s associates Molotov, Kaganovich, and Malenkov had already decided to remove Khrushchev. It is unlikely that Khrushchev was the most talented and the remids loop here looks more like a remids farce because all the participants are zeremids and provincials (all were born in the villages and rose thanks to the revolution of 1917 and the counter-revolution of 1937 by Stalin). The most talented of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Committee, Marshal Zhukov said: “I will appeal to the people, the people will support me!” (to crush you – Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov). For these words four months later Zhukov was accused of Bonapartism and dismissed as Minister of defense of the USSR.

      The farce of choice.

      When Khrushchev was dismissed no one wanted to come out on top. Everyone was afraid of Khrushchev’s reprisal. However when the support of the security forces was guaranteed, the hardware people agreed on the ridiculous figure of Brezhnev, who in the midst of Khrushchev’s struggle with Molotov, Kaganovich and Malenkov fainted at a meeting of the Bureau (almost like the elderly cardinal Jacques Dues, who was elected Pope in the hope that he would die immediately after the election. Dues during the Conclave portrayed himself all the time sick and dying at the Council of cardinals and they bought into this trick).

      Finally, after the death of Andropov, 73-year-old Konstantin Chernenko was elected to the post of General Secretary and head of the USSR, “a diligent performer”, “never eager for power”, who from the very beginning of the Supreme Board was taken from his hospital bed, changed clothes and asked to read the prepared text. Isn’t this clear evidence of degradation and negative selection?!

      Youth, not talent.

      The most important argument when choosing the new leader of the USSR Gorbachev was not talent but only youth. Mikhail Gorbachev-the last leader of the USSR he is the son of a combine harvester. So much for the dictatorship of the proletariat! Where the most important thing was to be born somewhere in Siberia in the family of some slaughterer, locksmith or village blacksmith. As we can see the slogan of the dictatorship of the proletariat turned into a meme where the best was chosen from the worst. They chose from the majority of those who were more numerous in the country.

      What are the conclusions?

      Remids loop is a struggle of the elite and the self-destruction of the best rulers in the result of “bad parenting”, hope for the best, using the weakness of most worthy by reason of mandatory modesty. If the most worthy is not modest (for example, Trotsky), they will immediately begin to displace him, reproach him and finally completely exclude him from the list of candidates.

      Further, this selection does not end. For in fact, it’s all the fault of tradition. It begins with modesty and ends with a majority vote. Those who are physically bigger are the ones who decide. And where physically more people were in the USSR? In traditional families. Do you remember the saying about a quiet heifer that sucks two cows? Choosing СКАЧАТЬ