Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin
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Название: Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss

Автор: A. Ovechkin

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9785449871503


СКАЧАТЬ if you are hungry. Besides, you need to sleep from at least 11 pm till 4 am.

      Remember, you can lose weight while sleeping!

      If you walk in the park in the evening, a few ounces of excess weight will disappear by the morning.

      “A monster in the mirror!” Time to settle the problem!

      – What was the final straw for you, Eugenia? Why did you come here?

      – I met Eugenia. She has lost sixty-six pounds. Fantastic! She became so slim! I was impressed.

      – Why does excess weight disturb you so much?

      – It’s not comfortable to be like this.

      – Why?

      – Because of my job. As a network engineer, I often have to creep under tables. It’s not comfortable at all when my body is so big!

      – Ok, got it. Elizaveta, what was the last straw for you?

      – My twelve-year-old son told me: “Mom, you are getting a bit fatty.”

      – A woman told me recently that her young child used to clutch her tummy. No wonder, there is enough of flesh to cling! So, he uses to shake her fat rolls and yells: “Mom, you are so fat!”

      That’s it. Just fancy, she told me: “I nearly almost faint when he does it! I feel so bad. It’s depressing”. What about you? What did you feel when your son said that you are “a bit fatty”?

      – I realized that my child is embarrassed of having me around. My elder daughter doesn’t like it either.

      – Got it. Thank you. Nadezhda?

      – I tried everything to get and to maintain healthy weight. I dropped weight, but then I gained it again. The problem is that I can’t maintain the result. I keep this diet or another, then allow myself some treats – and start to gain weight again.

      – Why does excess weight disturb you so much?

      – Perhaps, it’s because of my job. Frankly speaking, I can’t drop weight anymore. I am concerned about gaining more weight…

      – So, you are afraid of gaining weight?

      – Yes. It will be harder to drop pounds when I get older.

      – Fine. Got it.

      – My husband told me: “You were a bit slimmer before.”

      – And whenever he goes by, he pinches your tummy…

      – Yes. 

      – Got it. Larisa?

      – I don’t like it! I hate this fat! I don’t like myself! Of course, when I meet friends, they tell me: “Why do you need to lose weight? You look great. You are doing well.”

      – Of course, they want you stay like this.

      – Agree. I believe, they have to look critically at themselves. I am realistic. I am not pleased with what I see in the mirror. Staying in front of the mirror, I often think: “What a mess!”

      – I have to do something about it.

      – We’ll discuss this “mess” today. Actually, it’s not a mess at all. You say stuff like that because you are a bit tired and disappointed.

      – I always treat myself this way

      Andrey Vasilyevich Trenogov, psychologist, psychiatrist:

      We can gain some weight while getting older. On average, after the twenty-fifth birthday, you can afford to gain five and a half pounds every decade. For example, if at twenty-five you weighed one hundred thirty-two pounds, then at the age of thirty-five, your normal weight is one hundred thirty-seven and a half pounds At forty-five years you can weight one hundred forty-three pounds, and so on. But that is up to you Comfortable weight is something very personal, associated with values and self-identification.

      Therefore, you should not count your perfect weight as “height minus 100”. You should stop dropping weight when you feel comfortable.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      While a person is not looking at the mirror, he usually likes himself. Then, why a person often considers himself fat after looking at the mirror? Even people suffering from lack of weight – patients with anorexia and bulimia – believe that they have excess weight and are try to drop it in every possible way. Any objective arguments – weight readings, photos, opinions of others – cannot prove to them that their problem is underweight, but not excess weight. Such behavior is called uncritical (distorted) attitude to weight.

      Overweight people often preserve critical attitude to their weight. They realize that their weight is excessive. In addition, this view is supported by the people around and weight readings.

      The reason for this behavior is that the mind of an anorexic patient has already formed a “body matrix” based on the constitution of top-models and celebrities who the person looks up to. It’s a tribute to fashion, and at the same time, it’s the destruction of personality, replacement of reality with phantom, and desire to be like this phantom.

      In this case, the “error detector”, after unsuccessful attempts to correct the behavior of the person, starts up the process of self-destruction. The person believes that there is another person in his body.

      We can create another phantom to correct our body. For this purpose, you need to use your memories and your photos of the time when you were completely satisfied with your body. Then it will seek to return to the state that you had once. It will be you, not a celebrity phantom in the photo.

      No! No! And no again! Is it really useful?

      – Many people want you to stay big, kind, and appeasable. You know, overweight people are considered friendly and soft.

      They never say “no”. This is a great benefit for others. Have you learned to say “no”? Or you have always been able to do it?

      – No, not always. Life has taught me. But it’s still hard sometimes.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      We cannot say “no” when it corresponds to our intentions. We cherish and demonstrate in every possible way our best quality – kindness.

      This is the main mindset for many people: “A kindhearted person never says “no”. They say, fat person is a kind person, because he can’t resist delicious dishes and his desire for food.

      But it’s not the worst thing. N. P. Bekhtereva, an academician СКАЧАТЬ