Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin
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Название: Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss

Автор: A. Ovechkin

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9785449871503


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      – insulation of internal organs and gastrointestinal tract, their protection against mechanical impact and injuries;

      – heat protection (maintaining the proper body temperature);

      – accumulation of lipid-soluble vitamins (А, D, Е, К);

      – endocrine function..

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – Obesity is a chronic disease. It means that you are ‘under threat’ for the rest of life. Progressive obesity means that if you start to gain excess weight, it’s difficult to stop the process.

      Nevertheless, sometimes people get “mixed” results.

      Tayisia lost ten pounds, and then…

      – …gained twenty pounds.

      – Precisely. Then she lost twenty pounds and gained twenty-four pounds. And so on.

      We have to restore metabolism after a long-term eating disorder. Most of you never face such a problem when you were young. During a certain period of time, when you were two, five, or seven, you didn’t have any excess weight. Am I right?

      – Yes.

      – You started gaining weight later.

      Change your eating behavior to drop excess weight

      When you didn’t have excess weight, you regularly ate, especially when you were a child.

      – Think, for instance, of a baby. How often does the baby eat?

      – Every three hours.

      – Every two or three hours. Skip the meal, and the baby will put you through the wringer, screaming and whimpering until you give up and feed him. Tell the five-year-old: “You are gonna have only fat-free, sugar-free yogurt today.” What do you think he would say?

      – He would probably misunderstand it.

      – Another option: “You must not eat after 6 pm today”. Once a woman brought her five-year-old son to an Open Day at our center. She didn’t find a babysitter and came with her son. Just out of curiosity, I asked the boy: “Imagine, Mom told you not to eat after 6 pm”. You should’ve seen the look on his face after the question. ☺ After 6 pm? It was beyond his comprehension! Why?

      – ☺

      – He eats regularly. There was a time when you regularly ate too. Our goal is to restore your healthy food behavior. You will have four to six meals a day. Prepare yourself. People usually arrange “Good-bye, food” feast on the weekend before the session. I bet you did the same.

      – Yes.

      – That’s a common thing. You prepared the feast, invited friends, right?

      – ☺

      – “Game over. I start to lose weight. I am going to have fun for last”. Right? Then you come here and find out that you are going to eat four-six times a day.

      – ☺

      – OK, good. Over the years of counseling, I have helped thousands of people to drop weight. Do you know how many people in Russia suffer from excess weight? Over seventy million! Just fancy! As for the world, there are over a billion seventy million people with excess weight! You see, I still have a lot of work to do.

      The most curious things happen when people who have already dropped ten, twenty, or forty pounds. They told me afterward that when they meet an overweight person somewhere, they feel a strong desire to come up and say: “Join us! You can drop weight by eating regularly!”

      – ☺

      – No medicines, no starvation, no coding, no hypnotic stare, or subliminal stimuli. A woman asked me recently: “Look at me with your special hypnotic stare, the one I saw in the picture on the cover of your book. I know you have a sort of superpower. Can you look at me like that to stop me from gorging myself with foods?

      – ☺

      – You should address such a request to a psychic or a hypnotist! I don’t know how to do it.

      Andrey Vasilyevich Trenogov, psychologist, psychiatrist:

      We need to recognize that coding helps some people. About ten percent of people feel better after it. What about the remaining ninety percent?

      Almost all coding and hypnosis techniques provide for a list of allowed and forbidden foods. Some people immediately declare: “If some food is forbidden, I will eat it for sure.” One of my clients said: “I never liked pies. But after I have been forbidden from eating pies, for some reason, I craved for them. Now I still try to give up this habit”.

      The effect of the suggestion of a good hypnotist usually lasts only for a short period of time. This is due to the fact that in addition to the biological immune system, a human being has got a “mental immune system”. When it detects a sort of ‘foreign particle,” no matter if it is nice and useful or not, it easily gets rid of such suggestions and returns to a state of “psychological homeostasis”.

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      I can change your eating behavior. I’ll give you useful knowledge and help to form new habits and skills. We’ll create new mental mindsets and work on their adoption. Former dysfunctional mental mindsets will be challenged and rejected to prevent them from triggering weight gain. You will use all the knowledge and skills acquired during our session feeding yourself with tasty, nourishing, healthy food every day. At the same time, you will lose weight! All you need to do is to change your attitude towards yourself, others, and food.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      Insulin converts glucose and other carbohydrates into fat and inhibits lipase activity. Normally, one-third of alimentary glucose is used for the synthesis of endogenous fat. For obese people, the ratio of converted-into-fat glucose is up to two thirds.

      A decrease in the amount of fat in fat cells is due to increased lipase activity.

      What hormones activate lipase?

      These are adrenaline and noradrenaline (stress hormones), somatotropic hormone (growth hormone STH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and glucagon.

      Glucagon is a so-called “hunger hormone” produced by α-cells of the pancreas in response to a decrease in blood glucose levels. By raising blood glucose levels, glucagon increases insulin secretion.

      Growth hormone is released only from 11 pm to 4 am. This is the time when your body grows and repairs itself. The release of GH is reduced if a person has eaten a lot of sweet things after СКАЧАТЬ