Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin
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Название: Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss

Автор: A. Ovechkin

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9785449871503


СКАЧАТЬ Ovechkin:

      – We didn’t eat after 6 pm.

      – I’ll write down everything. Gym. What else? Coding. I’ll write down all the methods, and then we will discuss them. Coding. Anything else? Fasting. What else? All kinds of diets and food rationing. Surgery? No? Great! So, you haven’t tried it yet. I believe there will be no need for surgery soon. What else? Pellets.

      – Yes.

      – Really? Pellets, slim teas, BAAs.

      – Diuretics.

      – Pellets, teas, herbs. As usual, they have a diuretic or purgative effect, or both sometimes, to give you a tiny bit of fun. “Getting slim at any cost!”

      – ☺

      – Acupuncture.

      – Reflex therapy. They can use needles, pressing and cautery, and so on.

      – Coding.

      – Fasting. Once I attended a medical center. I hadn’t eaten for sixteen days.

      – Yeah, I am serious. It was a sort of fasting marathon. Was it the “weight loss” clinic? I don’t remember. You shouldn’t eat 24 hours before the start. Then you go to the center, talk all night long there. In fact, I had to stay away from food for thirty days after it…

      – I’d like to tell you a story now. There is a well-known “fasting counselor” in the city of… Three participants of his training died last year. One of them died on the eighteenth day of fast. But it doesn’t stop people from coming!

      Remember, fast can be applied only in the clinic under the supervision of physicians! Besides, it is intended not for weight loss but in order to clean the body and improve the health state. During this period, the health condition of the patient should be continuously monitored. If you start fasting under the supervision of a scammer, it can turn out badly.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      I tried fasting twice. My weight decreased. But a year after, I gained twice the weight I had lost during fasting. Yes, I had an unusual experience at the time of getting out of fast. What a great taste diluted juice has! I had never tried such a yummy drink before. My taste and smell senses were heightened. At the time of fasting, I felt ease throughout my body. I was active and positive. But after fasting my weight went up as fast as ever! Fasting can be applied if you have medical evidence, but not for weight loss. It’s all up to you. Is that what you want?

      Andrey Vasilyevich Trenogov, psychologist, psychiatrist:

      Another interesting fact: Why does your weight go down during fasting? As it turned out, two-thirds of lost weight consist of fat, as for the rest – it’s muscles! Just think about it – muscles! Now, can you guess the “content” of the weight that returned after fasting? Right, we’ve got more fatty cells and no muscles. Your body becomes flabbier. You know, it’s pretty easy to gain a pound of fat. As for a pound of muscles, it will take a lot of time and effort.

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – What else?

      – Enemas!

      – Oh my.

      – Vomiting.

      – Yes, there are some “weight-dropping” groups that gather at night. I am serious! I’d better not tell you the name. They gather at night, bring basins…

      – ☺

      – People are sitting and talking at the meeting, just like us. They are eating, with basins by their side. Before eating, they are given some water with a special emetic dissolved in it. Actually, people have no idea that there is emetic in their drink. “It’s a slimming cocktail!” People bring their favorite treats, delicious high-calorie food to the meetings. They eat, sitting in a circle with basins by their side. Then somebody starts vomiting. The others are carefully observing the process, and the same thing happens to them… Imagine what it would be if we were sitting here vomiting into basins. That would be impressive, right? It’s no surprise that people have a poor appetite after such meetings. They don’t overeat for a while.

      – ☺

      – Enemas. You know, there is an extremely popular lady. People come to her seminars in crowds. She easily gathers around two hundred people. They sit and listen for a few hours how great enemas are! What do you usually take with you when you go out of your house? Phone, keys. Have you forgotten your enema?! Oh no, all is lost!

      – ☺

      – You have to take enema in the morning and in the evening. But what happens if after six months of active “enema-taking” you suddenly stop doing it? How does your body respond?

      – It probably fails to function normally without an enema.

      – The intestines can’t work normally. You face stool retention since the microflora has been washed away.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      We tested the effect of colonic washing with nine liters of saline solution for twenty minutes in the hospital setting. After the procedure, the psychological state improved dramatically, a sensation of euphoria was brought, ease and lightness filled the body, energy level increased.

      The result seems to be great. However, prior to the procedure, we measured the blood pressure of the patient, as well as the amount of adipose tissue, extracellular fluid (blood, lymph), intracellular fluid and so-called active (muscle) cell mass (in pounds and percentage) by using the method of complex bioelectrical impedance analysis.

      What did the objective data indicate? Blood pressure rose from 130/80 to 180/120 mm Hg.

      And the patient didn’t feel an increase in blood pressure! You can get a stroke after the procedure without even noticing it. And they call it health-improving procedure! The content of extracellular fluid drastically reduced, the blood became thick. It could lead to the formation of a blood clot in the vessel and death from a heart attack or stroke. What a great treatment procedure! So, think twice before trying it.

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – Any other methods? What else people do for weight loss?

      – Surgery for obese people! Liposuction, bariatric surgery. They cut away a part of your stomach.

      – In fact, it’s not so simple. It doesn’t mean that a person will be fit and healthy two hours after liposuction or stomach stapling. After a while, he’s got a layer of fat again! Where? In the liposuction area?

      – No.