Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin
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Название: Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss

Автор: A. Ovechkin

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9785449871503


СКАЧАТЬ But it’s not clear how to arrange it.

      By the way, you don’t have to eat less. You have to eat smart. A balanced diet must contain all elements and nutrition you need in low-calorie foods avoiding high-calorie foods.

      – Sounds easy.

      – You will learn how to do it in our classes. Many of our clients successfully lose weight without increasing physical activity. All you need to do is to walk for at least thirty minutes a day.

      When it comes to burning calories, walks are not really helpful. But they help to achieve another goal – to improve your overall health and well-being. Walking outdoors revives your spirits, contributes to an increase endorphin level, accelerates metabolic processes. You know, we haven’t enough fingers to count all the benefits of walking.

      N.B.! Start walking for at least thirty minutes a day. Breathing should be smooth and naturally rhythmic. After a walk, your physical and mental condition shall improve. If so, then the pace and duration you have chosen are appropriate.

      Even while doing such a simple exercise as walking, you should avoid overloading.

      It is necessary to consult your doctor on the issue of walking.

      Insulin resistance syndrome

      Almost all people with excess weight are subjected to different degrees of insulin resistance syndrome. Tissues of the body begin to become less sensitive to insulin. Insulin enters the bloodstream, binds to glucose, and delivers it to tissues. Imagine what happens if tissues are resistant to insulin. They start to starve. It leads to health issues. Cyclic, dynamic, aerobic exercises, including walking, help to get rid of insulin resistance step by step. That’s walking is beneficial. You can ride a bicycle for twenty or thirty minutes, swim leisurely.

      You should do it at an average pace to keep your breath smooth, and after a workout, you should feel physical and mental recovery instead of exhaustion!

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      Insulin resistance is often caused by obesity. Since the adipose tissue exhibits a sufficiently high metabolic activity, the insulin sensitivity of tissues decreases by forty percent when the ideal body weight is exceeded by thirty-five to forty percent.

      Heredity and pregnancy

      – Many people tend to shift responsibility from their shoulders to genes.

      – Habits are transmitted from one generation of the family to another for sure.

      – Yes, it’s true. Of course, certain genetic traits indirectly contribute to quicker gaining or losing weight. That does happen.

      But the main reason for excess weight gain is the ingress of excess energy with food into the body.

      Pregnancy and maternity. When an expecting mother carries a child, she needs to eat more, right?

      – Right!

      – Of course. A pregnant woman needs to build this small body inside of her. She needs energy. She needs so-called “construction materials”. Expecting mothers eat for two. ☺ Good. Should she eat more when she is breastfeeding?

      – Yes.

      – She eats more since she has to produce rich, high-quality milk in sufficient quantity. Two years have passed since the woman gave birth to a baby; she has already stopped breastfeeding. What happens to her eating behavior? Everyone says: “I return to food volumes I’ve consumed before.” And she does it. That’s how it usually happens, right?

      – No. ☺

      – It often doesn’t happen. Women are used to eating more during these two years. The women continue to eat more, including high-calorie foods that they have added to their diet. During maternity leave, women start to eat more high-calorie foods, as their physical and mental needs for nutrition increase significantly. That’s when a false hunger appears, and you feed it with excess food. Why is it considered to be excess? That’s because false hunger does not need food! It needs fellowship, love, solitude, rest, self-development, fun and pleasure, peace, and security.

      Just as you said, Nika, when you finished breastfeeding, you started to gain weight. You needed more food before, but now the same amount of food exceeds the needs of your body. But you continue to overeat and, as a result, gain weight.

      Endocrine diseases. In this case, it takes more time to lose weight.

      For some people, it doesn’t slow down the process. They lose weight as fast as others. So even if you have some endocrine disorders, you shouldn’t worry about it.

      As soon as energy balance and eating behavior get back to normal, excess weight will start to decrease.

      Metabolism acceleration

      – That’s so simple. The metabolic process of overweight people is slowed down and malfunctioned, to a high or lesser degree. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed. We can accelerate it. By the way, your metabolism didn’t use to be slow before. It slows down gradually for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is irregular meals. Some people have accelerated metabolism. Many people on the planet are thin, they can eat anything, in any quantities, but they never gain excess weight. Even their bellies stay flat.

      – It’s just the opposite for us.

      – The others have a slower metabolism. You throw an eye on a bun…

      – ☺

      – …and it sticks to your hips! That’s how it works.

      What are we going to do with our metabolic processes? We will boost them.

      First of all, I highly recommend walking. Walking outdoors accelerates metabolism. Another great option is various thermal procedures like saunas. But consult your doctor in advance. Breathing techniques! We’ll try a special breathing technique. Then, of course, regular meals are especially important. It’s the main tool for boosting metabolism. And finally, your improper diet should become rational and balanced.

      We will learn how to do it in our classes. You’ll have new “slimming” mindsets and information on how to build up your diet. We will do different exercises and apply distinctive methods. That’s what we are going to do.

      But the most critical task is to dispel the myths and legends associated with obesity and overweight, adopt the mindsets and behavior of a slim person.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      What happens to the metabolism of an obese person? As a result of weight gain, a change in cell metabolism occurs. Metabolism skips from the Krebs cycle, which leads to the formation of lots of energy, to the pentose cycle characterized by low energy release and reduction of oxygen consumption. This type of metabolism leads to the fact that even consumption of water СКАЧАТЬ