Our Puppet Government. John R. Krismer
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Название: Our Puppet Government

Автор: John R. Krismer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее


isbn: 9781927360439


СКАЧАТЬ another Zionist who served as George W. Bush’s Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy before the Iraqi war, co-authored “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.

      Paul Dundes Wolfowitz served some 30 years under six Presidents before accepting his third tour of duty at the Defense Department as George W. Bush’s Deputy Secretary of Defense. Recently, he was appointed as CEO of The World Bank, where he was destined to play a major role in the world-market, however, he was later fired from that position for violating policy. Wolfowitz has always been a strong proponent of Israel ruling the Middle East as described in his numerous speeches, testimonials and articles that deal with the huge gap between the West and the Muslim world.

      Lewis “Scooter” Libby, who recently resigned as Chief of Staff to the Vice-President was found guilty of perjuring himself before a Grand Jury that was investigating the potential outing of a CIA agent. After the 1991 Gulf War, he argued against George Sr. leaving Saddam Hussein in place in Iraq. More recently, Libby received a Presidential pardon from serving time in jail.

      George Tenet, the CIA Director, was recently awarded the President’s Medal of Freedom by George W. Bush. Tenet once counseled President Bush by saying: “. . . only an all-out US military assault can realize American aims” (6) [ in Iraq]

      Bill Kristol, Editor of The Weekly Standard, is one of the dual authors of, The War Over Iraq. Kristol is a well known neo-con, who boldly promotes American principles abroad, and in his April 2003 interview with

      Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air offered his expertise, such as:

      “I think there’s been a certain amount of . . . pop sociology in America that, you know, somehow the Shia can’t get along with the Sunni, or the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of fundamentalist regime. There’s almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq has always been very secular.”(7)

      Richard Doty served as George W. Bush’s personal attorney when he sold his failing Arbusto and Spectrum 7 oil companies to Harken Energy. George W. Bush then became a member of the Harken board of directors as well as a member of the Harken “auditing” committee, while Doty served as general counsel when the Harken Company was in a financial crisis, at a time when both the company and George Bush were being investigated by the SEC regarding the sale of George Bush’s stock.

      On July 12, 2002 the Washington Post published “The Harken Energy Distraction,” saying, most of the questions surrounding W’s millions-

      “have been aired over the years and one has been the subject of government investigation. Congress shouldn’t let the temptation to play politics with this issue distract from corporate reform.”

      “All the questions are old ‘stuff,’ and any further investigation was an unjustified attempt to win petty political advantage.”

      “The Security Exchange Commission investigated the case and did not take action, apparently because it could not find firm evidence of wrong doing.” (8)

      Perhaps the SEC was not really looking very hard since the SEC was headed by a Shrub Dynasty appointee. Richard Doty was also the head of the commission’s general counsel, which was responsible for making all decisions concerning legal action by the SEC. The money Bush made was essentially taken from the Harken investors when the stock value fell, and after a company accounting fraud was revealed. It was also highly unlikely that a key owner and board and audit committee member was not aware that a restatement of the stock was coming. George W. Bush had been notified by memo, right after he sold his stock that a company shutdown was coming on June 30, and that a federal report of his sale of stock was required when an insider sells shares in his own company. This was required because a large sell-off of company stock by its directors or executives is generally a sign that something is amiss within the company, which was the case with Harken. His “late” filing of this report, by some 34 weeks, was not only significant, but was also valid circumstantial evidence of a potential fraudulent act. Doty also served as George W’s personal lawyer when he assisted him with the Texas Ranger’s deal that netted him an estimated thirteen million dollars and helped propel him into the governorship of Texas.

      John Negroponte, served as US ambassador to Honduras during the illegal CIA-backed war against Nicaragua, overseeing the “contra” operation in that country. Nicaragua succeeded in winning a ruling from the World Court at The Hague, finding the US guilty of criminal aggression, which prompted the US to withdraw from that court. In explaining his veto, Negroponte said:

      “With our global responsibilities, we are and will remain a special target, and cannot have our decisions second-guessed by a court whose jurisdiction we do not recognize.”

      This type of veto provoked outrage in Europe as President Ramano Prodi, the European Commissioner who tried to settle things down by saying:

      “It’s another movement of division between Europe and the US that we have to avoid at all cost,”

      Clare Short, Brittan’s international development secretary said the US position constituted:

      “an enormous disappointment to everyone in the world who wants some basic rules of decency that apply to all rulers everywhere at all times,”(9)

      Negroponte also served as the first United States Director of National Intelligence from April 21, 2005 to February 13, 2007; and currently serves as the fifteenth United States Deputy Secretary of State.

      George Soros, a billionaire, rescued Harken Energy Corporation with Harvard money.

      Bill De Witt, a part owner of Spectrum 7, had acquired George W. Bush’s failed Arbusto oil business, later selling it for a profit to Harken. He also came to Bush’s rescue by offering him a chance to bid for the Texas Rangers.

      James R. Bath, Salem bin Laden’s business representative in Texas, was a neighbor to George W. Bush, who obtained Laden financing for George’s Arbusto Company.

      Salem bin Laden, Osama bin Laden’s oldest brother, financed George W. Bush’s Arbusto Company. He later died in an unexplained freak flying accident outside of San Antonio, Texas on May 29, 1988. No one knows why the Saudi relationship has broken down since that plane accident, or why the bin Laden family was flown out of the country immediately after the 9/11 tragedy, at a time when a national ban on all flight was in place.

      Osama bin Laden’s covert and military Al Qaeda “Afgan” operation was funded by both Reagan and Bush Sr. through the CIA and the BCCI, and this nation is still looking for answers as to why this man has never been captured or killed.

      Sadam СКАЧАТЬ