Our Puppet Government. John R. Krismer
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Название: Our Puppet Government

Автор: John R. Krismer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее


isbn: 9781927360439


СКАЧАТЬ starting, or waging aggressive war.

      Count 3 War crimes, including violations of laws or customs of war.

      Count 4 Crimes against Humanity, including murder, extermination, enslavement, persecution on political or racial grounds, involuntary deportment, and inhumane acts against the civilian population.

      These policies still exist under the Geneva Convention, which this nation signed some six times. Yet through our lies about Iraq, we later conspired to take a small nation of only twenty-four million people that were at peace, to war with a super power. Yes, we actually bombed defenseless men, women and children with radioactive material, tortured prisoners, and may well have violated all four of these same counts of indictment. So is there any wonder why Americans have reached this stage of apathy in today’s monopolistic society?

      By placing international corporate goals of oil and military bases above consumer interests we’ve inadvertently pitted corporate welfare against social justice to our middle class. The working class clearly understands that an open and competitive market contributes to a healthy global economy, but when powerful international monopolies control both the government and the noncompetitive products and services that were initially established to benefit the work force they inevitably find themselves in direct conflict with these monopolists. This Money Baron buy-off of our politicians and their effort to monopolize the entire world economy has already resulted in an enormous amount of fear and hatred as these ruthless power brokers now skillfully buy off other countries outside our porous borders, just as they have the United States, placing each country’s duly appointed leaders in direct conflict with the people they’re supposed to represent. Perhaps it’s now time to ask ourselves if this is why our dysfunctional leaders inadvertently deceive us when they promise to place our Social Security in a lock box, exclusive of race, disability or creed; when they promise that our tax dollars will protect the borders and improve our education system, which is now under funded in this country by almost $30 billion. Perhaps this is why they inadvertently deceive us when they promise to provide alternative energy, improve the environment, stop global warming, protect our forests and water, and stop air pollution and the threat of poison, germ and nuclear wastes. Yes, they inadvertently, or perhaps sometime knowingly and intentionally deceive us because they’ve become a puppet government of the Money Barons, and therefore have little to do with the management of our once sovereign nation. And on top of all this, we’ve now openly and intentionally deregulated and decentralized our healthcare system, while under funding so many other human services such as our environment, the airline industry, our energy and utility services, our highways, bridges and dams, and our police and fire services. Is there any wonder why Americans are currently stuck between this strange state of Complacency and Apathy? And isn’t it ironic how all our human services are following this same destructive path, with healthcare and our natural oil, gas and gasoline resource leading the way? Isn’t it time for us to understand that a profit oriented monopoly over the entire world market can never be successful in distributing social justice? Yet, these same powerful international czars continue to selfishly and intentionally flatten the United States by outsourcing this nation’s technology and jobs for a profit, which can only have an alarming impact on this country’s economy and its work force. Yes, the United States is clearly confusing its role in protecting human service freedoms and jobs from profit incentive freedoms - and if one would only look over their shoulder, they would soon find that this nation is the only nation, let alone democracy, commercializing all of its vitally important human services solely for the benefit of the upper crust. By briefly reviewing what actually happened with our natural resource of oil over the last one hundred years (See Chapter 8), and our healthcare since 1965 (See Chapter 9), perhaps we can better understand why these human services eventually became unaffordable. It should also be noted that as other countries submit to this monopolistic type of globalization, they will eventually find themselves in direct conflict with their own local businesses, just as we have in the United States. Perhaps our entrepreneurial promotion of free markets; free enterprise; and as little government control and regulation as possible has blinded our legislators as to what a government of the people [a democracy] really is. But eventually this country will need to decide if a human service to our work force [We the People] can ever be placed on the competitive open market and still remain capable of distributing social justice equally to both the haves and the have not’s. For if we are to be totally subjected to globalization under a Kleptocratic monopoly, without a free and open market as well as a protected noncompetitive market, we are all doomed to an industrial dictatorship; a revolution; or the greatest contrived depression this world has ever seen. Numerous books speak to the threat of such an aristocracy taking over of our Democracy, and a few that you may find interesting are:

      “The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century” by Paul & Phillip Collins -

      The Syndicate: The Story of the Coming World Government” by Nicholas Hagger -

      “World revolution: The plot against civilization” by Nesta Helen Webster -

      “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” by Antony C. Sutton -

      “Secret Societies and Subversive Movements” by Nesta H. Webster


      1 Blase, William. “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the New World Order.” The Courier. 1995. page 2 http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Council_Foreign_Relations.htm

      2 Ibid page 3

      3 Ibid page 3

      4 Ibid page 3

      5 Ibid page 4

      6 Ibid page 5

      7 Ibid page 5

      8 Ibid page 5

      9 Ibid page 6

      10 Ibid page 6

      11 www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/fr32.html

      12 Alexander James, “The Hidden History of Money,” page 46


      13 Ibid page 46


      The Invisible

      Money Barons

      After Roosevelt’s death in 1945, the Invisible Money Barons openly and aggressively maneuvered themselves into a position where they could market our human services by moving them into the competitive open market, in passing the McCarran Ferguson Act. This Act allowed profit insurance to steal directly from the people’s public treasury, and by 1965 profit insurance had virtually replaced our once very successful single nonprofit prepayment system that was ranked first instead of thirty-seventh in the world by the World Health Organization. Had we become so СКАЧАТЬ