Our Puppet Government. John R. Krismer
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Название: Our Puppet Government

Автор: John R. Krismer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее


isbn: 9781927360439



      6 Ibid page 45

      7 John F. Kennedy’s speech before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961

      8 http://www.raven1.net/ronpaulowg.htm

      9 Alexander Tyler, “The Fall of a Republic http://www.mcsm.org/democracy1.html

      & Loren Collins, “The Truth About Tytler” http://lorencollins.net/tytler.html


      The Kleptocratic


      So let’s briefly analyze this tightly knit Kelptocratic Aristocracy, which has created this shocking imbalance in our Puppet like Government, our Presidents and our dysfunctional Congress - causing our economy to grow weak and the entire world to become more fearful and unfriendly.

      Author Molly Ivins coined the word “Shrub” to identify George W. Bush; however, the evolution of the “Shrub Dynasty” and its close ties to the CIA, the CFR, and the TC started much earlier:

      Prescott Bush:

      “Prescott Bush, the late, aristocratic senator from Connecticut, and grandfather of George W. Bush, was a good friend of Allen Dulles, the CIA director, and the president of the Council on Foreign Relations as well as an international business lawyer. He was also a client of the Dulles’ law firm. As such, he was the beneficiary of Dulles’ miraculous ability to scrub the story of Bush’s treasonous investments in the Third Reich out of the news media, where it might have interfered with Bush’s political career . . . not to mention the presidential careers of his son and grandson. (1)

      As is the case with unscrupulous Bankers and industrialists whose only motive is greed, Rothschild’s dynasties have reportedly sometimes financed both sides of a war. Such as in the case of WW II and Hitler’s Third Reich, for example, one of their former clients, (along with grandpa Bush who also traded with the Nazis). It was certainly a winning strategy for war profiteers with no morals. They win no matter who loses the war. But only in a material sense. Just as the “death merchants” and their financiers of the wars of the 1990s did. (2)

      President George H. W. Bush Sr. failed twice in bids for the Senate before he was finally appointed to head the CIA in 1976. William Colby, also a CIA Director once said:

      “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” (3)

      This Bush appointment as CIA Director is probably where the Shrub Dynasty first took root in that he lost in his campaign for the Presidency in 1980. Then later, as President and “Overlord” of the Shrub Dynasty he first introduced the term “New World Order” in his State of the Union Address, on January 29, 1991:

      “What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea - a new world order ... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind ... based on shared principles and the rule of law ... The winds of change are with us now.”

      Other members of this tightly knit “Shrub Dynasty” eventually grew to include:

      Richard B. Cheney, who served as George W’s Vice-President, first started his career in politics when he served on Gerald Ford’s transition team and then as Deputy Assistant to President Ford in 1974 - before becoming Secretary of Defense for George Sr. from 1989 to 1993. Prior to becoming the Vice-President, he served as the Chairman and CEO of the Dallas-based energy service company Halliburton. On the negative side, Halliburton has been under investigation by the SEC for falsely reporting cost-overruns as revenues to the tune of $100 million in 1998, along with numerous non competitive and open ended bids that have currently allowed some $10.86 billion in tax dollars to flow to Halliburton, suggesting these bold awards need the assurance of an unbiased audit. Cheney is now referred to as the “éminence grise” of the current administration.

      Donald H. Rumsfeld, who recently served as Secretary of Defense under George “W,” first got his start in politics as far back as 1960 as a legislator and former friend of Richard Nixon, serving as President Ford’s Secretary of Defense before failing in his attempt to become the vice-presidential nomination in 1980 and the presidential nomination in 1988.

      Karl Rove served as George W’s political adviser and is known as the “Architect” who was most likely instrumental in promoting such phrases as “Axis of Evil; Shock and Awe; and Stay the Course.” He’s also tenaciously promoted the doctrine that any American who even questions the administration’s position may well be a terrorist, a fascist, a conspirator, or a supporter of totalitarianism, which is in direct contradiction to our Declaration of Independence. (See page x) Rove was also instrumental in creating the “Shrub” strategy of always attacking the messenger.

      Richard N. Pearl, a strong minded Zionist, who is known as, “The Prince of Darkness,” and is the co-author of “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” served as President Bush’s Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Policy. Mr. Pearl is a close friend of Conrad Black, the former chairman of Hollinger International Incorporated, which owns some 400 worldwide newspapers, which routinely trumpeted Pearl’s anti-Saddam sentiments well before the war - a news-media that controls almost everything the Shrub Dynasty wants us to read.

      “. . . in 1913, the Schiff group (who also runs the New York Times among other media outlets) organized the “Anti-defamation League of the B’nai B’rith” commonly known as the “ADL” to serve as the Gestapo and hatchet-man outfit for the entire great conspiracy. Today the sinister “ADL” maintains over 2,000 agencies in all parts of our country and they advise and completely control every action of the “NAACP” or of the “Urban League” of all the other civil-rights organizations throughout the nation. In addition, the “ADL” acquired absolute control of the advertising-budgets of many department-stores, hotel-chains, and TV and Radio industrialist sponsors, and advertising-agencies in order to control practically all the mass-communications media and force every loyal newspaper to slant and falsify the news. In short, the B’nai Brith was established in 1913 to ensure that anyone who criticizes the Federal Reserve owners is labeled as an anti-Semite. (4)

      In his book, “Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower,” William Blum warns of how the media will make anything that smacks of “conspiracy theory” an immediate “object of ridicule.” This prevents the media from ever having to investigate the many strange interconnections among the ruling class -- for example, the relationship between the boards of directors of media giants, and the energy, banking and defense industries. These unmentionable topics are usually treated with what Blum calls “the media’s most effective tool -- silence.” But in case somebody’s asking questions, all you have to do is say, “conspiracy theory,” and any allegation instantly becomes too frivolous to merit serious attention.”(5)