Our Puppet Government. John R. Krismer
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Название: Our Puppet Government

Автор: John R. Krismer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее


isbn: 9781927360439


СКАЧАТЬ human benefits, or had we just turned a blind eye to this? Didn’t we realize that we needed a leadership that was capable of differentiating between the competitive unregulated Open Market and the Noncompetitive Markets, which are required to maintain a healthy and productive work force? Didn’t we understand that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction as outlined by Sir Isaac Newton's third law of physics?

      The Open Market involves the selling of competitive and unregulated products in a decentralized open market, where the consumer has a choice in what they receive for their dollar. And for any global economy to remain healthy, it needs to assure the public that the global market is not only open, but free - not a monopoly that is controlled by privately owned multinational banks, or some powerful multinational corporate monopoly.

      A Noncompetitive Market involves a benefit, a service, or even a product that is not intended to make a profit, which requires standards and regulations under a centralized private and or government system that is both efficient and cost effective. Because the consumer (the working class) has little or no choice in the benefit, service, or product they receive, these human services need to be protected.

      Isn’t healthcare a human non-elective service, where the working class really has little choice in what they receive for their money, and therefore the consumer needs policies and standards that protect them? Isn’t healthcare a God given natural resources such as oil, which should benefit equally the citizens of each nation? And isn’t it strange that we ask Iraq to equally distribute its oil revenue to the Shiite’s, the Sunni’s, and the Kurd’s, when we turn around and let a select group of wealthy and powerful Money Barons control all our natural resources as well as the revenues? By placing these human services on the open market, we are actually allowing the “have’s” to steal from the “have not’s” - creating a two level system that challenges the working class’s equality in what we still believe is a “Democracy.” Alan Greenspan, the American economist who has just resigned as Chairman of the Board of Governors of this country’s privately owned Federal Reserve, suggests that “lowering salaries for the working class creates equality.” He said, “Money doesn’t provide happiness.” Yet, he and his powerful international Money Barons and their powerful industrial aristocracies have made huge profits for those privileged few who now openly and aggressively steal directly from our public treasury and the very same working class that represents the backbone of our nation. On top of all this, they have also bought off our completely dysfunctional Congress and Presidents with all their favored contributions. By controlling those that should be representing us, these power brokers are in point of fact pilfering directly from our public treasury, intentionally forcing the working class back into bondage, and another depression that will inevitably upset the entire world economy. And as you read further regarding this thoughtless and demeaning suppression of our work force, you will soon recognize that this upper crust has for many years [more than 100] been secretly planning to create this New World Order from which they intend to eventually control and monopolize our entire global economy.

      James Alexander, the author of, The Hidden History of Money,” said it all very well:

      “The biggest problem facing all human beings today is the creeping slavery created by the monopoly on the issuance and creation of ‘fiat’ money (from nothing by the stroke of a pen or keyboard) that the Illuminati Bankers who own the central and local banks have managed to usurp from . . . the private US Federal Reserve Banks in 1913 and so on! These Illuminati Banking Dynasties lend this ‘fiat’ money to the people’s Governments and corporations and charge interest on money they created from nothing; the debt and the associated interest payments are inherited and grow from generation to generation forever and have enslaved past, present and future generations!! The only way to stop this pyramid scheme from collapsing is for governments to keep borrowing more and more!!! Whenever this pyramid collapses, the Illuminati Banksters go on a buying spree for bargains while others suffer!!!! Another way to keep the pyramid going is to create wars and terror in which all sides have to borrow money from the Banksters!!!!! Meanwhile, the number of enslaved peoples world-wide keeps growing begging for handouts at the mercy of the Illuminati Banksters whose wealth and power keeps skyrocketing!!!!! . . . (1)

      Here are but a few of the many abusive forms of power these Invisible Money Barons have fashioned over the last century - just to satisfy their endless greed for money and control:

      - The deregulation and decentralization of far too many human services to the working class by creating competitive units in a no longer affordable open market, which seeks to only benefit the wealthy monopolies that are destined to destroy this once sovereign nation. The services and benefits they are stealing include the following:


      Prescription Drugs

      Utility and Energy [oil, gasoline and gas]

      Environment and Global Warming

      Education, Police and Fire Services

      Transportation, Highways, Bridges and Dams

      Drugs and Narcotics

      Border Security and Illegal Immigration

      - and on and on

      All intentionally designed to drain income and tax dollars directly from our public treasury. And yes, all of these human services can now be found in their open and competitive market.

      - The Shrub Dynasty’s ridiculous demand for absolute immunity for all U.S. Military personnel and civilian officials prior to initiating the Iraq war, as well as their promotion of the “Netherlands Invasion Act,” which allows our U.S. Military to rescue any U.S. Personnel brought to trial in “The Hague,” where they would ultimately determine if an illegal and unilateral act of aggression for oil and military bases has taken place. Do we even realize this country may well have violated international law and markedly provoked the entire world over the current costly, unjust, and endless theocratic conflict in the Middle East? Worse yet, “The Hague,” may yet determine that the United States actually bombed Iraq with radioactive material.

      - Don’t we realize that “The (unbiased) Hague,” should be the one to rule on this country’s torture and detention tactics at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, involving the labeling of prisoners as “Enemy Combatants” and the transfer of victims to foreign countries for torture, which defies all rules of both international and U.S. law, as well as due process of a fair and just trial - thereby eliminating trials and the writ of habeas corpus petitions under the “Military Commission Act of 2006.” Don’t we realize this divisive law still remains in place in the United States even though it was overruled by our own Supreme Court?

      - The violation and abuse of power involving our civil liberties under the Patriot Act; the unchecked secret spying on innocent Americans; the repression of individual dissent and freedom of speech; and the invasion of our privacy involving the wire tapping of Americans.

      - The skilful crafting of a budget deficit that has now reached more than 8.2 trillion in less than six years, a deficit that is far greater than this nation has ever seen in its entire history.

      - The huge loans from private international banks, China, Japan, and our own Social Security - now estimated between $54 to $75 trillion dollars, [That’s right, we really don’t know the actual amount, for which we pay $409 billion dollars a year in interest. That’s almost two billion dollars a day]

      - By СКАЧАТЬ