Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-459-01703-8


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      As examples of a country with partial sovereignty; Germany, France and India can be mentioned. Do you trust to find your country in this list, dear reader? Can you with hand on heart, quite honestly say that the government of your country acts in the interests of your country, and does not act under the pressure of Washington or London?







As examples of a country with partial sovereignty; Germany, France and India can be mentioned. Do you trust to find your country in this list, dear reader? Can you with hand on heart, quite honestly say that the government of your country acts in the interests of your country, and does not act under the pressure of Washington or London?



The population of Germany numbered 67 million, and the population of France 39 million. That's why the 'militarization' of Germany was less than that of France percentage-wise – 1.2% against 2%. (Isaev A. V. Antisuvorov. Moscow: Exmo, Yauza, 2004;





In 2010 it will amount to 1.4 trillion US dollar.


'Quite by chance' it has grown by 40 times (


For no apparent reason, merely out of considerations for prestige, the USSR strived to maintain the military balance up to the last decimal place. I.e. if the USA had 4000 nuclear warheads, we had also to have 4000, even though 2500 nuclear devices were enough to destroy all flesh on the Earth several times.


It was dissolved on 1st July 1991. As Gorbatchev was told that there were no guarantees of NATO dissolution, and it was necessary to get such first, he replied: 'What will the West need NATO for, once we have dissolved the Warsaw pact?' The West played up to him readily. On the 19-21 November, on the plenary meeting of the heads of OSCE countries in Paris, the Charter for a New Europe was adopted: 'The era of confrontation and division of Europe has ended… New partnership will be built… Security is indivisible' (Utkin, A. General Secretary's Betrayal. M.: Algoritm, 2010. P. 96.). Where is this declaration now? Who executes it? Who observes it?

Since we have touched upon the Eastern Europe – please, note that none of the former USSR allies became neutral, i.e. independent. All of them entered NATO. That confirms once again the old truth: if you do not control something, this 'something' will be controlled by somebody else. And this 'somebody' will never be neutral. If you renounce your control over something, this control will be just taken over by your rival. That is all.


Gorbatchev learned about the dissolution of the country which he had been ruling, from mass-media. He was very offended by the fact that Yeltsin did not call him but George Bush.


Gorbatchev's achievements in German reunification are enormous and undeniable. It is not for nothing that he was conferred with a title of 'the best German. The thing is that he was the one who insisted on the scenario that was realised in reality. Germany's allies in NATO – Great Britain and the USA – vehemently opposed to the restoration of Germany's unity. A certain interim period was suggested. The Anglo-Saxons have always been afraid of independent and strong Germany, and this argument will have importance in their policy as long as Germany is powerful. And having done so much good for the Germans, Gorbatchev did as much bad for Russians. As of today, the Russian people is the most numerous divided people not only in Europe but in the whole world! There are Russians left beyond the borders of Russia and Belorussians and Ukrainians, that are not three 'fraternal' peoples but one people. A unified country was cut into pieces, a unified people was divided. So, why is Gorbatchev so disliked in his motherland?


The Germans were mad with happiness and were ready to sign any conditions of reunification. Including leaving NATO for the unified FRG. Gorbatchev took their word for it. When, a bit later, withdrawal of Russian troops from the former GDR was discussed, Germany was ready to pay any amount as compensation. And this is understandable – how much does it cost to unify a people? No amount of money can be excessive here. Gorbatchev refused to take the money although the USSR had to take loans from the West at the time. As a result the troops were withdrawn into the fields. Why hurry? The troops needed to be withdrawn slowly, to make sure that unified Germany was neutral and kept to its obligation on leaving NATO. Nothing better than a 100,000 strong army has been invented to control politicians over keeping their promises.


The share of gold in the Russian gold and foreign currency reserves is less than 10%.


We mean countries whose currencies are not considered reserve currencies. More information on this system below.


This organisation has many names – FRB, The Federal Reserve, The Federal Reserve System, The Fed etc.


We will speak of peculiarities of the dollar, its history and its numerous varieties in one of the chapters of this book.


Or Act of December 23, 1913 /



You will find more information on establishment, structure and functioning of the Fed in my book called 'Crisi$: How is It Organized', therefore we will not go into too much detail here.


Banknotes and coins of the Federal Reserve System of the USA: Reference Book. Moscow: IPK 'InterKrim – press'. 2008. P. 10.


Each Federal Reserve bank is assigned its own number and letter. If you look at the front of the banknote, you will see the mark below the serial number on the left side of the note: A1 – Boston, B2 – New York, C3 – Philadelphia, D4 – Cleveland, E5 – Richmond, F6 – Atlanta, G7 – Chicago, H8 – St. Louis, 19 – Minneapolis, J10 – Kansas City, K11 – Dallas, L12 – San Francisco.



Thus, the issues of the financial universe on the global scale are resolved by thirteen people: a banker from each of the twelve federal reserve banks plus the Chairman of the Fed.



Greenspan A. The age of turbulence: adventures in a new world. New York : Penguin Press, 2007.