Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-459-01703-8


СКАЧАТЬ id="n_74">







The baby, future King Louis XV, survived thanks to the fact that at his age he was still partially breast-fed, and poisoning him was slightly more difficult.


The English achieved all their goals: they weakened France and stopped Austria from strengthening. And having agreed with the French candidate for the Spanish throne Philip V, they managed to get a formal prohibition for him to become the next French king. It meant that Spain and France could not merge into one superpower. By the way, this is when England obtained an important part of the Spanish territory – Gibraltar. And apart from that, the Isle of Menorca and the French territories in North America (the land around Hudson Bay and Newfoundland). But the most important English acquisition was the Asiento. This was the exclusive permission to sell slaves from Africa to Spanish territories. England became the only country entitled to do slave trade. And it did a good job and brought slavery overseas. Wherever the British came, it is slaves who started working. Another story, which we will leave beyond this book, is white slaves of the English. They were mostly Irish. English laws did not provide for any punishment for a murder of an Irishman committed by an Englishman. Because an Irishman living in Ireland occupied by the English was a second class person even being free. Because the Irish were Catholics, whereas England was Protestant, and even more than that – it had its own Anglican church.

The English did not forget Russia either: English money and diplomatic support helped Sweden, making it pursue wars with Russia until 1721. And Charles XII who strived to achieve peace, died very promptly after returning to Sweden in 1718. He was killed by a stray bullet in a trench during an operation in Norway. Do you recognise the style? His sister, Ulrika Eleonora, stopped peace negotiations and continued the war for three more years.




Do pay attention that the idea came from a Scottish banker again.



World History // The English Revolution. Moscow: AST, 2000. P. 284-286.










Was it the governmental reforms of young Louis XV that were used as a template by the reformers of the 90s for their strategy? They are just so similar! People's saving accounts were frozen and then devaluated by means of hyperinflation. As a result, the cost of a flat became equal to the cost of a chocolate bar. In France it was decided to clear the rest of the state debt for bank notes through 2% and 4% life annuities.

93 nigen/england/stewart/william3/william3.html.


Do you know who William Ill's heir was? This is quite interesting. Apparently, William III, who dethroned James II, was married to James's daughter called Mary Stuart. The defeated king had two daughters, and the second one was called Anna. This charming creature publicly betrayed her father and joined her sister's husband under the 'influence' of John Churchill, who later became her 'blue-eyed boy'. William of Orange and Mary had no children, and therefore Anna Stuart became the heiress to the throne. Just like in mathematics, changing the order of addends (kings) did not change the sum (the right for the throne) for this girl.


Statement of 22.07.1941 (Adolf Hitler, Norman Cameron, R. H. Stevens, Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper. 1941-1944: His Private Conversations. Enigma Books, 2000, P. 11).


Do not help those who lie to you – they always try to draw you into the field of emotions and not facts. Take a small step – say the there was no Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, there was just a non-aggression treaty between the USSR and Russia.


Please note that Hitler, according to historians, was going to conquer the whole world but for some reason half a year before the beginning of the war he still had no plans to attack Poland which would be the starting point. The Fiihrer will start the war without any aggressive plans against England or France. This is a rather strange aggressor, is it not? Or Hitler was for some reason convinced that London would not protect Poland.


NarochnickayaN. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 76


It was not by accident that I give you a brief story of swift rapprochement of Germany and the USSR in August 1939. Dates are essential here. This is what the chief of the German Army General Staff, France Haider, wrote in his diary on 15 August, 1939: 'No changes are expected until the evening of 19 August. No changes in operation of public transport until 22 August… The cancellation of the party rally should be kept secret… The location and time of strikes, the date of the surprises remain unchanged'. (Haider E War private journal of Generaloberst Frans Haider… [United States] : A.G. EUCOM, 1947.). That means that the Germans were working hard on preparing their offensive operation against Poland. Despite the fact that on 15 August, 1939 there was no pact with Russians – there was not even a draft, no negotiations are being held. There was nothing and yet the German military machine was actively preparing for war. Even on 4 August there was no certainty that Stalin would change his opinion concerning Germany. This shows in the cable from the German ambassador, Schulenberg, from Moscow: "The Soviet Government is actually more inclined to improve the relations between Germany and the USSR, but the old mistrust towards Germany is not yet extinct. My general impression is that the Soviet Government is determined to sign an agreement with England and France…' We can read this… in Churchill's book. (Churchill W. The Second World War. Volume 1: The gathering storm. London: Cassell, 1964). But contemporary liars in history only try to sound plausible to the ignorant. They appeal to emotions. But once you open a book, even by Churchill, who was not particularly friendly to Russia, all accusations dissolve as mist in the morning. Do not believe liars in history. Read books and judge for yourself.


Not only were the Polish not preparing to protect themselves against Hitler but they were actually planning an attack themselves. But all their fortifications were on the Russian border, not German. For more information on what the Polish government did to ruin their own country see: Starikov N. Who Forced Hitler to Attack Stalin? St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010 (In Russian).


In my next book, if I have enough time and am in sufficient health, I will write about the reasons for the tragedy that happened on 22nd June, 1941.


Narochnickaya N. A., Falin V.M. The Score of the Second World War. Who started the war and when? Moscow: Veche, 2009. P. 27.


Ibid. P. 212.


Ibid. P. 91.


The Second Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR was held on 12-24 December, 1989.


NarochnickayaN. СКАЧАТЬ