Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Название: Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

Автор: Anastasia Novykh


Жанр: Эзотерика

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

isbn: 978-966-2296-13-6


СКАЧАТЬ which lay not far and drew with it a triangle on the sand, a circle in the triangle and three little circles inside of the circle, whereaw the central circle was a little higher that the two others. He drew downwards three little strokes and connected them with one line at the bottom. “Which versions do you have?”

      Looking at the sign Nikolai Andreevich uttered, “There are not so many versions. Three circles in the circle is obviously a sign of Shambala which is popular in East. But without this capital letter Ш at the bottom.

      “What? There is nothing to do with East!” Sensei said with a laugh. “Kabbalists style it as ‘Jewish triad’, the so called ‘creative triad’ where they inserted a letter ‘shin’ for describing the trinity of first three sephiroths: the central circle is Keter, the White Head, Crown, and the two others are Hokhmah (Father) and Binah (Mother).”

      “Well,” Eugene laughed together with the guys. “I don’t know whose White Head invented it, but it sounds like a real Joke&Fun!”

      “That’s not all! For example, the symbol En Sof (which means for kabbalists ’eternal state of Existence’, ‘endless’, ‘the most ancient from ancient’, ‘begetting things from it’ etc) is depicted as a closed eye.”

      “A closed eye?” Stas was surprised.

      “Wait, the open eye is a symbol of God,” Victor expressed his thought.

      “That’s all right,” Eugene confirmed. “The closed eye means that when God sleeps the Archons act!”

      “It’s clear,” Nikolai Andreevich nodded. “In general wherever one pokes a finger the Archons have everywhere a trap.”

      “Well, they have been setting traps for so many milleniums,” Sensei replied with regret. “So, they interpret the Bible in the book Zohar in allegorical terms, besides they mixed to it various elements of neoplatonism and gnosticism. All of that is covered with theoretically tempting rosy appeals to purification and ascent of the soul. And it is based on Messiah expectations and the main idea, the beginning of the Messiah time for the ‘Jewish’ people as the ideal world of perfection which God Himself wasn’t able to build.”

      “Not bad plans!” Victor grinned.

      “Well, and the practical Kabbalah is based on the belief that due to special rituals of kabbalists, special ‘prayers’ and inner acts of will a man can allegedly actively interfere into a ‘divine and cosmic process’ of the history and influence with the help of their ‘knowledge and secret power’ on everything and everyone in the whole Universe.”

      “Fie, it’s a kind of arimanism!” Volodya hemmed.

      Ruslan was on the contrary intrigued by Sensei’s story, he even whistled and uttered with admiration, “Do they really possess this mighty power and secret knowledge?!”

      The seniour guys even laughed from his childish naivety. Sensei put a light bird’s plumelet which lay not far on the top of the sand pyramide and pointing out to it he said, “If to gather all, all, all kabbalists in the world, their greatly praised ‘mighty power and knowledge’ won’t be enough even to blow away this plumelet.”

      The seniour guys stopped laughing and looked together with us with interest at the snow-white downy plumelet resting on the top of the sand pyramide.

      “Really?!” Eugene uttered intrigued and moving up closer blew at the plumelet. It fell down from the pyramide with ease. Eugene said self-satisfied, “Eh, you see, I’m stronger than all the cablists!”

      “You are the cablist yourself!” Stas clipped him slightly on the back of the head. “Come on, don’t meddle in with your talks!”

      The company laughed merrily again.

      “That’s how the things are,” Sensei summarized. “Emptiness is emptiness by itself!”

      “Well,” Nikolai Andreevich drawled thinking evidently about what he had heard. “Dirty tricks.” And keeping silence for a while he asked. “So what was the trinity ‘Sakh-Ba-Shu’ in ancient Egyptians teachings?”

      “Oh, it’s a quite interesting point,” Sensei said. “In Ancient Egypt ’Shu’ refered to notion of human ‘shaddow’, in fact it was one of Ka manifestations. But ‘Sakh’ … Let’s put it so, the word ‘Sakh’ had several meanings in Ancient Egypt. ‘Sakh’ meant ‘enlightenment’. The same word refered to Orion constellation which they considered to be the king of stars. By the way, they often called also Osiris as Orion, and his spouse Isis as Sotis (Sirius star, the closest to the Earth). ‘Sakh’ meant also a special state of mind of a human at the moment of highest ‘enlightenment’. Then they began to call so ‘blessed ancestors’, ‘noble men of antiquity’. Later they entitled as ‘Sakh’ people from the palace aristocracy who were authorized to carry a seal. And when the knowledge was so deeply dug into the religion and that’s why a lot of it was lost with time, ‘Sakh’ turned in after-death belives of ancient Egyptians into the protector of dead, into the term meaning a mummy, the body burried in accordance with the ritual of ‘enlightenment’. But even after that the religion continued to connect ‘Sakh’ with meanings from more ancient times, with the notion of a ‘verily enlightened person’, with the merit and quality of another level which are endowed in the kingdom of heaven, as well as of the highest power and ‘divinity’.

      “Do you see how long is this chain of human transformations and fantasy? But it was all simple in the beginning. ‘Sakh’ was initially explained by ancient Egyptians as a life-giving energy. Due to the state ‘Sakh-Ba-Shu’, as it was called by ancient Egyptians, or saying in our language, with the help of a certain spiritual practice a human achieved a special state of the ‘highest enlightenment’. The pyramidal buildings played big role for that as one of the conditions for this practice in achieving the state of ‘enlightenment’. First it were stone pyramidal buildings or the hills. By the way, later it served as one of the reasons for worshipping of the sacred stone ‘Ben-ben’, the pyramidal stone, by ancient Egyptians.”

      And by the way this spiritual practice wasn’t limited only by Ancient Egypt. Many pyramids built artificially which are nowadays revealed by modern people and those ones which are still not ‘unsealed’ and not found are far from being chaotic buildings. Though built in different time they were located in strictly determined coordinates, with strict orientation in time of building at certain stars. Globally it’s a kind of a map. Initiators of such pyramids were people who possessed this knowledge. Imhotep was one of them. He received this information about the global world architectural project (which was elaborated far before the time of Imhotep) from the Sokrovennik at the end of his many years of study with him, along with other knowledge.

      “So, let’s come back to the begin of our story about Imhotep, this really significant human Personality. He was distinguished still in his childhood first of all by the purity of his moral qualities and sincerity of spiritual motives which were laid down in him by his parents. That’s why the Sokrovennik took his as a disciple. It was much easier for Imhotep to perceive the knowledge of the Sokrovennik than for example for a modern man convinced by the Archons in prevalence of the material life.

      “However, to get the knowledge is only a half of the deed. It’s much more important to use it in a worthy manner. Since as they say, theory is dead without practice. What was noteworthy in Imhotep as a Personality? Not only that he took this knowledge with all responsibility using it for developing of his soul, but he’s done a lot of useful things for people. More than that he did it so well that the seeds of knowledge he sew that time, due to the knowledge of the Sokrovennik of Shambala, were used not only by off-spings of Egyptians, but also peoples of Asia, Afrika, Europe.