Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Название: Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

Автор: Anastasia Novykh


Жанр: Эзотерика

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

isbn: 978-966-2296-13-6


СКАЧАТЬ of the Archons and who live in fears and illusions imposed by the Archons, every line in these talmuds is considered to be sacred. But for those who see the truth in the lines,” Sensei sighed heavily and uttered, “God is where light is.”

      Sensei became silent thinking about something. The guys also kept silence, some of them with admiring faces, some with puzzled gazes, and those like Kostya and Slava with indifferent faces at all. It seemed that everybody took the words of Sensei that moment in his own way, in accordance to his life experience and the grade of purity of his thoughts. For me, for example, it was really a staggering revelation! Actually I was quite aware of the text of the New Testament from the Bible, especially those places where it described the life of Jesus Christ, His Sermon on the Mount. I tried to read the Old Testament selectively but frankly speaking I didn’t grasp it due to many unknown names and localities. But now I caught myself at a thought that despite all the intricacy and complexity of the text, even without knowing what is written there, I also considered the Old Testament to be a holy book and blindly believed that it was written by ‘God’s people’, that is I believed that almost every word there came from God. I don’t know why I had this ’belief’. Maybe under the pressure of all the literature I managed to read by that time. It turns out that I was imposed this belief before I even saw this book, without even knowing what is written there?! It was a really shocking revelation for me. Here you are! That’s really a cunning work over the people’s mind! It’s so important to be an educated and wise person in this life. This revelation by Sensei invoke in me a desire to find out myself the truth, to deepen into the history, to compare, to check, to find a proof. And to clarify finally what is going on from the point of view of a human and not of that jennet whom everybody rides and transports his burden and whom everybody dupes with stories about sweet carrot.

      Nikolai Andreevich seemed to make his conclusions about history and uttered aloud, “Well, it’s so important to know history.”

      “Surely,” Sensei nodded, “especially the true history and not that one which was written by henchmen of the Archons.”

      “Right, when I think about it globally… Since Judaism as the religion of ancient Jews is a source of two world religions of nowadays. Billions of belivers think in categories prescribed for them…”

      “I’m sorry for interrupting you but I would like to mention one more important fact,” Sensei said to Nikolai Andreevich. “When talking about one or another their organization Archons’ henchmen emphasize the fact of enormous number of their followers. What for? This way they try to influence each single man meaning that if there are so many people with them, they are the best. Meanwhile they keep silence about the mechanisms how they crimp and zombi these people and what are the true goals of that organization. As far as those billions of believers concerned, many of them join world religions because they seek for God and the ways of spiritual self-improvement. And such particles of spiritual knowledge which are preserved in the legends of Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, other nations which got into the Bible, for example, they attract people. Due to them a man in spiritual search adheres to this or that relition. But it doesn’t mean at all that he fully belongs to the leading top of that religion. The man in search of God would have a lot of questions to his ‘pastors’ and they either don’t know how to answer or can’t answer quite honestly within the scope of this or that religious organization. So when the henchmen of the Archons declare that billions of believers stay behind them doesn’t mean that these billions are the same like that henchmen.”

      “Well, I have thought about it many times too, when I met different people and their world view,” Nikolai Andreevich acknowledged and he added in a while, “What I wanted to say… After your story I understood finally what attracts me so much in the Bible! It’s exactly those places you mentioned which are concern with ancient Egyptian views!”

      “Of course, these grains still give healthy ears and although modest but good harvest!” Sensei said with pride.

      “But how did it happen that these spiritual grains appeared in a slave-owing state?” Kostya shrugged his shoulders perplexedly.

      “Ancient Egypt wasn’t first a slave-owing country as Archons’ servants try to present it to historians,” Sensei remarked. “I have told you about it and will tell more. It was a society which achieved a significant spiritual progress. Even in following centuries when the Archons began to destroy seriously the spiritual structures of this country, the memory about teachings of the ancients fixed in the legends was alive in ancient Egyptian literature and among people.”

      “Ancient Egyptian literature?” Ruslan got surprised. “What a literature could be there? Nothing but papiri!”

      “Under the word ‘literature’ I didn’t meant paper,” Sensei grinned. “I meant that vast layer of deep human culture, highly artistic values which were recorded at times of Ancient Egypt on stones, papiri, and in hearts of people.”

      After a short silence Sensei asked Nikolai Andreevich with a slight irony, “By the way, do you know what are the roots of the Kabbalah greatly praised nowadays?”

      “Kabbalah?!” the lattest asked again. “Do you mean that secret doctrine of Israel and the key to masonic esoterism and rosicrucianism? No.”

      “Where does it originate from?” Volodya asked. “Frankly speaking, I just know that Kabbalah is a Jewish teaching which pretends to possess secret knowledge and at present gains popularity in the world.”

      “They will spend much time and blow this soap bubble still long time, they will shout around the whole world that there is a great mystery and might power hidden in it,” Sensei grinned. “Though in fact it’s totally empty inside. The Kabbalah originates from the ancient Jewish word ’qabbālah’ which literally means ’legend’. “

      “A legend?!” Victor repeated half in jest. “And I thought that it means a ‘political plot or backstreet intrigues’ as we were taught in the high school.”

      “No, it’s a ‘cabal’. Though if you regard the hidden goals and tasks of those who head the movement on dissemination of the Kabbalah teaching, it’s almost something like that. The term cabal derives from Kabbalah and originally meant either an occult doctrine or a secret…”

      Sensei took breath in order to add something more but hesitated and considered for a moment.

      “That’s why I tell you, the cabal is everywhere the cabal!” Victor uttered merrily grasping the same way as Sensei the meaning of words which had quite similar spelling.

      Sensei burst into laughing with all the company and uttered with a laugh, “Well, such ‘coincidences’ sometimes take place in life! So, it was really once a legend, however not an ancient Jewish one but an ancient Egyptian. It was based on even more ancient Egyptian teaching ‘Ka-Ba-Akh’ which opened sources of powers and ways, it was possible to go out with its help, so to say, from the circle of reincarnations of the soul. Ka, Ba, Akh, that is the astral body, soul and spirit-will, were three main components of this teaching where soul Ba was considered to be a top of this triangle. It showed only the ways of spiritual cognition and there was nothing about the influence on this material world. Like all genial things this teaching was simple and available for all those who wished to go along the spiritual way.

      But it happened so that the description of this teaching drew the attention of some ‘especially gifted’ Jewish priests. Not only that they rewrote this ancient teaching in their own way, but taking into account peculiarities of their greedy power-seeking nature to hide the ‘secret essence from their neighbor’ they managed finally to lose this knowledge across generations.” Sensei threw up a sand hillock in front of him and showed at its top. “If these Jewish priests knew at least something in the light of this teaching, the others,” he showed at the bottom of the СКАЧАТЬ