Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Название: Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

Автор: Anastasia Novykh


Жанр: Эзотерика

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

isbn: 978-966-2296-13-6


СКАЧАТЬ lost and people imitated only externally traditions of their ancestors. Therefore when some people with excessive megalomania make attempts to ‘influence’ on other people intimidating them and boasting that they possess magic ‘knowledge’ connected with the name, it’s just ridiculous because present names are just that very ‘transformation’. For example, let’s take the ancient Russian name Svyatogor, or German Siegfried, it’s nothing more that ‘victory + protection’. Or let’s take modern names like Andrew, John, Mary, Kseniya etc, these are the names of Christian saints who were taken in their turn from transformantion of meanings for different qualities of a ‘God’s man’. Thus the loss of genuine knowledge caused in fact the human ‘paranoia’ concerning speculations and manipulations with ordinary names, pretending ‘influence’ on the owner of that name. It came to such a point of absurdity that in that very Egypt later priests unleashed wars between themselves and captured ancient monuments by a such banal reason of human egocentrism as wiping off the names of genuine builders of these monuments and ‘immortalization’ on that place of their own names. Since the ancients mentioned ‘As long as the name lives, its owner is immortal’. In Ancient China it was prohibited to say aloud the name of the ruling emperor so that nobody could harm him. In ancient times Jews changed their names on any occasion so that ‘evil spirits could hardly find the genuine name’.”

      “That’s right,” Eugene said with a laugh, “so that they weren’t found by those from whom they borrowed money.”

      Everybody laughed sincerely.

      “That’s true!” Nikolai Andreevich nodded laughing.

      When the laugh faded out Sensei said, “So, all of that are human affairs.” And keeping silence for a while he added. “There is an ancient Indian wisdom written in Upanishads concerning this multitude of names in reincarnations of a human, “All rivers flow and disappear in the sea losing their name and image, the same way a man of knowledge freeing himself from the name and form ascends to divine Purusha’…”

      “To Purusha? Does it mean the primeval man?” Nikolai Andreevich specified.

      “Yes,” Sensei replied and explained to all of us. “Purusha refers to the primeval man in ancient Indian mythology, elements of universe appeared from him, he is a universe soul… And as far as the secret name of God concerned… It should be mentioned that many ancient people which were called later by Jews as ‘paganic’ had a legend that there was a rare possibility for a ‘mere mortal’ (that is for an ordinary man) to gain power like that one of gods. And it was connected with the knowledge of the secret Word under which the secret name of God was hidden. I should mention that though these legends are deeply covered with a veil of mythology and mysticism, they are based per se on the principle of what is called today as the Grail. I will tell you about it later.”

      “It would be quite interesting to listen to it,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with impatience.

      “There is time for everything,” Sensei uttered kindly. “But let’s return to the book Zohar, to the information which was adopted… Let’s take for instance ten sephiroths which kabbalists suggest for attributes of God, ‘rays which bear His creative energy’, whereas the light from these rays is perceived by them not through feelings but through wisdom. Names of the sephiroths are Crown, Wisdom, Understanding, Kindness, Justice, Beauty, Victory, Eternity, Foundation, Kingship. Where did they adopt it from and rewrite? From notions of ancient Egyptians about Ka and its connection with gods. Ancient Egyptians believed for example that a baby is taken care by its protective magic forces, that is by male deities which were indicated by the sign of Ka (the sign of hands risen upwards) and female deities which are called Khemsut (‘nurses’) and bear the sign of an arrow on their heads. As a rule there were seven pairs of them (and seven is a sacred figure for ancient Egyptians). And all of them are represented by fourteen names: Force, Power, Flourishing, Food, Worship, Eternity, Shine, Splendour, Glory, Magic (Kheka), Saying (Will to creation), Vision, Hearing, Conscious. 14 Kau and 7 Ba were attributed also to highest God. Make your conclusions yourselves.

      “Or let’s take for example how kabbalists give an interpretation to the soul. They repeat what was known long time ago to Eastern peoples that the world of a human is a microcosmos similar to a macrocosmos. Immortal divine substance is located in the middle of microcosmos, and it’s surrounded by external shells. They name these shells as ‘neshamah’ (spirit), it corresponds to ancient Egyptian Akh which you know already, ‘ruakh’, it’s the same ancient Egyptian Ba, soul. But kabbalists included the notion of personality of a human and the place of his will into ‘ruah’. Simply saying they bound into one bunch Egyptian notions of Akh and Ba. And the third shell as to them is ‘nephesh’, that is a body which corresponds to ancient Egyptian Khat. Besides they emphasize that each of these shells has three parts. For example, the very ‘nephesh’ includes not only the physical shell but also an immortal part of ‘nephesh’…”

      “Khu Li?” Eugene asked with a cunning smile.

      Sensei just smiled and went on telling, “as well as ‘spirit of bones’, that is imperishable physical body preserving its shape for following resurrection. The ‘spirit of bones’ means in ancient Egyptian terms Ka, or in our terms, the ‘astral double’. And it this misinterpreted perverted by kabbalists notion of trinity you can easily find out ancient Egyptian knowledge and believes.

      “Ancient Egyptians not only divided a man into five elemetns but they pointed out to the main triple interconnection between these elements. For example the main triads already known by you. Ka-Ba-Akh shows that soul is tightly bound with astral double of a man and his spirit-will. Or the triad Ka-Khu-Khat where the Animal nature (Khu) was tightly bound with the astral double of a man (Ka) and physical body (Khat). And they not only showed this trinity but wrote the whole teachings on work with these structures, effects, results. Also they pointed out to special trinity at achieving of certain level of self-improvement such as for example Sakh-Ba-Shu, I will tell you about it later. This knowledge was not invented from nowhere like kabbalists did, who not only picked up other’s fruits but mixed them with their very peculiar conclusions prepared such a medley that half of the humankind came down with dysentery caused by it. Ancient Egyptians took their knowledge from the pure source where everything was simple and clear. So take it and use! No, Jews needed to pervert it all in their own way, to complicate everything to incredible level, to name everything in their own way and to aim to their goals. Well … the funniest thing is that since in that kabbalists’ ‘teaching’ were seen the ancient Egyptian roots too clearly which can’t be hidden from eyes of a clever reader they began to popularize a legend that the knowledge of Kabbalah was imparted from very Adam to Noah and then to Abraham, ‘God’s friend’. They asserted that allegedly Moses possessed this ‘secret knowledge’ and initiated seventy elders into this teaching and then they imparted it to their ‘chosen ones’ as a great secret from one person to another.

      “It almost the same like in Egyptian legend about Seth and seventy two plotters,” Volodya remarked.

      “To Abraham, ‘God’s friend’?” Eugene got surprised in his turn. “It means that Abraham is a friend and the others are slaves? Smartly done.”

      “What did you expect elso from ‘Jews’, I mean the priests,” Sensei uttered. “So, they began to ascribe that namely through Abraham this knowledge got to Egypt where they let a ‘leackage’ of a part of this ‘mystical teaching’. And namely this way Egyptians got to know ‘something from Kabbalah’ and Eastern peoples ‘even introduced some elements of Kabbalah into their philosophical systems’.”

      “Hem, the guys aren’t at a loss,” Eugene commented again. “They have stolen this knowledge from Eastern peoples and now accuse that those peoples have stolen from them.”

      “Right you are,” Sensei confirmed. “This is one of their principles: first they steal somebody’s knowledge and then СКАЧАТЬ