Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Название: Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

Автор: Anastasia Novykh


Жанр: Эзотерика

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

isbn: 978-966-2296-13-6


СКАЧАТЬ gaps and emptiness they included there mathematics so loved by the Jewish priests and combined with the Jewish language so that nobody would ever guess or understand anything. As a result the book ‘Sefer Yetzirah’ (‘Book of creation’) appeared in the IVth century a.c. in accordance with goals and tasks of the top of Jewish priests, and apart from the statement that God is the reason of everything it was written there that the Universe is based on ten figures and twenty two letters of … the Jewish alphabet (it makes in total thirty two elements of the Universe).

      The seniour guys couldn’t stand at this moment and laughed. And Volodya added his comment, “One would say, it is ‘jewed’ on it!”

      But Sensei didn’t pay attention to the laugh of the guys and went on telling further.

      “It was emphasized in the Jewish teaching that namely the letters of the ancient Jewish alphabet are connected with creative forces of the Universe where each letter by its position corresponds to a a certain number and by its form to a hieroglyph with a hidden sense, and by its relation to other letters to a whole math symbol. Combining letters and making words from them one can allegedly even influence the world, open new laws of development, predict future events etc. It was claimed that possessing this ‘key’ the ‘initiated’ was able to extract a secret hidden from others Knowledge from the Jewish Torah. So here is again this human game in ’chosen ones’, possession of secret knowledge.”

      “And Torah is… is…” Slava seemed not able to recall it.

      “The ancient Jewish term Torah refers to the Five Books of Moses, that is to first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Though I would like to mention that in narrow circles the Five Books of Moses are called not else than the Six Books. For all persons interested in this issue there is an official ‘historical version’ to satisfy their interest according to which the Five Books of Moses were completed at the same time with the text of the sixth book of the Old Testament, the book of Jesus Navin, a commander already known to you. In fact the Five Books are for ordinary people. But for a quite narrow circle of those whose ancestors ruled over this people since times immemorial there are ‘Holy Six Books’ (remember it, further you will compare it with the following information), so decided the Jewish priests during their secret meeting in Babylon in the year of 440 b.c.

      “By the way, one of those who implemented one of the most important decisions of the priests was Ezra whose book also was taken into the Old Testament. His duties included editing, systematization and unification of laws into a code of laws prescribed for the Jewish people. Ezra moved from Babylon to Jerusalem where he worked actively together with Nehemiah to restore the cult of Jahweh, to reestablish prohibitions and prescriptions by priests for their people.

      His closest companion Nehemiah whose book was also included into the Bible was a quite aggressive Jewish politician, fierce chauvinist who was remarkable for his intolerance verging on hatred to all other peoples. By that time Persian king Artakserks (Artahshasse I) appointed him as a governor of Judea. Under his rule, not without help of Ezra’s propaganda the Temple of Jerusalem was restored. Due to activities of these two companions who implemented the plans of Jewish priest leaders they organized an open people’s meeting where Ezra announced the ‘Law’ designated for the people, it means the Five books respectively rewritten. They announced the rules of the priests to everybody and let them go home.”

      “It were again political games,” Nikolai Andreevich remarked.

      “Unfortunately,” Sensei nodded. “One of the Archons’ principles they use often in their activities is foundation of different religious organizations in order to create a society easy to be manipulated and subordinate to the Archons.”

      And in a while he began to tell further.

      “Well, as far as the kabbalists concerned, the second valued book by them after the ‘Sefer Yetzirah’ (‘Book of Creation’) is ‘Zohar’ (‘Book of light’) written in the end of XIIIth century a.c. by an author who descended from the Jewish diaspora living in Spain. Remember this date – end of XIIIth century, later you will compare it with something else and understand something. So, the concealed unspeakable Deity is regarded in the book ‘Zohar’ as En Sof (Endless) and the world of matter as emanation of divine forces. It tells also about ten sefirots, intermediate creative forces of the Deity, due to which it is revealed for cognition. And naturally it interprets the reincarnation of souls in its own way.”

      “Wait, I can’t get it how could it include the remains of ancient Egyptian knowledge? Show us at least a few examples to see the light,” Victor asked.

      “No problem. Let’s take for example an idea of kabbalists about the concealed unspeakable name of Deity which they adopted from the Bible. It got to the Bible through the Jewish priests who simply rewrote the information about the secret name of God in their own way which they took from ancient Egyptian sources and legends. It was believed in ancient Egypt that the genuine name of a human (they called the personal name of a human as ‘Ran’) is a key to opening his individuality (even for the dead, according to their believes, it was important not to forget his name after death), and the genuine name of God is a key to opening huge secret forces which give unlimited power. And, correspondingly, if you know the genuine name of a human you may have a positive or negative impact on its owner. Therefore they were convinced that the genuine name, whether it was the name of a human or of God, should be kept deeply secret for security reasons.

      “These notions formed a basis for many legends. For example, the legend about Isis and god Ra known today. According to this legend god Ra was bitten by a snake and had to tell his secret name to goddes Isis in order to be cured. And due to this secret name Isis got power over the king of gods.”

      “I wonder,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered, “If they paid so much attention to it in Ancient Egypt, we may assume that all this information was based not on emptiness?”

      “Surely,” Sensei nodded.

      “And which knowledge was its basis?”

      “As far as the genuine name of a human concerned… It was considered initially that when the soul appeared in the material world God gave it a name which the soul kept secret during all the reincarnations. God communicated with the soul through this name, and when it rippened He called for it. If someone got to know in some way the genuine name of the human soul, he could use it and influence on the human himself. But as a rule this knowledge is available apart from Boddhisattvas only to highly spiritual people who finish their earthly cycle of reincarnations. It happens seldom among people that the name given to a human from his birth coincides with his genuine name. But as a rule the human himself doesn’t have a slight notion of that. And this ‘coincidence’ happens not occasionally but in especially significant cases.

      “Unfortunately nowadays this knowledge is regarded as ‘fantasy’. Though a certain echo of this knowledge about names as an understanding of the first element in a human, of a certain deep innemost essence, what is put into the human essence, exists within different peoples. For example, the Indo-European word meaning the name ‘n-men’ refers to ‘in’, ‘inside’. Or the Russian dialect word ‘voimya’, meaning ‘name’. Hindu, in the Brahmanical concept, believe that the genuine name of a human characterizes the nature of its owner, that is ‘name and form’, ‘nāmarūpa’ are identical (by the way, its Vedic prototype is ’nāman:dhāman’, ’name and form’). There is a habit in many cultural and historical traditions to guess the inner essence of a new born baby in order to name it. For example, Zulus have a popular belief that if a baby cries much, they chosen a wrong name for it. Finno-Ugrs consider if they chose not a proper name for a human, it will cause difficulties in his life. But all of this is just an echo.

      “In times immemorial a man of knowledge СКАЧАТЬ