The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems. Homer
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Название: The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems

Автор: Homer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664634764


СКАЧАТЬ ‭ That would have call’d old Dolius my slave,

       ‭ (That keeps my orchard, whom my father gave

       ‭ At my departure) to have run, and told

       ‭ Laertes this; to try if he could hold

       ‭ From running through the people, and from tears,

       ‭ In telling them of these vow’d murderers;

       ‭ That both divine Ulysses’ hope, and his,

       ‭ Resolv’d to end in their conspiracies.”

       ‭ His nurse then, Euryclea, made reply:

       ‭ “Dear sov’reign, let me with your own hands die,

       ‭ Or cast me off here, I’ll not keep from thee

       ‭ One word of what I know. He trusted me

       ‭ With all his purpose, and I gave him all

       ‭ The bread and wine for which he pleas’d to call.

       ‭ But then a mighty oath he made me swear,

       ‭ Not to report it to your royal ear

       ‭ Before the twelfth day either should appear,

       ‭ Or you should ask me when you heard him gone.

       ‭ Impair not then your beauties with your moan,

       ‭ But wash, and put untear-stain’d garments on,

       ‭ Ascend your chamber with your ladies here,

       ‭ And pray the seed of goat-nurs’d Jupiter,

       ‭ Divine Athenia, to preserve your son,

       ‭ And she will save him from confusión,

       ‭ Th’ old king, to whom your hopes stand so inclin’d

       ‭ For his grave counsels, you perhaps may find

       ‭ Unfit affected, for his age’s sake.

       ‭ But heav’n-kings wax not old, and therefore make

       ‭ Fit pray’rs to them; for my thoughts never will

       ‭ Believe the heav’nly Pow’rs conceit so ill

       ‭ The seed of righteous Arcesiades,

       ‭ To end it utterly, but still will please

       ‭ In some place evermore some one of them

       ‭ To save, and deck him with a diadem,

       ‭ Give him possession of erected tow’rs,

       ‭ And far-stretch’d fields, crown’d all of fruits and flowr’s.”

       ‭ This eas’d her heart, and dried her humorous eyes,

       ‭ When having wash’d, and weeds of sacrifice

       ‭ Pure, and unstain’d with her distrustful tears,

       ‭ Put on, with all her women-ministers

       ‭ Up to a chamber of most height she rose,

       ‭ And cakes of salt and barley did impose

       ‭ Within a wicker basket; all which broke

       ‭ In decent order, thus she did invoke:

       ‭ “Great Virgin of the goat-preservéd God,

       ‭ If ever the inhabited abode

       ‭ Of wise Ulysses held the fatted thighs

       ‭ Of sheep and oxen, made thy sacrifice

       ‭ By his devotion, hear me, nor forget

       ‭ His pious services, but safe see set

       ‭ His dear son on these shores, and banish hence

       ‭ These Wooers past all mean in insolence.”

       ‭ This said, she shriek’d, and Pallas heard her pray’r.

       ‭ The Wooers broke with tumult all the air

       ‭ About the shady house; and one of them,

       ‭ Whose pride his youth had made the more extreme,

       ‭ Said: “Now the many-wooer-honour’d queen

       ‭ Will surely satiate her delayful spleen,

       ‭ And one of us in instant nuptials take.

       ‭ Poor dame, she dreams not, what design we make

       ‭ Upon the life and slaughter of her son.”

       ‭ So said he; but so said was not so done;

       ‭ Whose arrogant spirit in a vaunt so vain

       ‭ Antinous chid, and said: “For shame, contain

       ‭ These braving speeches. Who can tell who hears?

       ‭ Are we not now in reach of others’ ears?

       ‭ If our intentions please us, let us call

       ‭ Our spirits up to them, and let speeches fall.

       ‭ By watchful danger men must silent go.

       ‭ What we resolve on, let’s not say, but do.”

       ‭ This said, he choos’d out twenty men, that bore

       ‭ Best reckoning with him, and to ship and shore

       ‭ All hasted, reach’d the ship, launch’d, rais’d the mast,

       ‭ Put sails in, and with leather loops made fast

       ‭ The oars; sails hoisted, arms their men did bring,

       ‭ All giving speed and form to ev’rything.

       ‭ Then to the high deeps their rigg’d vessel driven,

       ‭ They supp’d, expecting the approaching even.

       ‭ Mean space, Penelope her chamber kept

       ‭ And bed, and neither eat, nor drank, nor slept,

       ‭ Her strong thoughts wrought so on her blameless son,

       ‭ Still in contention, if he should be done

       ‭ To death, or ‘scape the impious Wooers’ design.

       ‭ Look how a lion, whom men-troops combine

       ‭ To hunt, and close him in a crafty ring,