Your Chinese Horoscope 2010. Neil Somerville
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Название: Your Chinese Horoscope 2010

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007330720


СКАЧАТЬ on, he should find the time to do so. In order to get results he will need to be disciplined and concentrate on what he wants to do, even if this may mean cutting back on other activities. But the effort he makes can reward him well.

      There will also be a good chance for the Fire Rat to get to know others over the year, especially through his interests, and he may appreciate a special friendship and some lively and fun times. However, while socially the year will see some good times, a certain care is needed. If the Fire Rat should find himself involved in activities or high jinks he has misgivings about, he should follow his better judgement. Similarly, if he has concerns over any matter, whether educationally or personally, rather than dwell on it by himself he should talk to those in a position to help and advise. Fire Rats, do take note and remember that support and advice are available to you.

      Many Fire Rats will also have the opportunity to travel during the year and whether their trips are connected with their studies or a holiday, they can add some excitement and interest to the year.

      As far as the Fire Rat’s domestic life is concerned, he needs to be open and communicative. Those around him will often be keen to encourage and help him, but to benefit he does need to be forthcoming. If he is also prepared to contribute to home life, he can generate a better understanding with his loved ones and enjoy more as a result. Again, it is worth the Fire Rat making the effort. Whether in his home life, his interests or his school-work, the more involved he is, the more he can benefit.

      For Fire Rats born in 1936, this is a year for deciding on plans and carrying them out. If the Fire Rat lets himself get distracted, there is a risk that chances could slip by and he could find himself not able to make as much of the year as he would like. His ideas could concern almost any area of his life—perhaps modifications to his home, hobbies and projects he wants to pursue, travel or some other area of interest—but by giving some thought to what he wants to do and putting in the effort, he can enjoy some satisfying times. Also, sharing thoughts with those close to him can lead to more happening as well as to offers of additional support.

      Another factor in the Fire Rat’s favour will be the way he keeps himself informed. This can lead to hearing of opportunities or offers that are ideal for him or benefits that could help his present situation. This is a year to be aware and open to possibility.

      Whether born in 1936 or 1996, this can be a rewarding year for the Fire Rat, but it is one requiring effort and discipline. However, if he focuses on what he wants to do, makes the most of the support of those close to him and seizes his opportunities, he will often be pleased with the results his efforts and diligence can bring.


      Use your time and opportunities wisely and concentrate on what you have to do. The greater the focus, the better and more satisfying the results.

       The Earth Rat

      The Tiger year is a busy and eventful one and the Earth Rat, with his measured approach, will be well placed to benefit from it.

      For Earth Rats in work this is a year to keep their wits about them, including keeping informed of developments and remaining aware of proposals under consideration. This way, when changes do take place or openings arise, the Earth Rat will be able to consider his position, assess the implications and act. Although some may prefer to continue with their present duties, this is no year to bury their heads in the sand and they should aim to remain aware and, importantly, be flexible.

      For some Earth Rats, the changes that occur could involve taking on new responsibilities, often in a more supervisory role. Here their extensive experience will be a great asset. Other Earth Rats may find themselves affected by new working practices or having to vary their role in some way. If they are willing to adapt, these changes will often give them the chance to extend their skills and will bring some interesting new challenges. This is no year for standing still, and for any Earth Rats who have become staid in their present role, the Tiger can often bring the change they need.

      There will, though, be some Earth Rats who will decide to take advantage of retirement options, consider reducing their work schedule or look for a more convenient position. By considering various possibilities, making enquiries and talking to contacts, many could be successful in securing a new position with duties very different from those they have done before. A key feature of the Tiger year is that it can open up new possibilities. April, June, September and October could see some important decisions, but throughout the year opportunities need to be seized when they arise.

      This can also be a rewarding year as far as the Earth Rat’s personal interests are concerned and if there is an idea he has been nurturing, a subject that appeals to him or a skill he would like to improve, this is a year to follow this up. In particular, those Earth Rats who reduce their work commitments will find that by giving themselves new objectives and using their additional free time in a purposeful way, they will get much value out of what they do. Being observant and good communicators, Rats are particularly known for their writing abilities, and any Earth Rats who are interested in exploring their skills will find they can be the source of much pleasure. Again, a key element of the year is to seize the initiative and take action.

      The Earth Rat will also find his interests bringing him into contact with others and can look forward to a variety of social occasions over the year. Any Earth Rats who are lonely or have neglected their social life in recent years will find that becoming more active and perhaps joining a local interest group will bring an improvement to their situation. May, July, August and December could be the busiest months socially as well as good ones for meeting others.

      The Earth Rat’s domestic life is also likely to see much activity during the year and any accommodation ideas he may have need to be discussed and planned well in advance. If he decides to move, ample time needs to be allowed for the moving process to take place, and the earlier preparations can be made, the better. Throughout the year it is also important that the Earth Rat consults others about his plans, otherwise misunderstandings could arise. This also applies to any pressures or concerns he may have. This is very much a time for openness. However, busy though domestic life may be, there will be many occasions the Earth Rat will thoroughly enjoy, including marking the achievements of someone dear. For some this could include celebrating the birth of a grandchild.

      Travel is also well aspected and the Earth Rat should make the most of any opportunities or invitations that come his way. By remaining alert, he could particularly benefit from special offers and last-minute breaks.

      In matters of finance, however, he will need to remain vigilant and should keep particular control over his spending. For those Earth Rats who retire or lessen their working commitments, there could be financial adjustments to consider and where important paperwork is concerned, the Earth Rat will need to check the details thoroughly and take advice should anything concern him. Financially, this is a time to be careful and disciplined.

      Overall, the Year of the Tiger will be an active one for the Earth Rat, bringing change but with it the opportunity to explore new possibilities. With a willing attitude and the support of others, he can make this a special and often personally rewarding time.


      This can be a time of opportunity but to benefit you need to be flexible and mindful of others. Explore new possibilities and look at ways of furthering your interests. This can be a promising and important year. Use it well.


      Ben Affleck, Ursula Andress, СКАЧАТЬ