Your Chinese Horoscope 2010. Neil Somerville
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Название: Your Chinese Horoscope 2010

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007330720


СКАЧАТЬ the possibility of travel and all his current commitments, the Water Rat will need to keep a close watch on his financial situation. This includes making early provision for some of his plans as well as watching his level of spending. This is no year for risks or too many spontaneous purchases.

      The activity of the Tiger year will also filter through to the Water Rat’s home life and here good communication and co-operation will be more important than ever. Whenever the Water Rat has pressures or is concerned about decisions and possible work changes, it is important that he talks them through with those around him. Not only can loved ones provide understanding and advice but sometimes just the process of talking can help him sort out his own thoughts. This is no year to keep worries to himself. Similarly, if any pressures or domestic problems arise, a willingness to talk can be to the benefit of all. In addition the Water Rat will do much to assist more senior relations, with his thoughtful-ness being particularly appreciated. Domestically, this will be a busy year, but despite its pressures it can bring some notable family successes, and the progress of younger relations could be especially delightful.

      With all the activity of the year, many Water Rats will be more selective with their socializing than of late, but it is important that they keep in contact with their friends. This is no time for the Water Rat to withdraw into himself and let his social life lapse. May, July, August, December and January are likely to see the most social activity.

      The Tiger year will ask a lot of the Water Rat but will also give him the opportunity to develop his strengths and open himself up to new possibilities. By being forward thinking and adapting to the situations that arise, he can make this a constructive and personally satisfying year.


      Pay particular attention to your relations with others. Be open with them. Discuss, talk, consult and help. This is an important time for you and those around you will play a significant and valuable part.

       The Wood Rat

      The Wood Rat will have accomplished a lot in the last few years and the Tiger year will offer him some interesting opportunities. It may not be a smooth or easy year, but its significance can be far-reaching.

      As the Tiger year starts the Wood Rat would do well to take some time to consider his present position and possible next moves. He would find it helpful to talk to others and mention the ideas he is considering. By doing so, he will not only clarify in his own mind what he wants to do but will benefit from the advice and assistance that others can give. As all Rats will find, this is no year for standing still, and by deciding early on what he wants to work towards, the Wood Rat can get the year off to an encouraging start.

      At work this could be a particularly important year, with almost all Wood Rats involved in change. Whether this arises through restructuring, opportunities in their present place of work or the decision to move on, many Wood Rats will alter their role in some way. With possible changes to their routine and/or commute, as well as new responsibilities, this can be daunting, but by rising to the challenge the Wood Rat will not only make positive headway but greatly add to his experience.

      For Wood Rats who are keen to take their career in a new direction or are seeking work, the Tiger year can bring some interesting possibilities. By seeking advice, exploring options and considering other ways in which they can use their strengths, many Wood Rats will succeed in obtaining a new and often very different position. Persistence will be required, but for the determined this can be a time of positive change. Mid-March to the end of April, June and September to mid-November could see some good opportunities, but with the prevailing aspects the Wood Rat will need to keep alert throughout the year and act quickly when he sees any openings that interest him.

      With the Wood Rat’s ability to relate so well to others, he should also make the most of the chances he has to network and meet others and, if appropriate, join a professional organization. By getting himself better known he can help his situation and the level of support and advice he receives.

      This also applies to his personal interests. If he is able to meet other enthusiasts, whether at special events or by joining a local group, he will find this not only adds to the fun and pleasure his interests can bring but can also lead to him learning and achieving a lot more. By putting himself forward and making the most of his opportunities, he can gain a great deal. In addition, for those who are unattached and would perhaps welcome a more active and fulfilling social life, their interests can be an excellent way to meet those who are similarly minded, and for some, important new friendships or a special romance can follow on. For socializing and meeting others, May, July, August and December could be active and interesting months.

      With the busy lifestyle the Wood Rat leads it is also important that he takes good care of himself. This includes having a nutritious and balanced diet as well as taking regular and appropriate exercise. This could be of considerable benefit to him.

      The Wood Rat will also need to be careful in money matters. With his current commitments and often expensive plans, he will need to be disciplined in his spending and make early provision for some of the projects he has in mind. Also, where important transactions are concerned, he would do well to check the terms and obligations and, where appropriate, seek advice. This is a year for care and good money management.

      Both personally and domestically this will be a busy year, with a lot for the Wood Rat to do and think about. Where necessary, he should be forthcoming and prepared to talk about his concerns. Also, when in company he needs to be attentive and listen closely to others to avoid any possible misunderstanding. However, while the Tiger year does call for a certain awareness, the Wood Rat can look forward to many memorable times with close friends and loved ones. These could include realizing certain hopes and plans as well as enjoying travel and joint activities. Personally, there can be a lot to enjoy this year, but the Wood Rat does need to remain alert and liaise closely with others.

      The Wood Rat has many fine talents and knows he has it within him to achieve a great deal. The Tiger year will give him the chance to broaden his experience, learn through change and discover new strengths. It can be an instructive year with far-reaching value—a demanding time, but in many respects a positive one.


      Do not be too restrictive in your outlook and remain open to possibility. Also, consult others and make sure you give time to loved ones. They can play a very special part in your year.

       The Fire Rat

      The element of Fire gives a sign added determination. Fire signs are the doers of the Chinese zodiac and often have compelling personalities. The Fire Rat certainly has much in his favour, with his earnestness and good people skills being assets that will serve him well throughout his life. During the Tiger year he will have the chance to use his strengths, but he needs to be disciplined. Scattering his energies too widely could affect what he is able to achieve. The Tiger year requires focus.

      In the Fire Rat’s education, he needs to stay well organized and concentrate on what has to be done. Working steadily throughout the year will not only allow him to fare better but also to learn more. In addition many Fire Rats will be introduced to new subjects or skills, and by applying themselves and working at these, they could discover certain strengths they will be keen to develop in the future. Educationally, this can be a positive and interesting time, but to benefit the Fire Rat needs to be committed and make the most of his chances.

      This also applies to his interests and recreational pursuits. If there is a skill that he wants to learn СКАЧАТЬ