Your Chinese Horoscope 2010. Neil Somerville
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Название: Your Chinese Horoscope 2010

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007330720


СКАЧАТЬ well to consider rectifying this. Also, Tiger years do favour the new and it could be that a pursuit that has recently become popular could be very suitable.

      The Water Ox’s domestic life will also see a lot of activity over the year and he will do much to assist others. Younger relations in particular could be facing academic pressures and here the Water Ox’s encouragement and understanding will be particularly valued. Sometimes more senior relations will also look to the Water Ox for assistance and while he will again do much to help, there will be times when he will be torn in several directions and have to rush from one matter to another. There could also be some situations that concern him and add to the pressure. When this happens, or he has decisions preying on his mind, or is worried about the attitudes of others, it is important that he is forthcoming. With discussion, problems can often be resolved, tensions eased and decisions made. In this demanding year, openness and co-operation are essential.

      While there will be some particularly busy times during the year, there will, however, also be some occasions which will mean a great deal to the Water Ox. An academic success, some progress made or a holiday or break can all bring a great deal of pleasure as well as be good for domestic rapport and understanding.

      It is also important that the Water Ox does not feel so busy that he has to cut back on his socializing over the year. This not only helps keep his lifestyle in balance but can also give him the opportunity to get to know others. The unattached and those hoping for a more fulfilling social life will find that by going out and giving themselves the chance to meet others, their positive actions can lead to an improvement in their situation. March, April, June and August to early September could see the most social activity.

      Overall, the Tiger year will be fast-moving and there will be times when the Water Ox will feel concerned about developments or under pressure. However, by doing what he can and rising to the challenges of the year he will gain important experience which he will be able to build on in the future. This is a time to remain alert, be prepared to adapt and remain mindful of others.


      Although you will have many demands on your time, do not let these prevent you from developing your interests. These can bring balance to your lifestyle as well as offer much personal satisfaction. Also, at busy or worrying times, do draw on the assistance of others. This can help you in many ways.

       The Wood Ox

      There are two words that it would be helpful for the Wood Ox to keep in mind this year: ‘awareness’ and ‘flexibility’. This will be a busy year and throughout the Wood Ox will need to remain alert and be prepared to adapt. He may have firm ideas and objectives, but to stay too wedded to these could hinder his progress.

      One area which will see change will be work. Those Wood Oxen who have been in the same position for some time may well feel ready for a change at some point during the year. For many, this will be with their present employer and their in-house knowledge will make them strong candidates for promotion. Others will choose to look for greater responsibilities elsewhere, but whatever the Wood Ox does, this is a year favouring progress and personal development. Many Wood Oxen will be successful in securing a new position and taking on a more fulfilling role, and a lot will be expected of them, including learning new duties and, for some, altering their routine. The early days could be daunting and tiring. However, by having faith in their abilities and rising to the challenge, these Wood Oxen will often find their new role allows them to discover strengths which will become part of their onward development. Progress made this year can have important long-term benefits. Even those Wood Oxen who decide to remain in their existing role will find that developments will often require them to adapt and this will help prepare them for future possibilities.

      For Wood Oxen seeking work, the Tiger year will not be easy. Patience and persistence will be required and there will be times when these Wood Oxen will feel despondent, especially when certain applications do not go their way. However, by drawing on the advice available, widening their options and showing initiative at interview, many will find their tenacity rewarded by the offer of a job that may be different from what they have done before, and this can be of great future value. Late February to the end of April, September and November could see some interesting openings, but opportunities do need to be seized when they arise.

      The progress the Wood Ox makes in his work can lead to an increase in income over the year. However, while this will be welcome, the Wood Ox will need to remain disciplined in his spending. With his existing outgoings and plans for the future, this is no time to succumb to too many temptations. Also, if he should enter into any agreement or contract during the year, he does need to check the terms and obligations carefully. This is a year to be thorough and vigilant.

      With his often demanding schedule, it is also important that the Wood Ox gives some consideration to taking sufficient exercise and having a well-balanced diet. To neglect his well-being or drive himself too hard could leave him prone to minor ailments or lacking his usual energy. He should also allow himself time for recreational pursuits rather than feel he needs to be continually active. His interests can bring him great pleasure and enjoyment.

      In his relations with others, this can be an eventful year. For some Wood Oxen this could include parenthood and the considerable adjustments this can involve, while others could be involved in a move with their partner to more suitable accommodation and some will decide to marry. For many this will be a busy and special year, with a lot to do, plan and look forward to. Throughout, it is important that the Wood Ox is open, communicative and considerate. Decisions will need to be shared, plans sometimes adjusted and compromises reached. But with care and mindfulness, this can be a positive and exciting year.

      Nevertheless, there will be some Wood Oxen who will be unhappy with their personal situation. Perhaps a relationship is unfulfilling or a friendship not as strong or as special as it once was. For some, the Tiger year can bring difficult decisions and uncertain times. However, as the proverb reminds us, ‘Fortune turns like a wheel,’ and for the few Wood Oxen who experience difficulties this year, disappointments will pass and fresh opportunities often open up, including, for those who are alone, meeting someone very special. Demanding though the Tiger year may sometimes be, it can have far-reaching significance. March, April, June and August could see the most social activity.

      Overall, the Wood Ox will need to remain alert, vigilant and flexible over the Tiger year. But he will often be able to build on his accomplishments in the future, especially in the following and more favourable Rabbit year.


      Consult, communicate and be aware. Also be prepared to adapt to situations as they arise. This way you can learn a great deal and often find opportunities beginning to open up for you. Also, do be attentive to those who are special to you. This will add a lot to your year.

       The Fire Ox

      The Fire Ox has a determined nature and during his life his great sense of purpose and many skills will lead to him achieving a great deal. However, as we all know, some years are better than others, and for the Fire Ox this will be one of the more challenging ones.

      For the Fire Ox born in 1997 this is a year for commitment and hard work. In his education a lot will be expected of him, with much to learn and many new skills to master. It will sometimes be difficult for the young Fire Ox to cope with such a wide variety of subjects as well as fit in all the other things he wants to do. Also, while he has his strengths, some subjects could be a struggle and cause him some anguish. The Tiger year will be demanding, but it is by being stretched and challenged that the Fire Ox can learn a lot, and СКАЧАТЬ