Your Chinese Horoscope 2010. Neil Somerville
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Название: Your Chinese Horoscope 2010

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007330720


СКАЧАТЬ Although moving away from the familiar may be uncomfortable, what opens up to him this year can prove to be the chance and challenge he now needs.

      At work this can be a decisive year. For some Metal Rats there could be significant promotion opportunities, and while these may be something they have been working towards for some time, they could have an impact in several ways. Not only will they entail learning new skills but they could also involve changes to routine and sometimes location. Nevertheless, while personally daunting, these opportunities can give these Metal Rats’ career the boost they have been wanting for some time.

      For Metal Rats who are content in their present position, again change could beckon. Whether this is brought about through new management, the introduction of new working practices or more senior staff moving on, many Metal Rats will find themselves being given further responsibilities. They may be concerned about their increased role and workload, but by being prepared to adapt and make the most of their situation, they will not only add to their skills but also open up other possibilities for the future. A key feature of the Tiger year is that its effects can be far-reaching.

      For those Metal Rats seeking work, either at the start of the Tiger year or during it, again some important possibilities can open up. Securing a position will require effort, and the Tiger year does not always make things easy or straightforward for Rats, but with faith, self-belief and a certain amount of initiative, many will find their tenacity rewarded. Mid-March to the end of April, June and September to mid-November could see considerable activity, but with the fast-moving nature of the Tiger year, ideas and possibilities need to be followed up as they arise.

      One of the Metal Rat’s strengths is his ability to get on well with people and over the year he should continue to use these skills well. Whether working with others or meeting new people in his line of work, he will impress many with his eager manner and willingness to assist.

      As with all Rats in 2010, travel is likely to figure prominently for the Metal Rat, and whether he is travelling for work or pleasure, he should allow time to plan his itinerary and read up about his destination. By going well-prepared, he will make his time away all the more successful. If there is a particular destination that appeals to him, he should talk this over with his loved ones and see what is possible. Some Metal Rats could be tempted to mark their fiftieth year with a special trip or holiday and for many their travels could be one of the highlights of the year.

      The Metal Rat is generally careful in money matters, but he should try to make advance provision for his projects and purchases over the year. With good budgeting, he will be able to proceed with many of his plans, but this is a year for careful control, especially with everyday spending.

      With the progressive nature of the Tiger year, he should also give some consideration to his interests and recreational pursuits. These bring an important balance to his lifestyle and if there is a particular interest or idea he has been keen to explore, this would be a good year to follow it up. Trying something new or extending his existing knowledge could open up exciting new possibilities both now and in the future. Any Metal Rats who are sedentary for much of the day and do not tend to take much regular exercise would also do well to consider activities that could remedy this. With their fiftieth year marking change and new possibilities, they can benefit from positive action.

      In their relations with others, they will find that family, friends and colleagues can all offer useful encouragement and support, but the year still calls for a certain care. In particular the Metal Rat will need to be prepared to consult and listen. To appear too single-minded could not only undermine rapport but also prevent him from benefiting from the opinions of others. In addition, it is important that he spends quality time with his loved ones. In this frequently busy year there is the risk that he might not give the time or attention to others that he has in the past, and this could lead to possible disagreements. With thoughtful-ness, this can be a rich and special year, but without, tensions could loom. Metal Rats, do take careful note. Nevertheless, the Tiger year could well be marked by occasions that will mean a great deal to the Metal Rat, including possible celebrations and surprises for his birthday.

      He should also make sure his social life does not suffer due to all his activity and should aim to preserve some time for going out and meeting friends as well as treating himself and his loved ones to any social events that appeal. Metal Rats who are alone and would welcome a more active social life will find that positive action can reward them well. By going out, joining interest groups and making a special effort to meet those who are like-minded, they can form some new and often significant friendships. For the unattached, romantic prospects are also promising. Here again, Tiger years reward those who are prepared to put themselves forward. May, July, August to mid-September and December could see the most social activity. In general, the Year of the Tiger will be a demanding one for the Metal Rat, particularly in view of some of the changes that will occur. But while the pressures may sometimes be great and there will be times of uncertainty and concern, the year can mark the dawn of a new and important phase. This is a year to be open to possibility, to rise to situations and to keep alert for opportunity. With a willingness to move forward, the Metal Rat can make this an important and personally significant time and one which can also have a positive bearing on the next few years.


      Despite the activity of the year, do make time for those who are important to you. Extra attention and thoughtful-ness can make a real difference to the year and your prospects.

       The Water Rat

      The Water Rat is blessed with a great many qualities. He has a willing nature, is prepared to put himself forward and, with the element of Water strengthening his skills as a communicator, he will have a lot in his favour during the Tiger year. To benefit, however, he will need to show flexibility and be prepared to adapt to the situations that arise.

      At work, change is indicated, and although many Water Rats will have seen a lot happen in recent years, this period of transition is far from over. Whether settled in a particular position or keen to move on, the Water Rat will need to remain alert and seize opportunities as they occur. In some cases sudden changes in personnel could create openings or new initiatives could give the Water Rat the chance to build on his experience and take on a new role. This is a year for moving forward, even if it may not always be in the exact way the Water Rat had envisaged.

      This also applies to those Water Rats seeking work or a change from their present role. The Tiger year can be a time of new starts and by being flexible, considering a wide range of options and talking to those who can advise them, many Water Rats can be alerted to new ways of using their skills and given fresh possibilities to consider. Mid-March to the end of April, June, September and October could see some interesting work developments and the Tiger year favours those who seize the initiative.

      Another factor in the Water Rat’s favour is his keen and inquisitive mind, and by being prepared to further himself in some way, whether through enrolling on courses, undertaking personal study or trying new subjects or activities, he can help his prospects both now and in the near future.

      He would also do well to allow time for recreational pursuits, especially those that allow him to get additional exercise or are in contrast to his usual daily activities. Also, if there are activities that appeal to him, this would be an ideal year to try them out. In 2010 it is important the Water Rat keeps his lifestyle in balance.

      Travel will also feature strongly for many Water Rats. Some could benefit from attractive offers they see or could decide to go away at the last moment. However their trips come about, the rest and change of scene can do the Water Rat a lot of good. For those not able to take a long break, just a few days away or visiting others could be particularly beneficial.

      With СКАЧАТЬ