7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007348565


СКАЧАТЬ their 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s who may well be alive in the sense that their heart is still ticking, but who actually stopped truly living long ago. Hang on! What am I talking about here? I know many people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who stopped living years ago, let alone people in their 60s or 70s. I know people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who aren’t just feeling fat, lethargic, and depressed, but who actually feel old!

       “If you think you are old you are right,if you don’t think you are oldyou are also right”

       “How Old Would You Be, If You Didn’t Know How Old You Are?” Leroy (Satchel) Paige

      Life breeds life, and if you are constantly stressing your digestive system with too many of the wrong sorts of foods and drinks there is no question you will feel, and therefore be, older than you are. There is also no question that the physical side effects of a bad diet and no exercise, such as being overweight and lacking in energy, can often shatter your courage and lower your spirits. And low spirits age someone quicker than anything else.

      This is why I have specifically devised this plan with fast, healthy results in mind. As I mentioned, like it or not, we all want instant gratification, and I know that cleaning out the system with nature’s super juices and seeing startling results in super-fast time can lift someone’s spirits like almost nothing else and thus give them a zest for life again. Yes, a sign of affection from the people we love should be enough to make our day, and clearly it can help a great deal, but if we are being honest, for many people there’s nothing quite like the feeling of fitting into those jeans to lift the spirits!

      This is why I love the fact that with this program there is such a difference on the weight and energy levels in super-fast time. The letters, e-mails, and video diaries I have received from those who have done the program have shown not only a great difference in body aesthetics, but more importantly in spirit. It is spirit that keeps us alive; it is spirit that drives us; it is spirit that makes us want to get out of bed and live as opposed to survive; and it is spirit that makes us want to better ourselves and our lives and enrich the people around us.

      This is why very, very few people simply do the 7-day program and then go back to their old lifestyles. Most people who do the program are so juiced by the end of the 7 days that they continue and do the Phase 2 Turbo-Charge and Phase 3 Juicy Lifestyle plans. The average weight loss on the 7-day juice plan is about 8 lbs (4 kg), but combined with the 2-week Turbo-Charge Plan the average weight loss in the 21 days is an amazing 18 lbs (8 kg)!

      However, despite the fact we are in an obesity epidemic and despite all of what I’ve said, I can still hear some people shouting …


       “But It’s Never Healthy to Lose Weight Fast”

      Well, when I say I can still hear people saying, “But it’s never healthy to lose weight fast,” I meant many doctors and dieticians. When talking to dieticians, nutritionists, and doctors about this 7-day juice program, I was continually hit by the same old rhetoric:

       “Yes, the person may lose 7 lbs in 7 days, but some of that will be water and maybe even tissue; it won’t all be fat.”

      This may well be true, to some extent—although not in every case—but if it gets us into that little black dress, or gets our six-pack showing, what the hell do we care! OK, so now I am being facetious. Yes, we do care and, yes, we do want to lose fat and, yes, we don’t want our muscles to waste away and, yes, we want to be healthy, but hey, as I’ve mentioned, we also want to look good … fast! They then go on:

       “ … and a weight-loss fast of this nature can never be healthy and will inevitably result in the person becoming fatter in the long run.”


      Well firstly, it’s not a fast. I hate it when I hear of people describing this plan as a “juice fast.” It’s a contradiction in terms. You cannot be fasting while you are having freshly extracted juices. A fast is where a person drinks only water and takes in no nutrients from food whatsoever. Juicing furnishes the body with the finest, easiest to ingest nutrients on the planet, and juicing retains 95% of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables. Let me reiterate that:

       Juicing Retains 95% of theNutrients in Fruits and Vegetables

      And given that these highly charged macro- and micro -nutrients are often much more bio-available to your cells (meaning more of the nutrients will get to where they are needed), there is no way on earth that this program can be described as a fast.

      Secondly, it’s ironic that any program that feeds every cell in the body with precisely what it requires for optimum health could possibly be called unhealthy. I find it mind blowing when people tell me that this program is not only unhealthy but—wait for it—dangerous. Yes, DANGEROUS! I kid you not. This program has actually been described by a few uninformed doctors and dieticians—the very people who are meant to be in charge of our health and vitality—as dangerous. Now call me Mr. Are You Flipping Kidding Me, but how on earth can ridding yourself of junk food, caffeine, alcohol, and other crap from your diet and pouring in nature’s finest super foods for a week be described in any way, shape, or form as dangerous?


      Diabetes was relatively unheard of when I was growing up. Now we are in a situation where over 21.1 million people in the United States have diabetes—that’s a 600% increase from 1958. And this is just the people who know about it. It is estimated that at least 7 million more have diabetes but don’t know it. The United States has the highest rate of diabetes among developed countries, along with the highest rate of obesity. Globally, cases of diabetes have risen from 55 million in 1955 to 150 million in 2004, and are projected to grow to 300 million by 2025. In the US alone an estimated 79 million more people are at risk of becoming diabetic. This isn’t some slightly inconvenient disease either: type 2 diabetes (the most common) causes more amputations a year than even smoking-related diseases. Yes, amputations! On top of that, diabetes is directly responsible for many losing their sight. Diabetes can make you blind!

      Heart disease has now overtaken cancer as both the US and UK’s biggest killer and, like diabetes, very few cases are hereditary and nearly all cases are caused directly by what we eat and drink! Even the World Health Organization admits:

       85% of Western Disease is Caused Directlyby What We Put into Our Mouths

      Given these facts, I just cannot understand why any doctor or dietician would be against anyone going from a diet of junk to some of nature’s pure super foods or why they might even consider it to be dangerous. You would think all doctors would love an approach to weight loss that only involved nature’s finest healing foods and didn’t involve a drug of some description. One reviewer, a well-known dietician who writes for a British national newspaper, went so far as to claim that the program is not only nutritionally questionable but also makes anyone who practices it hungry and unhappy.

      However, my research—which involves thousands of real people who have given their feedback on my juice program—suggests otherwise. Here are a couple of examples:
