7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007348565


СКАЧАТЬ of the most amazing juicy stories are from “regular” people.

      Not Such a Regular Guy

      I remember a guy at one of my “Weekend Retreats” who arrived very skeptical, left very skeptical and—if it weren’t for the rapid results he achieved after doing a specially devised “8-day challenge” when he left the weekend—probably would have remained skeptical … and fat! This man was about 250 lbs (113 kg) when I met him; he is now just over 170 lbs (77 kg)! That’s a massive, massive change. It’s the difference of being able to walk without a constant chafing on your inner thighs; it’s the difference of being able to run and play; it’s the difference of being able to go into a store and buy whatever clothes you like; it’s the difference of being able to get into a swimsuit without the constant paranoia that everyone and their mother is looking at and judging you. This man is happier than ever, more passionate about life than he has been in years, has much more energy—and he looks good! This is the power of what juice can do and the power of seeing good results in a short space of time; it can boost you into major life change and inspire you to continue. Coincidentally, as I write updates for this US version of the book, a letter has just come into me. A woman completed the 7 lbs in 7 Days juice program one year ago and has just written in to say that a year later she has lost 98 lbs (44 kg) and 8 dress sizes and has found herself a “toy boy”—her words! You cannot even start to imagine how this woman’s life has changed in every single area. This is not a quick fix; it’s a catalyst to lifelong change, as long as if you understand it and do it right. This is why it worked for Katie Price, the guy you just read about, and the now hundreds of thousands who found that good, fast results on the juice program have enabled them to have faith in juicing and continue to do it, and now they have a very juicy lifestyle. And it is why it can work for you.

      It’s all well and good telling people to “be patient” when they change what they eat and that “the body will drop the weight when it is ready,” but that is hardly going to help you fit into that little black dress or tuck into those jeans in time to party!

      Yes, I’m being slightly facetious, but no matter how much we try to cover it up or ignore it, the fact is that this is no longer a world where patience prevails. Whether we like it or not, the instant gratification society has taken over in what can only be described as a …


       Super-fast World

      We live in a world of fast cars, fast trains, fast planes, fast TV, fast games; we eat super fast, drink fast, speak fast, and of course—the big one—we have plenty of fast food. We also live in a world where change in technology happens in a nanosecond. Where we were once amazed that it is possible to communicate and send pictures over the Internet, nowadays if our computer doesn’t do what we want in two seconds flat, we’ll start swearing at the darned thing in no time.

      We live in a world where we want, and expect, super-fast results with everything—including weight loss and improved health. This is why if there is a safe, highly nutritious way that will enable people to see quick results, then I’m all for it. Especially when the likelihood is that they will then get so juiced and excited by what they see that they’ll continue with Phases 2 and 3 of the program.

      Clearly not everyone will continue with the Juicy Lifestyle; I’m a realist, and many will simply use the 7-day program as a quick, “Oh, no, I have to look good for the wedding/party/date/holiday/boy/girl/whatever—and I have to do it fast!” But that’s OK. The worst thing that will happen is that you will give your body a super cleanse, lose some weight, feel good, and get healthier—and what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with someone who usually eats a diet full of crap drinking some powerful liquid fuel for a week and giving their body a much-needed rest?

      Equally, many people will use this system specifically as a “super health clean”—almost like putting their body in for service once every three months. In fact, going on this program once every season is one of the best things you can ever do for your health and even your longevity—and again this isn’t hearsay.

       Twice the Life

      Dr. Roy Walford has written five books on the subject of immunology and aging. Based on his numerous long-term experiments, he is convinced that the human lifespan should be 120 years and we should arrive there virtually free of disease. There are a few cultures around the world, such as the Hunzacut tribe, who do in fact live that long, thus perhaps semi-proving Dr. Walford’s point. However, what interested me in particular was his work on mice. The normal lifespan of mice is about two years, yet Dr. Walford’s mice live an average of twice that long. How does he achieve this amazing feat? All he does is give the mice their normal food for five days of the week and then just water for the remaining two days. In other words, he simply rests their digestive systems for 48 hours every week and the mice live TWICE as long.

      Now clearly I am not suggesting you will live twice as long if you do this juice program, but I am suggesting that you can have twice the life while you are here.

      When you stop burdening your body with energy-zapping, life-depleting “foods” and drinks, it not only has a huge impact on the actual length of time you will live, but more importantly, when your system is clean, your mind is clearer and your spirits are higher; all of this will lead to your wanting to experience more of what life has to offer and so in turn having more of a life. And I’m not suggesting that by doing this program once or even four times a year you will slow down the aging process either. In fact, while I’m on this subject I want to get this off my chest:

       You Cannot Slow Downthe Aging Process

      Yes, there are creams and lotions that claim they can slow down the process and, yes, on the surface you can appear younger, but that doesn’t mean you actually are! Appearances can be deceiving, and just because you are looking good on the outside because of a few face-tightening creams, the surgeon’s knife, or bathing in asses’ milk, it doesn’t mean for one second that your internal organs are as young as your external self looks.

      Equally, there are no foods on the planet that can help slow down the aging process. All you naturopaths out there reading this may well be shouting at the book in the strong belief that there are indeed many foods provided by nature that will slow down the aging process. However, it’s only us humans and the animals that we feed who seem to die at such differing ages. We are also the only creatures on the planet whose regular diet essentially consists of denatured food and we are also the only ones on the planet who overburden their digestive system on a regular basis and who consume God knows how much alcohol a week.

      Caffeine, nicotine, refined sugars and fats, stress, drugs, and a defeatist frame of mind have all been linked to speeding up the aging process. But when you stop doing one, a few, or all of these things you don’t slow down the aging process—you just stop speeding it up. There is a big difference between the two.

      So it’s not that the raw power of freshly extracted fruits and vegetables plus a few super food supplements in this program will help slow down the aging process; it’s just that the rate at which you age will be slower than it would have been had you been eating and drinking junk.

       We Are Not Living LongerWe Are Surviving Longer

      Many doctors and dieticians argue that historically we are now living longer than ever, but the reality is we are surviving longer, not living longer. There is a massive difference between just getting СКАЧАТЬ