7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007348565


СКАЧАТЬ is based on nature’s principles, and if you are already a decent weight, don’t panic, you won’t get “skinny” doing this. I know some people want to get skinny, but this program hasn’t been designed to turn anyone anorexic or juicorexic (if indeed that is a term!). You can make yourself “thin” by eating three candy bars, smoking twenty cigarettes, and drinking four vodka and Diet Cokes every day. Yes, it’s true. If that’s all you consumed you would lose weight and become “thin,” but as you can imagine, a chocolate, cigarettes, booze, and Diet Coke diet would not be a healthy one. Just remember, most heroin addicts are also “thin”!

      What I’m talking about here is finding a good healthy system that will enable you to kick-start a healthy eating lifestyle, give yourself a quick super detox, help with a particular illness, or, for those of you who are overweight (which is the majority), to lose 7 lbs in 7 days in a healthy way.

      Since this book was first published I have been searching for ways to make the program even easier to follow. That is why there is now a phone app, a DVD, a color-coded wall planner, and even a full delivery system of the program directly to your door (yes, how cool is that!). It’s also why, in this fully updated edition, I have decided to include my handy color-coded wall planner for the 7-day program. This planner has been available to buy separately for a few years and has been an invaluable tool for thousands of people. It contains all the recipes and is fully color-coded by the time and method you require. It’s a very helpful tool and means that once you have read the book, you no longer need to refer to it to see what you need to do. But please do not make the mistake of just taking out the wall planner, downloading the shopping list from the site, and getting on with the plan. If you do there is a good chance that you will fail—you have been warned! I’m being neither defeatist nor negative, simply realistic—based on my many years of experience. It’s essential that you read the book first! I’ll soon repeat this point in “The Rules”—and for good reason. If you are not armed with the right frame of mind and a complete understanding of why you are juicing rather than just how to do it, you will most likely fail. You have been warned—and soon you’ll be warned again!

      The letters, calls, e-mails and even video diaries still continue to flood into juicy HQ. When I first wrote the book, I knew from my own experience and from that of others whom I have helped over the years that the results would be good, but even I wasn’t quite prepared for just how good. Nor was I quite ready for the often moving, uplifting, and life-changing messages from people who not only have read the whole book and completed the program to the letter but have also fully understood the message: fully understood why the program was designed and how it is a catalyst to a permanent slim, trim, healthy body and mind and not just a one-time, drop-a-few pounds “diet.”

      I sincerely hope this book achieves for you what it has for so many people around the world. I also hope that the following small selection of testimonials that I’ve picked out inspires you to make a point of reading the book and following the program instead of simply talking about “doing it one day.” After all:

       “The Road of ‘One Day’ Leadsto a Town Called ‘Never’”

      May the Juice Be with You

      Jason Vale

      You can have all the scientific data on juicing, and all of the info about what vitamins and minerals are in them, but what really juices people is hard proof. If you are anything like me, you’d like to hear that you are not about to waste your time and energy on something that doesn’t get results. You don’t want to “hope” it will make a difference—you want to be certain. The bottom line is

       Does It Work?

      The answer, as you will read from this small sample of testimonials, shows a resounding

       YES—It Does!

      It’s worth pointing out to any skeptics that the following testimonials are 100% genuine and unsolicited. The letters and e-mails, which the following are taken from, are available for all to see. I have received thousands of testimonials over the short years this book has been out, and this is just a very small sample of what people are saying. I understand the urge to jump forward with a book of this nature and not bother to read such testimonials, but I have added them for a reason. Please make a point of reading each one, as there is nothing more inspirational than knowing 100% that this will work for you and there is nothing more inspiring than real people getting remarkable results.

       I sincerely hope you read this little book, follow the program, and reap the truly incredible rewards.

      “I have just completed your 7 lbs in 7 Days plan and want to say how amazed I am at the results—I lost 15 lbs (7 kg)! I’m still in absolute shock. I wasn’t severely overweight—I was 157 lbs (71 kg) and am now 142 lbs (64 kg). This has now completely inspired me and I have followed up with Turbo-Charge Your Life in 14 Days. Since the birth of my second child I have been eating the wrong foods—chocolate, bread, sweets—to combat severe exhaustion! And I have found it impossible to lose the weight, but not anymore! Last night was a joy when I managed to get back into my ‘skinny’ jeans! C.”

       “Hi, I would just like to say ‘thank you’ … I found it easy doing juicing for 7 days and I lost 8.2 lbs (3.7 kg)! I started on April 29 and now at my weigh-in this morning, June 21 (nearly 8 weeks later), I weigh 149.2 lbs (67.7), i.e. 26.8 lbs (12.2 kg) lighter than when I first started with juicing and your plan! I have also lost 5.5% of my body fat and my BMI is down by 4.5. I am writing this to you because I thought it may be used to encourage other 70+ -year-olds to do something about their diet. Thanks again, J.”

       “Hi Jason, before I started the 7 lbs in 7 Days program I weighed 120 lbs (54 kg). Now I weigh 112 lbs (51 kg) and I have stayed at that weight for the last five months. It’s great to know that I never have to diet again. I enjoyed the delicious juices so much while doing the program that I now replace either my breakfast or lunch with a juice. I also start my day around 6:30 a.m. on my mini-trampoline and I have increased my walking. What I find now is I don’t eat cookies or cakes anymore. I have no desire to put something negative into my body. I don’t feel hungry between meals anymore. I have so much energy and I feel so alive and positive. I feel so light, not full of garbage anymore. Before I started juicing I used to feel so tired and it was an effort to do most things. But those days are gone. Sorry if I have gone on a bit. Anyway thanks again for everything … take care and thank you a thousand times!”

       “Hi, I am 57 and have had 6 children (including twins). I am a ballet teacher, and after my first 4 children I was 133 lbs (60 kg). Since having the twins 25 years ago I have not been under 168 lbs (76 kg). I have tried every diet going but never managed to get under the 168 lb mark. THEN … a few weeks ago my daughter introduced me to your juicing plan. Well … I have completed the 7 days … and lost an AMAZING 11 lbs (5 kg)! I couldn’t believe it when I weighed myself, moved the scales and weighed myself again THREE TIMES, then went next door and borrowed my neighbor’s scales … and then realized … IT WAS TRUE! I am now on day 3 of the Turbo-Charge in 14 Days plan and following the book … I started this plan at 178 lbs (81 kg) and really want to stick with it until I get to my proper weight, but I would like to get to under 154 lbs (70 kg) before I go to Italy in 2 weeks. I am now 167 lbs (76 kg)! … Many thanks.”

       “I am absolutely over the moon, I just can’t believe it. I СКАЧАТЬ