7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet. Jason Vale
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Название: 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007348565


СКАЧАТЬ It’s amazing! Thank you so very much.”

       “I’m amazed, I have not only lost 8.2 lbs (3.7 kg) on the 7-day super juice program, I have also lost 2 in (5 cm) from my waist and hips! On top of that, I also did the Turbo plan and lost a further 8.5 lbs (3.9 kg). The thing that surprised me most was that I never felt uncomfortably hungry and to my further amazement I could only manage an average of three juices a day. I thought I’d easily not only have all five, but would be wanting much more. Although I missed my cup of decaf tea on the program, I was surprised to see that although I could have one after the program, I didn’t want to!”

       “The best side effect is the way you feel. I never thought that changing your diet could have such a profound effect on your mental state. I guess you really are what you eat—thank you. X”

       “To have lost over 9 lbs (4 kg) in just 7 days is so rewarding and is such a huge incentive for anyone looking to try this plan. In this day and age we all want to see instant results—we want it NOW! And with this plan you can get it!”

       “This program has been an absolute win, win, win. I’ve spent less time and money on shopping—it’s just so simple as there’s no deliberating on what to buy, or scanning packets for calorie content, or calculating points values, or assessing GI indexes—its just so simple and it works. It really, really works! Thank you.”

       “I just feel so fantastic—I feel lighter mentally and physically and I’m full of energy. I didn’t think it possible to lose so much weight without being hungry and at the same time know you’re giving your body everything it needs in terms of nutrition.”

      I have literally thousands of these, all ranging from incredible weight loss to dramatic positive health changes, and they pile in every day. I hope you will also be adding your own letter one day with your incredible transformation. In order to make that happen, all you have to do is follow …

      I would like to make something clear before we start. As the testimonials suggest, what you are about to read has the power not only to reshape your body but also, as a follow-on effect, the ability to reshape many aspects of your life.

      In order to make this program work to its maximum potential there are a few ground rules that I need to cover. Please note that these rules are essential for the success of the program.

      • Read the entire book in the order it was written.

      • Follow the 7-day program to the letter.

      • Read at least four pages of the book a day to keep up momentum.

      • Let Your Mind Be Free.

      • Follow the Rules!

       RULE 1: Read the Entire Book in the Order It Was Written

      The first rule is one that I lay down in all of my books. My books are specifically intended to be read in the order they were written—not as a “flip through” or “dip in” type of book—and they have been designed to be read in their entirety. It is incredible the number of people who buy books of this nature and either don’t read them at all or just “flip through” the pages. This book will only be effective if you read it in the order it has been written. Flipping through this book will not give you the results you are looking for.

      Luckily the vast majority of people do read the book and do succeed. I believe this is partly because it’s extremely easy to read. Most people read the whole book within a day, with some people taking just a couple of hours. Time is precious these days and many people don’t have a vast amount of it to spend reading, especially if they want results … fast!

      I am fully aware too that some of you will feel that you are in a race against time now (perhaps you have a wedding, a party, or a date coming up) and you want to skip the reading and just do the program. However, the “preplan” is extremely important and the wise saying of “less haste more speed” is never more apt than here. Clearly you can just jump ahead. After all, you can attempt to cross a road away from a designated crossing zone during rush hour, blindfolded, and with your legs tied together. But the chances of your getting to the other side in one piece would be a good deal smaller than if you crossed without your legs tied and without the blindfold at a crosswalk. Equally, this program can be done without any mental preparation, but the chances of true success are next to none. These few rules are here for a reason. You have been warned!

       RULE 2: Follow the 7-Day Program to the Letter!

      If you follow Rule 1, Rule 2 will follow naturally. To reiterate, the program will be MUCH easier if you follow Rule 1 before you jump into the program.

       RULE 3: Read at Least 4 Pages of the Book Each Day to Keep up Momentum

      Momentum is without question the key. This rule is just as important as the other two. How many times have you started something—a book, a language course, an exercise program, a change of eating program—only to find that other things soon got in the way and you never finished it? By following the rule of reading at least four pages a day, come what may, you will achieve something that over 90% of people who buy books of this nature fail to achieve. You will actually finish the book you have bought. What a concept!

       RULE 4: Let Your Mind Be Free

      An open or, as I like to say, free mind is of paramount importance when reading this book. We tend to carry so much baggage in our heads that we are rarely free to accept new information, new opportunities, new ideas. We tend to have an extremely entrenched view of what is correct on many subjects—none more so than on the subject of health and nutrition—and we tend to believe that what we know is absolute fact.

      The chances of this being the only book you have read on the subject of health/diet and nutrition are very slight, not to mention the numerous TV shows you have probably watched. It is likely you will have accumulated a great deal of information that you now regard as fact, and if you read anything in this book that contradicts this information, you may find it easy to dismiss it.

      All I ask you is that you allow your mind to be free—especially when it comes to my style of writing. My style isn’t for everyone. We are all different and the old saying “You can please all of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time” is particularly appropriate here. Not all of you reading this book will like the way I put things, my attempts at humor, my mild swearing at times, or my constant repetition of key points. However, everything I write is here for a reason. And, trust me; there is no way I would ever want to write more than is absolutely necessary. The repetition of key points is vital in order to get the essential message beyond your consciousness into your subconsciousness. Although this may “jar” with you at times and you may feel it unnecessary, please allow your mind to be open to this approach.

      Fortunately, most people like my no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is, chatty approach and find my books incredibly easy and often funny to read. This is a conscious and deliberate approach on my part as it makes completing СКАЧАТЬ