7I. The brief course. 7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition). Nikolay Tatarov
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СКАЧАТЬ in the army always began to lead from the fact that the thieves-quartermasters were shot. Generalissimo Suvorov not for nothing said that any quartermaster, who served for two years in one place, can be hung without trial and investigation.


      Another feeling associated with the role of the grabber is a feeling of distrust, suspicion, doubt, scepticism.

      The grabber is extremely distrustful. Like Thomas unbeliever, he will not believe until he feels it.

      Thomas… told them:

      if I see wounds on His arms from nails,

      and do not put my finger in wounds from nails,

      and do not put my hand in His ribs I will not believe.

      (John 20:24,25)

      Mistrust creates a way to check everything. The grabber never asks the road once. At first, he will ask the road from one passerby, and then will begin to ask the same about the other.

      Mistrust and suspicion generates grabbers to have such feature of the character, as caution, circumspection, the desire to “keep their head down”.

      Greed together with distrustfulness makes grabbers to be thrifty. Especially they like to stock up with gratuitous or cheap things. They have long-term stocks, and at the real grabbers – and multiten-year stocks.

      Grabbers” suspicion is shown in their aspiration everywhere and in everything to see someone’s intrigues. They sow the relations of general mistrust and suspiciousness, strive to arrange “witch-hunt”.

      The suspicion and distrust of the grabbers can be outweighed only by their greed. The feeling of distrust and suspicion is always mixed up with a feeling of greed and jealousy; both these feelings are associated with grabber’s role. The grabbers conflict of distrustfulness and greed is a source of grasping habit.

      If the grabbers give money, then only for a credit, at interest, only with benefit, only for a loan or other guarantees. But on the pledge of the word they do not give for a loan. They “do not beg for snow in the winter”.

      It is better not to lend money to grabber – he will do everything not to back the money. You can completely lose contact with the selfish buddy if you give him a small amount of money for a loan – he will stop meet with you under any pretexts, just not to back money.

      As grabbers are tended to the theft, they the first notice other thieves – “a fisherman sees a fisherman afar”. They suspect all in theft and laceration aspirations, because they are familiar.

      The role of the suspicious grabber is a role of a watchdog who watches for a junk. And often this is the role of “dog in the manger” – it does not eat and does not give to others.

      The suspiciousness of grabbers makes them vigilant. It is almost impossible to slip past the self-guard, caretaker or auditor. But he can be bribed. It will not be cheap, but possible. grabber’s motto: “Serving the Fatherland, do not forget yourself!”

      The feeling of mistrust is also called a feeling of scepticism, a feeling of doubt. grabbers this is people who are sceptical, doubtful at all, taking nothing for granted. grabbers are people of a critical mind, they are pragmatists and realists.

      The fashionable phrase that “real people sit on unfaithfulness” (i.e. doubt everything, do not trust to nothing and to nobody, check everything and recheck) is one more illustration to feature of the character of the grabber-realist. The feeling of mistrust is called the feeling of the real.

      The developed feeling of mistrust and suspiciousness of grabbers generates a tendency to hide and conceal money and valuable things. “It is a quiet Ukrainian night, but you have to hide fat!” – this is about grabber. It happens that grabber on a drunk “will break for treason” – he will hide money, but, when become sober, he can not find them.

      Realism, distrustfulness, thrift, business grasp this is what called the pragmatism. The pragmatism – is a selfish feature. Therefore, the role of the grabber can also be called the role of the Pragmatist.


      Except greed and distrustfulness, in a selfish corner, in a selfish nook of soul, there still lives the feeling of an anxiety, concern, frustration.

      The feeling of anxiety (concern, frustration) in a strong manifestation is called a state of “nervous platoon”, nervous excitement, annoyance. When a person does not want to go into such an emotional state, he says: “Do not nervous, do not irritate me!”

      The person who, having looked at the watch, has understood that he has overslept that he is late usually passes into a condition of nervous excitement. He jumps sharply and begins to gather feverishly quickly. The “alarm” command, which sounds in the army, in the fire departments, at the frontier post, just calls to this nervous-feverish state. At the same time the siren howls, the flasher blinks. This is done specifically to increase the feeling of an anxiety, to increase nervous excitement.

      The condition of nervous excitement a person who is forced to do several special, urgent things at the same time usually have. In such emotional state the squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age” feverishly was gathering scattered nuts. Such a state of mind happens to the mother, when she is “all on her nerves”, urges her child: “Come on! Come on! Move faster! A little time!”, to take him to the kindergarten.

      Feeling of an anxiety, concern, frustration sometimes call a stress. Stress is constantly exposed to residents of large cities with a high rate of life. When a provincial comes to a large or metropolitan city, it seems to him that everyone around him “runs like a fever”.

      Long stay on a nervous platoon – leads to nervous breakdowns, hysterics, psychoses. When a person has broke, being on a nervous platoon, they say: “Why are you crazy about? What, do nerves play pranks?”

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