7I. The brief course. 7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition). Nikolay Tatarov
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      With age the power of the body becomes weak, the heroic beginning decreases, feelings are cool down. They usually say about the person who has lost before an ardour of the soul:

      But early feelings has cool down…

      (“Eugene Onegin”)

      The heroic beginning is called the energy of life. They say about people whose character lacks heroic qualities:

      There is no life in them, all dolls are waxen…

      (“Stone Guest”).

      From boredom and from such “waxen dolls” Pushkin’s Don Guang has run away to Madrid.


      When Lev Nikolaevich Gumiliov defended the dissertation according to the passionate theory of ethnogenesis, one of the members of dissertation council asked him: “Can you explain on fingers who are passionarians?” “Understand! Not all people are grabbers”, – replied Gumiliov. This is true. Not all people are grabbers. There are also “Heroes-passionaries”. But there are grabbers too. It will be discussed about grabbers in the next paragraph.

      §3. GRABBER


      There are people who are called “grabbers”.

      Grabbers possess an increased susceptibility of the nervous system and a rapid reaction. The grabbers have increased skin sensitivity, perhaps, is due to the fact that many nerve endings come to the surface of the skin.

      Grabber’s role, three feelings are connected: greed (avarice), distrust (suspicion) and anxiety (concern, frustration).


      The feeling of greed, avarice, lust, associated with the grabber’s role, generates the desire to possess the object of lust. Greed and avarice are constantly encouraging grabber to use his chance, not to miss the prey, to have time to grab, to get ahead of others, to jerk to himself in time. That is why grabbers are called grabbers and graspers. They have a very developed “grasping reflex”.

      The grabber is a lover of freebie and easy profit. Selfish greed, the desire to grab on the cheap generates a rush demand, when they throw out a scarce commodity. When to the hungry throw “or the fight-dog” the object of their lust, they, fuelled with greed, arrange among themselves selfish bickering.

      Greed is the source of envy: “another grabbed, he got it, but I did not!” – enviable. They say about grabbers: “Greedy folk have long arms”.

      The grabber – he is not only a grasper and a grabber, but he is also still cormorant and cheapskate, he is a miser and a chuff. grabbers do not like the word “to buy” very much, because “to buy” means “to give money”. They prefer the word “to obtain”, that is, “to make a raise”, “to take”, “to find”, “to get a gift”, “to steal”, and only in the most extreme case, after bargaining, “to buy”.

      If the grabber buys something, then only on the cheap. He will not pay an extra kopeck. Before buying something, the grabber will always find the lowest price. He always knows what, where and how much. This can be seen in Judas. This is what the Gospel of John says:

      Mariia, taking a pound of backgammon pure precious world, has spread Jesu’s legs and wiped His legs with her hair; and the house filled with the fragrance of the world.

      Then one of His disciples, Judas Simonov Iscariot,

      who wanted to betray him, said:

      Why not sell this chrism for three hundred denarius…

      …because there was a thief

      He had a cash drawer with him and wore that they lowered there.

      (John 12: 3—6)

      Judas who as a result has sold Jesus for 30 silver coins was a treasurer in the company of Jesus and his apostles: “he had a cash drawer with him and wore that they lowered there’. The thirst for money is a very selfish tendency of nature.

      The grabber – thief. He is an evident thief or a thief in the depths of his soul. The grabber all “self” clings to his hands. If giddy-person always loses everything, then grabber, on the contrary, as if gathers by itself.

      The grabber – hoarder. He drags to the house everything that will get, everything that “badly lies”. His house is filled with unused junk. When moving to another house the grabber gets boxes with junk. There is only one way to make grabber get rid of junk – to persuade to sell. But he won’t sell cheap.

      An example of a selfish woman – a Box from Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, which thought, how not to undersell, she wanted to sell more expensive “dead souls”. Another example of a selfish character – a squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age”.

      The notion of property – the notion of the “eternal and integral” right of a person to private property – has grown from a selfish greed: “Mine! I will not give it!” grabbers are ardent owners, zealous apologists of a private property.

      The grabber considers the wife (or husband) own property too. The grabber has always a marriage of convenience. grabbers like to conclude the marriage contract. For them, marriage is a deal “you – me, I – you”. When divorcing the selfish person will certainly try to bargain more junk.

      Grabbers are very jealous. Jealousy – generation of greed too. Mutual jealousy is called the competition. Competition arises when one is jealous of others as the object of lust. Competing with others, the jealous person strives to get ahead of everyone, before reaching the desired goal. The competitor is encouraged with a feeling of greed and lust.

      No need to assume that greed, envy, greed are bad feelings. For example, A.S. Pushkin believed that “Envy is a competition sister, consequently from a good kind”. The poet presumable has written this phrase in 1831. (First published by P. V. Annenkov in the Collected Poems, 1855, vol. I, p. 288.)

      Grabbers are called “stuffy” people. They say about them: “from greed the toad strangles”.

      Grabbers eat a little, economically, if at their own expense, but at other expense eat greedily, until dumping. Their motto is: “What I do not eat – then I will bite’

      Grabbers can be good speculators and second-hand dealers. These are bright and prudent businessmen who measure everything on money and sensitively react to change of market condition. Their god is – the Golden Taurus. They are corrupt and unprincipled. For the sake of profit, grabbers will easily break laws and moral standards.

      Grabbers are self-serving people. Self-interest – this is a vested interest. The grabber is looking for benefits in everything. He lives according to the saying: “The fish seeks, where is deeper, the man – where is the best”. He works only if he sees a direct personal benefit for himself. Whatever he does, wherever he serves, the grabber always works only for himself. For the sake of the idea, for the sake of society, the grabber won’t work. On grabber “where you sit down – there you go down”. It is better СКАЧАТЬ