7I. The brief course. 7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition). Nikolay Tatarov
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Inspiration is called high spirits, called a state of lightness, freshness, vivacity. The person in high spirits goes “the flying gait”. Inspiration “spreads the wings of the soul”, gives “wiggle the wings of the soul”. This is the state of being in love – that is why they say that love inspires.

      Inspiration generates such feature of the character as “soar” – the desire and ability to go beyond the ordinary, to rise above the daily routine. The feeling of inspiration generates the desire to fly.

      Inspiration is a feeling of freedom. When a person has got an inspiration, they say that a person caught spirit; they say that he has a mischievous mood. He begins to improvise. He gets spontaneity and immediacy of action. He becomes unchained and liberated.

      The inspiration is a creative beginning in the person. It is a feeling of sincere, creative uplift. Often during a spiritual, creative upsurge, a person rushes with “burning eyes”, not knowing what to do with himself.

      The feeling of inspiration is well conveyed in the famous masterpiece of Russian romanticism – “The Song of the Stormy Petrel”.

      Over the gray plains of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Stormy Petrel flaunts proudly, like a black lightning.

      Then touching with the wing the wave, then soaring like an arrow to the clouds, he screams, and – the clouds hear the joy in the courageous scream of the bird.

      In this scream – THE THIRST OF WINDSTORM! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the certainty of victory are heard by the clouds in this scream.

      The thunder roars. In the foam of an anger, the waves moan, arguing with the wind. The wind covers waves with a strong embrace and throws them with scope in a wild rage on rocks, breaking emerald bulks in dust and splashes.

      Here he rushes as the demon, – the proud, black demon of a storm, – both laughs, and sobs…

      He laughs over the clouds, he sobs with joy!

      This is a courageous Stormy Petrel flies proudly between lightnings over the roaring angrily sea; that screams the prophet of a victory:


      The feeling of an inspiration generates to the desire to plunge into the storm, to bathe in it, to surrender to it completely, without a trace. In such state of soul of a person, having stretched hands, jumps in a grass, runs out during a thunderstorm under heavy rain streams, swallows of them, trying to embrace the raged elements. With such feeling fly, young horses jump on a steppe scope, puppies play and behave outrageously.

      These people tend to live and act at the limit of their forces and capabilities. The principle of karma-yoga is suitable for them: “Act on the limit – and you will step over your limits”.

      Heroes are people who are addicted. It is extremely dangerous to go on a car if it drives a person with a heroic character. He can not go quietly, his “eyes are burning”. He needs spirit, drive. He will definitely arrange a dashing, risky race.

      People with the heroic character achieve to the extreme, emergency situations. They always go on aggravating the situation. Only in an extremely acute, critical situation, in situations connected with danger and risk, they can throw out their energy and fall under the drive, fall under a sense of excitement and inspiration.

      People with the heroic character constantly reach into fire and water, get involve in fights and wars, take part in risky escapades and adventures, in riots and revolutions. They conquer mountain peaks, soar to the skies, descend to the bottom of the seas, go with a bear spear for a bear. The main thing is that they can not and do not want to live in peace. Everything that is not related to the marginal risk is for them a deadly boredom:

      And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,

      As if in windstorms is a peace!

      Heroes are offenders, rebels, extremists, revolutionaries. Revolts and revolutions are a social storm. Heroes draw on the thick of events, in the most hell, at the very top of the attack. It is not by chance that the “Song of the Stormy Petrel” was an anthem of the revolutionary youth of the beginning of XX century.

      The lot of Heroes is a deadly risk and a passion for the attack. Pushkin’s poem “Poltava” describes the feeling of fighting the inspiration of Peter I.

      His eyes…

      Are shining. His face is awful.

      Movements are fast. He is beautiful,

      He is all, like God’s thunderstorm.

      …Powerful and joyful, like a fight.

      He devoured the field with his eyes.

      “The aspiration to danger lies in the basic of all great passions” – Anatole France said.

      The attractiveness of difficulties and dangers for heroic character is reflected in one of the songs of a climbing cycle of V. Vysotsky:

      Here is not a plain, here is another climate —

      There are avalanches one after another.

      And here behind a rockfall, the rockfall roars, —

      And you can turn off, round break —

      But we choose a difficult way,

      Dangerous, as a military track.

      And from the narrow-minded point of view, there is nothing more unreasonable, than useless and dangerous climbing on the mountains or going in unnecessary campaigns. For the inhabitant, it is more reasonable and civilized to spend time in the summerhouse, in a rest home or in a resort near the warm sea. There is no need to jump in the winter to an ice-hole if you can spend time culturally and with dignity in the warmth and comfort at a good table.

      People with fire in the soul are always directed forward, upward, into the “Houses in the Holy”. They live forever in the search for a new one, they grab for everything at once. Their eyes burn with a mischievous, “demonic” brilliance. They are maximalists – they do not know the measures in anything. They do not need a titmouse – give the crane out of the sky. They – “from the frying pan into the flame”. In their rules “to love – so the queen, to steal – so a million”, “to walk – so to walk, shoot – so to shoot”, “either the chest in crosses – or the head in the bushes”. In their aspirations, they are uncontrollable.

      The life of a person with a heroic character is the “wheel of Fortune”. He can win, but can lose; can win in battle, and can be defeated, can steal a million and love the queen, and maybe lose his head. He is rich today, tomorrow is poor, and after – again with money. However, the prosperity, wealth, social position, the opinion of others, however, the very presence of opinion, as well as the lack thereof, does not interest the Heroes. And any result of their adventures does not matter to them: “Movement is everything, the goal is nothing”. Heroes do not appreciate what they did, and do not take care of what they achieved. People with a heroic character need only one thing – a feeling of an excitement, inspiration, courage, drive. And only for the sake of this feeling they ask for СКАЧАТЬ