7I. The brief course. 7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition). Nikolay Tatarov
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СКАЧАТЬ down and let the mind come”, – Heroes sometimes tell a legend from representations clear to inhabitants. They are talking that they need a fame, need money and other but in fact, Heroes do not need it all. The hero needs a storm and the intensity of emotions, and serene philistine peace, even furnished with all sorts of amenities, Heroes do not need.

      Heroes are very passionate, addicted players. Everything for them in life – is a game. Any risk, any danger – no more than a game. And the more opponents in this game, harder it is – more exciting, more interesting. The war for them – this is also a game. Heroes are boys who have not played enough in their childhood in the war.

      In clothes and life, people with a heroic character are tend to confusion. Their own appearance does not interest them. They can have clothes with spots and holes. It has been said that: “A Hero – trousers with a hole!”

      After a walk children with a heroic character have their clothes torn, elbows and knees are broken, and they are wet and dirty. They only need to rush, rave and kick up a raw. Such boys always play in the war, and girls play with boys more than with other girls.

      People with an ardent soul are different with a big passion, ardour of feelings. They have all the feelings of fire, painted with the ardour of the soul. If they love so love so much, believe so believe, hate so hate, are jealous so are jealous. They have everything over the edge, and all the feelings are also over the edge. They are hot but not cool-headed. For example, in “The song of the Petrel” together with a feeling of passion and an inspiration the Petrel splashes out both joy, and pride, and laughter, and anger…

      The Hero’s role can also be called the role of the Passionate, and people, in whose character the Hero’s role dominates, people, with a passionate, ardent soul, can be called “passionaries”, from the Latin “passio” – “passion”. The term “passionary” was introduced by L.N. Gumiliov in the work “Ethnogenesis and the biosphere of Earth”.

      All passionate, gambling, inspirational is called incendiary – incendiary dance, incendiary music. If a person does something with excitement, with a fire in his soul, then they say that he “lights”, “burns”. A person with a “fire” in the soul and eyes “burn with fire”, and he works “with a spark”.

      Inspiration, passion, excitement, courage, drive – this is the very “ardour”, “heat”, “fire” of the soul. Incendiary is a property of a heroic character. People with a heroic character “ignite” who surround them, infect them with their energy, their passion and their flame. Others begin to act energetically as Heroes, although such behaviour does not suit them in this way and in Heroes absence they do not show creative activity, excitement and inspiration. The hero is the instigator. The child with a heroic character surely “will keep in toes” the group of kindergarten, a class of school, a group of a summer camp.

      The ability of people with a heroic character to kindle others with the fire of their souls, to enthral the team is called “charisma”. All revolutionary chiefs and leaders were charismatic leaders – there are no other leaders in revolutions. Not for nothing they were called ardent revolutionaries.

      Now the most spread character of the Hero-revolutionary with burning eyes – Che Gevara.

      A hero is a guide, a leader, but not a “formal” one, not appointed, but a charismatic leader. They follow him not by order, not by coercion, not of selfish interests, but go at the behest of the heart, at the behest of the soul. They go to the end of the world. Help him with all affairs and endeavours.

      Heroes find loyal friends in any kingdom of hypocrisy, meanness and hypocrisy. In fairy tales, unexpected helpers bring to the hero a mighty horse, give a magic sword and wonderful chain-armour, an invisible cap and speed boots.

      A hero is an enthusiast, an initiator, a pioneer of affairs. If the team has not the person who is “burning at work”, then all affairs gradually fade and stop. Therefore, the core of the corporate philosophy of successful companies is the bet on the pioneer-enthusiast.


      I am bored, a demon!

      (“Faust and Mephistopheles”)

      Boredom, melancholy, languor of the soul, ennui – this is another feeling associated with the role of the Hero…

      Boredom (spleen) comes when everything is palled, tired, disgusted. Boredom is the main enemy of people with an ardent soul, with a heroic character. It pursues them always and everywhere. As Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin:

      Then he saw clearly,

      That the village has the same boredom,

      Although there are no streets, no palaces,

      No cards, no balls, no poems.

      The spleen waited for him on guards,

      And she ran after him,

      Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

      Boredom, spleen, “like a shadow or a faithful wife” everywhere chases them, and they flee from it “to the edge of the world”, get involved in any adventures – they seek adventure on their own head.

      Boredom and inspiration – this is the “whip” and “cake”, which drive and attracts the Hero. He runs away from boredom and strives for adventure, for a new and unexplored, for a risky and dangerous, for what will give him a state of an excitement, an inspiration, winged sentiments, drive.

      Tales of the peoples of the world tell of the exploits of heroes: tsareviches and princes. But here is the question: why do these princes and tsareviches not sit at home? Indeed, at home is a palace, a castle with chambers. There are servants, skilful cooks and soft beds. There are sycophants and saints, fans and idolatresses. It would seem: well, if he is itching to, then would jump around the castle-palace, and for the night – home to rest in warmth and cosiness, under the protection of high walls and guards. And at the gate is a crowd of admirers with laurels and raptures. And he – on a horse, wearing a hat with feathers, wearing gold-embroidered clothes, worthy and sensible.

      So why do Heroes go on a dangerous path, into the mud, into the cold and other uncomfortable conditions? Because they are bored at home in the palace and at a holiday, in warmth and comfort. Although they are trying to be cheerful Heroes are not looking for fun. That’s why the Heroes run away from the palaces: from the death boredom – to an excitement and inspiration, to storm and risk.

      When they say that the old is already palled, tired and bored, that is a wish for a new, fresh, original – this is a typical urge of the heroic beginning of the soul.

      Boredom, chasing Heroes everywhere, the reason that they are just starting to do things, but do not continue and, moreover, do not finish them. People with the heroic character are bored to continue and complete their own affairs. They quickly “catch fire” with a new affair and, alas, as quickly “cool down”, cool to it and leave what they have started. They start everything, but finish nothing – they are bored to bring and debug.

      People with a heroic character hate weekends and holidays. They do not know what to do with themselves with a boredom, even howling like a wolf. Therefore especially for them on holidays arrange entertainments and competitions.

      The heroic beginning is more characteristic to young – СКАЧАТЬ