Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ Oct. 1865; retired V.A. 30 July 1875; C.B. 22 Sep. 1858. d. Assoint Upper Nile 27 Feb. 1878.

      ALDIS, Sir Charles (7 son and one of 22 children of Daniel Aldis of Hoxne, Suffolk, surgeon). b. Dickleborough, Norfolk 1776; apprenticed to his father 1789; studied at Guy’s and Bartholomew’s hospitals; surgeon to the sick and wounded at the depôt for prisoners of war at Norman Cross, Hunts 1797–99; practised at Hertford 1800–1802; in London 1802; M.R.C.S. 1803; senior surgeon New Finsbury dispensary 1831; founded Glandular institution for the cure of cancer and scrofula in Clifford st. about 1820, surgeon there. d. 13 Old Burlington st. London 28 March 1863. Biographical memoirs of Sir Charles Aldis and Dr. Aldis, privately printed 1852, portrait.

      ALDIS, Charles James Berridge (eldest son and survivor of 14 infants of the preceding). b. London 16 Jany. 1808; admitted into St. Paul’s school 9 May 1815; exhibitioner to Trinity coll. Cam. July 1827; B.A. 1831, M.B. 1832, M.A. and L.M. 1834, M.D. 1837; studied at St. George’s hospital, London; F.R.C.P. 1838, member of council, delivered Harveian oration 1859; physician to London dispensary 1839; lectured at Charlotte st. school of medicine 1841; phys. to Surrey dispensary 1843; physician to St. Paul and St. Barnabas dispensary which was founded 1848; medical officer of health for St. George’s Hanover square 1855 to death; superintended Hunterian school of medicine several years; invented an instrument for examination of the chest. (m. 9 Nov. 1835 Emily Arabella dau. of Rev. John Brome of Trinity college Cambridge). d. 45b Chester sq. London 26 July 1872. Biographical memoirs of Sir C. Aldis 1852, portrait.

      ALDRIDGE, Ira Frederick, known as the African Roscius (son of Rev. Daniel Aldridge, minister of Calvinistic chapel, Green st. New York who d. Sep. 1840). b. Bell Air, Harford, Maryland 1804; ed. at Schenectady college near New York and the Univ. of Glasgow; made his first appearance on the stage at the Royalty theatre London as Othello 1826; played 7 weeks at the Coburg theatre London in 1826, then in the provinces Scotland and Ireland; acted Othello at Covent garden 10 April 1833; acted Aaron in Titus Andronicus at Britannia theatre 15 March 1852, first time acted since 1721; played with great success in Germany 1852–55; received large gold medal of Art and Science from the King of Prussia 25 Jany. 1853, the only other persons who had been so distinguished being Humboldt, Spontini and Liszt; played in Sweden 1857, made several tours in Russia; naturalised in England 7 Nov. 1863. d. Lodez, Poland 7 Aug. 1867. Theatrical times iii, 121–23 (1848), portrait; Tallis’s Drawing room table book (1851) 15–16, 2 portraits; N. and Q. 4 series x, 132, 373 (1872).

      ALEX, Ephraim. b. Cheltenham Dec. 1800; a dentist at 35 Brook st. Grosvenor sq. London; founded Jewish board of guardians for the relief of Jewish poor 1859; the first pres. of it 1859–69, this board was really the pioneer of charitable organisation societies in England; warden of the great synagogue. d. 5 Chichester st. Harrow road, London 13 Nov. 1882. bur. Willesden cemetery 16 Nov.

      ALEXANDER, Alexander (only son of Wm. Humphrys of Birmingham, merchant, who d. 1 May 1807, by Hannah youngest child of Rev. John Alexander of Dublin, presbyterian clergyman, she d. 12 Sep. 1814). b. 21 June 1783; went abroad with his father 1802; detained prisoner in France till 1814; kept a school called Netherton house academy near Worcester 1815; assumed name of Alexander by royal license 8 March 1824; took title of Earl of Stirling and Dovan 7 Feb. 1826; tried at Edinburgh 29 April to 4 May 1839 for forging documents to prove his title, when acquitted. (m. 4 Jany. 1812 Fortunata Maria Gertrude only dau. of Giovanni Bartoletti of Naples). d. 1859. W. C. Townsend’s Modern state trials i, 403–68 (1859).

      ALEXANDER, Andrew. Professor of Greek in the University of St. Andrews 1820 to death; M.A. St. Andrews 1846. d. St. Andrews 5 June 1859.

      ALEXANDER, Charles Carson. 2nd lieut. R.E. 20 July 1813; superintended exhuming body of Napoleon at St. Helena 15 Oct. 1840; lieut. col. R.E. 2 Feb. 1848 to death; commanded the R.E. in the Crimea 22 Sep. 1854 to death. d. of apoplexy in his tent before Sebastopol 19 Oct. 1854.

      ALEXANDER, Charles Revans, Educ. at Eton; M.R.C.S. 1840; constructed many chess problems. d. 6 Cork st. London 9 Sep. 1871.

      ALEXANDER, Henry. M.R.C.S. 1805, F.R.C.S. 1844; F.R. Med. and Chir. soc. 1813; surgeon to the Eye infirmary Cork st. London; surgeon oculist to Queen Victoria 1838 to death; F.R.S. 22 April 1847. d. 6 Cork st. London 17 Jany. 1859 aged 76.

      ALEXANDER, Henry. b. 9 April 1787; a director of the H.E.I.Co. 8 March 1826; M.P. for Barnstaple (tory) 10 June 1826 to 24 July 1830. d. Belmont, Herts 14 Jany. 1861.

      ALEXANDER, Rev. John (son of Rev. Wm. Alexander). b. Lancaster 19 Dec. 1792; entered Hoxton academy 13 Aug. 1814; a chapel was built for him at Norwich which was opened 1 Dec. 1819; ordained 31 May 1820; pastor of this chapel to April 1866; chairman of Congregational Union of England and Wales 1853; author of sermons entitled The preacher from the press, 2 vols. 1838. d. Norwich 31 July 1868. bur. the Rosary cemetery, Norwich 4 Aug. The Congregational year book 1869, pp. 234–36.

      Note.—He was to Norwich what John Angell James was to Birmingham and Thomas Raffles to Liverpool.

      ALEXANDER, John Henry. b. Dunbar, July 1796; actor at Queen’s theatre, Glasgow 1810; member of Murray’s company in Edinburgh 1816; managed the Caledonian theatre, Edinburgh; Lessee of Dumfries and Carlisle theatres; stage manager at Newcastle; manager of Dunlop st. theatre, Glasgow and of theatres at Carlisle and Dumfries, and Adelphi theatre, Edin. 1822–29; proprietor of Dunlop st. theatre, Glasgow, the most elegant in Scotland (which he built) 1829–1851; the best actor of Scottish characters, except Charles Mackay. d. Glasgow 15 Dec. 1851.

      Note.—On 17 Feb. 1849, 65 persons were killed in attempting to escape from the gallery of his theatre, an alarm having spread that it was on fire.

      ALEXANDER, John Hobhouse Inglis. b. 1832; captain R.N. 16 Aug. 1863; naval aide-de-camp to the Queen 21 April 1875 to death; C.B. 30 Nov. 1864. d. Mentone 22 Nov. 1875.

      ALEXANDER, Nathaniel. b. Hillsborough, co. Down, Aug. 1815; M.P. for co. Antrim (conserv.) 14 April 1841 to 1 July 1852. d. Ardimersey cottage, Islay 5 Jany. 1853.

      ALEXANDER, Robert. b. Paisley; ed. at Paisley gr. sch.; conducted Clydesdale journal at Hamilton and at Glasgow; conducted the Western luminary at Exeter, about 2 years; edited the Watchman in London; managed the Morning journal to 1830, when he was prosecuted for libel, and condemned to one year’s imprisonment in Newgate, and fined £300, 10 Feb. 1830; edited the Liverpool Standard; founded the Liverpool Mail 1836, edited it 1836 to death. d. Great Crosby near Liverpool 9 Feb. 1854 in his 59 year. G.M. xli, 429–30 (1854).

      ALEXANDER, Sir Robert, 2 Baronet. b. 16 Dec. 1769; succeeded 1809. d. 35 St. James’s place, London 1 Dec. 1859.

      ALEXANDER, Robert. In the navy 1810–19; ensign Madras army 12 June 1819; adjutant general 24 Sep. 1839 to 15 Aug. 1849; col. 24 N.I. 16 Aug. 1851 to 1869; general 25 June 1870, retired 31 Dec. 1877. d. 6 Marloes road South Kensington 16 May 1879 in his 81 year.

      ALEXANDER, Robert. b. 2 July 1813; in the Bengal civil service 1832–61; C.B. 18 May 1860. d. Schuls, Lower Engadine 16 Aug. 1882.

      ALEXANDER, Thomas. b. Preston-pans near Edinburgh; entered army medical service 10 Oct. 1834; served in the west Indies, Nova Scotia, Canada, Cape of Good Hope, Turkey, the Crimea and Canada; had charge of the light division throughout the Crimean war; inspector general (local rank) 21 July 1856; director general of army medical department 22 June 1858 to death; hon. surgeon to the Queen 16 Aug. 1859 to death; C.B. 4 Feb. 1856. (m. Mary Alice eld. sister of T. Heath Haviland, lieutenant governor of Prince Edward island, she d. 12 April 1881). d. 26 Norfolk square Hyde Park, London СКАЧАТЬ