Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ 1 Sep. 1880 aged 71). d. 16 Holly road Fairfield, Liverpool 24 May 1874.

      Note.—His personalty was sworn under £250,000 Sept. 1874.

      ALLAN, Sir Hugh (2 son of Alexander Allan, commander of ships trading between the Clyde and Montreal). b. Saltcoats, Ayrshire 29 Sep. 1810; clerk in house of Wm. Kerr and Co. Montreal 1826–29; partner in firm of Millar and Edmonstone of Montreal, shipowners 1835; partner with Edmonstone 1 May 1839; established April 1856 a line of steamers from Montreal to Liverpool, called the Montreal Ocean steamship company, afterwards the Allan line; knighted by patent 24 July 1871. (m. 13 Sep. 1844 Matilda Caroline 2 dau. of John Smith of Montreal, she d. 11 June 1881 aged 63). d. 27 St. Andrew sq. Edinburgh 9 Dec. 1882. bur. Montreal 27 Dec. H. J. Morgan’s Sketches of celebrated Canadians 1862, pp. 669–74; W. S. Lindsay’s History of merchant shipping iv, 260–64 (1876).

      ALLAN, James. Major 94 foot 20 July 1809 to 25 Dec. 1818, when placed on h. p. regiment being disbanded; served in Peninsular war 1810–14; lieut. col. 57 foot 20 March 1828 to 9 Nov. 1846; M.G. 9 Nov. 1846; col. 50 foot 11 Oct. 1852 to death; C.B. 19 July 1838. d. Cheltenham 17 Feb. 1853.

      ALLAN, James. b. Aberdeen; sec. to Peninsular steam navigation company when first formed 1837; this was first company which ran steamers to distant foreign ports, the Iberia first steamer despatched with Peninsular mails in Sep. 1837; the first sec. of Peninsular and Oriental company 1840; one of the 3 managing directors 1848 to death; A.I.C.E. 4 Dec. 1849. d. Camp’s hill, Lewisham near London 15 Sep. 1874 aged 63. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxix, 283–85 (1875).

      ALLARDICE, Robert Bridges Barclay, known as Captain Barclay (eld. son of Robert Barclay of Ury, Kincardineshire 1731–97, founder of town of Stonehaven, who assumed name of Allardice 1776). b. Ury 25 Aug. 1779; kept a pack of fox hounds at Ury 1807; walked from London to Birmingham viâ Cambridge 150 miles in 2 days Dec. 1799; walked 100 miles in 19 hours Dec. 1801; captain 71 foot 13 March 1806; major 20 Jany. 1814 to 31 March 1814 when he resigned; lieut. col. Kincardineshire militia; walked 1000 miles in 1000 successive hours at the rate of a mile in each and every hour at Newmarket 1 June to 12 July 1809, when about £100,000 changed hands on the result; trained Tom Cribb at Ury July-Aug. 1811 for his great fight with Tom Molineaux the Black, which Cribb won 28 Sep. 1811; a great agriculturist and cattle breeder; claimed the Earldom of Airth 1839 and the Earldoms of Strathern and Monteith 1840. (m. 19 July 1819 Mary dau. of Alexander Dalgarno of Wales st. Aberdeen, she d. 30 Aug. 1820 aged 23). Found dead in his bed at Ury 1 May 1854. bur. in family burying ground called the Houff, which contains an account of the family from year 1110. H. H. Dixon’s Field and fern (North) 1865 pp. 196–210; Pugilistica by H. D. Miles i, 435–39 (1880), portrait; Pedestrianism [by Walter Thom] Aberdeen 1813, portrait; The eccentric mag. i, 133–50 (1812), portrait.

      Note.—The coach called the Defiance (of which he was one of the 5 proprietors) ran from Edinburgh to Aberdeen and was the fastest and best conducted coach in the United Kingdom, it performed the journey 126 miles in 12 hours; it ran its first journey 1 July 1829 and its last Oct. 1849. The 1000 mile feat has never been performed by any other man, although many persons are stated to have done it.

      ALLASON, Thomas. b. London 31 July 1790; architect in London 1817; employed in landscape gardening; a comr. of Board of Metropolitan Sewers; author of Picturesque views of the antiquities of Pola in Istria 1819. d. 9 April 1852.

      ALLCROFT, Jeremiah Macklin. b. 1791; partner in firm of Dent, Allcroft and Co. of Wood st. London and Worcester, glovers; chamberlain of Worcester 1832–33. d. Worcester 6 July 1867.

      ALLEN, Charles, calling himself Charles Edward Lewis Casimir Stuart, Count d’Albanie (only son of Charles Manning Allen 1799–1880). Col. in the Austrian army. (m. 15 May 1874 Alice Mary Emily 3 and youngest dau. of the 17 Earl of Errol, she was b. 7 July 1835 and d. 7 June 1881.) d. 8 May 1882 aged 57, thus ending this dynasty of modern pretenders.

      ALLEN, Charles. b. 1808; a member of Financial council, Calcutta; alderman of Tenby; mayor 2 or 3 times; sheriff of co. Pembroke 1876. d. Tenby 5 Nov. 1884.

      ALLEN, Charles Manning, calling himself Charles Edward Stuart, Count d’Albanie (younger son of Thomas Gatehouse Allen 1772–1851, by Katharine Matilda dau. of Rev. Owen Manning, V. of Godalming, Surrey. T. G. Allen called himself James Stuart, Count d’Albanie and affirmed that he was son of Charles Stuart the young Pretender by the Princess Louisa of Stolberg-Gädern). b. Versailles 4 June 1799; served in advanced guard of Napoleon’s army at Waterloo; assumed Christian name of Stuart 1822; changed his name to Allan-Hay; changed again to Stuart; lived with his brother John at Edin. then at Glasgow then at Eile-an-Aigais near Inverness; author with his brother John of The costume of the clans 1845; Tales of the century 1847; Lays of the deer forest, 2 vols. 1848. (m. 9 Oct. 1822 Anne dau. of John Beresford, M.P. for co. Waterford, and widow of Charles Gardiner). d. on board the Rainbow steamer at Pauillac near Bordeaux 25 Dec. 1880. J. H. Ingram’s Claimants to royalty (1882) 252–59; Quarterly Review lxxxi, 57–85 (1847); Edinburgh Review cxiv, 145–82 (1861); Western Antiquary Sep. 1884, 67–72; Doran’s London in Jacobite times ii, 390–412 (1877).

      ALLEN, George. b. London Nov. 1800; attorney and solicitor of supreme court at Sydney 1822; mayor of Sydney 1844; member of legislative council N.S.W. 1845 and 1856 to death; chairman of committees 1856–73. d. Toxteth park, Glebe, N.S.W. 3 Nov. 1877.

      ALLEN, George John (eld. son of Right Rev. Joseph Allen, bishop of Ely who d. 20 March 1845 aged 75). b. 1810; warden of the college of God’s Gift in Dulwich 1843 to 31 Dec. 1857 when that Corporation was dissolved by 20 and 21 Vict. c. 84, and he was granted an annuity of £1015. d. The Mount, Budleigh Salterton, Devon 19 July 1883.

      ALLEN, Henry Robinson. b. Cork 1809; ed. at R.A. of Music; made his début at the English Opera as Elvino in La Sonnambula; A.R.A.M.; tenor vocalist and ballad composer, his song “Maid of Athens” was much sung. d. Shepherd’s Bush, London 27 Nov. 1876.

      ALLEN, Rev. Hugh. b. Cork July 1806; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub.; scholar 1834, B.A. 1835, M.A., B.D. and D.D. 1861; minister of an episcopal chapel at Douglas, Isle of Man, Aug. 1835; C. of St. John’s ch. Bury, Lancs. 1838–48; Inc. of St. Jude’s Whitechapel 1848–59; lecturer of St. Olave’s, Old Jewry 1856–59; R. of St. George the Martyr Southwark 1859 to death; edited the London Messenger 1862. d. 231 New Kent road, London 20 June 1877.

      Note.—He was the Sunday afternoon lecturer at church of St. George-in-the-East, London where disturbances began 21 Aug. 1859 in consequence of the Rector the Rev. Bryan King adopting an elaborate ritual and refusing to allow time for the lecture, the riots lasted till 25 June 1860.

      ALLEN, James Baylis. b. Birmingham 18 April 1803; employed by W. and E. Finden, engravers in London 1824; engraved many of Turner’s water colour drawings 1830–45, and many large views for the Art Journal. d. Camden Town, London 11 Jany. 1876.

      ALLEN, James Mountford (son of Rev. John Allen, V. of Bleddington, Gloucs.) b. Crewkerne, Somerset 14 Aug. 1809; an architect in London to 1856, at Crewkerne 1856 to death; built many churches, rectory houses and schools. d. 27 Feb. 1883.

      ALLEN, James Pearce. Spent 5 years in India 1836–41; a publisher in London 1855 to death. d. Grove lodge, Clapham Common 2 Nov. 1878 in 61 year.

      ALLEN, John (elder son of Admiral John Carter Allen who d. 2 Oct. 1800). b. 1774; captain R.N. 29 April 1802; admiral on h. p. 30 July 1852. d. Torpoint near Plymouth 4 June 1853.