Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ Ellis of Society of Antiquaries 2 May 1848 and sole sec. 1853–24 June 1860; lived at Abingdon 1860 to death; author of Numismatic Manual 1832; Descriptive catalogue of rare Roman coins, 2 vols. 1834; Legends of old London 1853 and 18 other books; author of many papers in the Archæologia and Numismatic Journal. d. Abingdon 18 Nov. 1873. Numismatic Chronicle xiv, 13–19 (1874).

      AKHURST, William. b. Hammersmith 29 Dec. 1822; went to Australia 1850; sub-editor and musical critic on the Argus daily paper in Melbourne; wrote 14 pantomimes; wrote The siege of Troy burlesque which was performed 60 nights, a run without precedent in Australia; returned to England 1870; wrote pantomimes for Astley’s, Pavilion, and Elephant and Castle theatres. d. on board the “Patriarch” on his voyage to Sydney 7 June 1878.

      ALABASTER, Harry. Interpreter in consulate Bangkok Siam 30 Nov. 1864 to 31 Dec. 1871; author of The modern Buddhist, translated by H.A. 1870; The wheel of the law, Buddhism, illustrated from Siamese sources 1871. d. Bangkok Siam 8 Aug. 1884.

      ALBANO, Benedetto. b. in kingdom of Naples about 1796; fled to England at the Bourbon restoration 1815; employed by Messrs. Rennie in London; naturalised by 1 & 2 Vict. cap. 42, 9 May 1838; converted Covent garden theatre into an opera house at a cost of nearly £30,000, 1846; A.I.C.E. 1831, M.I.C.E. 1840. d. 75 Welbeck st. Cavendish sq. 7 Nov. 1881.

      ALBANY, Leopold George Duncan Albert, 1 Duke of (8 child and 4 son of Queen Victoria). b. Buckingham palace 7 April 1853. K.G. 24 May 1869, K.T. 24 May 1871; matric. at Univ. of Ox. (Ch. Ch.) 1872; D.C.L. 1876; P.C. 1874; admitted by patrimony to freedom of city of London 25 Oct. 1875; a younger brother of the Trinity House 1875; an elder brother 1878; G.C.S.I. 25 Jany. 1877; a bencher of Lincoln’s Inn 18 June 1877; G.C.M.G. 24 May 1880; created Duke of Albany, Earl of Clarence, and Baron Arklow 24 May 1881. d. Villa Nevada, Cannes at 2 a.m. 28 March 1884. bur. royal tomb, St. George’s chapel, Windsor 5 April. Graphic, xxix, 317–22 and 341–61 (1884) 2 portraits; I.L.N. lxxxiv, 313–29 (1884), 4 portraits.

      ALBEMARLE, Augustus Frederick Keppel, 5 Earl of. b. 2 June 1794; M.P. for Arundel (whig) as Viscount Bury 8 March 1820 to 2 June 1826; succeeded as 5 Earl 30 Oct. 1849, but never took his seat in House of Lords; declared to be of unsound mind on an inquisition Dec. 1849. d. Blacklands house asylum, King’s Road, Chelsea 15 March 1851.

      ALBERT, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria. b. the Rosenau near Coburg 26 Aug. 1819; baptised in the Marble hall at the Rosenau 19 Sep. 1819 when he received the following names in the order in which they are given, Franz Karl August Albrecht Immanuel; ed. at Brussels and Bonn 1836–38; invested with the order of the Garter at Gotha 23 Jany. 1840; received the title of Royal Highness by patent 6 Feb. 1840; naturalized by act of parliament 3 and 4 Vict. cap. 2, 7 Feb. 1840; Field Marshal 8 Feb. 1840. m. at the chapel royal, St. James’s Palace, London 10 Feb. 1840 Queen Victoria; G.C.B. 6 March 1840, acting great master 31 May 1843; Colonel 11 Hussars 30 April 1840 to 25 April 1842; appointed Regent 4 Aug. 1840; admitted to the freedom of city of London 28 Aug. 1840; P.C. 11 Sep. 1840; ranger of Windsor park 6 April 1841; pres. of fine arts commission 22 Nov. 1841; lord warden of the Stannaries, and chief steward of the Duchy in Cornwall and Devon 16 April 1842; colonel Scots Fusilier guards 25 April 1842 to 25 Sep. 1852; governor and constable of Windsor castle 18 May 1843 to death; captain general and colonel of the Artillery company 20 Sep. 1843; elected chancellor of Univ. of Cam. 27 Feb. 1847, by a majority of 112 over Earl Powis, installed chancellor 6 July 1847; organised the Great Exhibition of 1851; colonel in chief of 60th or King’s Royal rifle corps 15 Aug. 1850 to 23 Sep. 1852; of the Rifle brigade 23 Sep. 1852 to death; master of the Trinity house 19 Oct. 1852 to death; colonel of Grenadier guards 23 Sep. 1852 to death; created Prince Consort by patent 25 June 1857; pres. of British Association at Aberdeen 14 Sep. 1859; G.C.S.I. 25 June 1861; composed many songs and chorales; the “Athalie” and “Œdipus” of Mendelssohn were first performed in this country at Windsor castle by his command. d. at Windsor castle at 10.50 p.m. 14 Dec. 1861. The life of The Prince Consort by Theodore Martin 5 vols. 1874–80, 5 portraits; The early homes of Prince Albert by Alfred Rimmer 1883; Medical Times and Gazette ii, 638–42 (1861).

      ALCHIN, William Turner. b. St. Mary-at-Hill Billingsgate, London 1790; a solicitor at Winchester; compiled indexes to ecclesiastical registers of Winchester and Salisbury; librarian of Guildhall library, London 1845 to death; compiled indexes to the ancient records of the corporation of London; and calendar of the wills enrolled in the court of Hustings of London. d. Chelsea 3 Feb. 1865.

      ALCOCK, Thomas Saint Leger. Major 95 foot 2 Feb. 1844 to 21 April 1846 when placed on half pay; lieut. colonel 1 or royal East Middlesex militia 30 Jany. 1851 to 21 July 1871; colonel 21 July 1871 to death. d. 22 Somerset st. Portman sq. 7 Aug. 1882.

      ALDBOROUGH, Benjamin O’Neale Stratford, 6 Earl of. b. Dublin 10 June 1808; succeeded 4 Oct. 1849; took out 5 patents for Improvements in aerial navigation 1854–57. d. Alicante, Spain 19 Dec. 1875.

      ALDER, Joshua (son of Mr. Alder of Newcastle, provision merchant who d. Nov. 1808). b. Dean st. Newcastle 7 April 1792; ed. at Tanfield school; member of Literary and Philosophical society of Newcastle Feb. 1815; a provision merchant at Newcastle to 1840; collected the large museum of shells and zoophytes which with his library was presented by Sir Wm. Armstrong to Natural history society of Northumberland and Durham; this society founded in 1839 and the Tyneside Naturalists Field Club founded in 1846 owed very much to Alder, pres. of this club 1849; granted a civil list pension of £70 18 June 1863; author with Albany Hancock of the great monograph On the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca 1845–55 (Ray, Society); wrote more than 50 papers all zoological in the chief natural history periodicals. d. Newcastle 21 Jany. 1867. Natural history trans. of Northumberland and Durham i, 324–37 (1867), portrait.

      ALDERSON, Sir Edward Hall (eld. son of Robert Alderson, recorder of Norwich who d. 4 Dec. 1833 aged 80, by a dau. of Samuel Hurry of Yarmouth, she d. 1791). b. Yarmouth 11 Sep. 1787; ed. at Scarning Norfolk, the Charterhouse, and Caius coll. Cam.; Browne’s medallist 1807; senior wrangler, first Smith’s prizeman and first chancellor’s medallist Jany. 1809; B.A. 1809, M.A. 1812; fellow of his college 1809–23; barrister I. T. 28 June 1811; a comr. for amendment of the law 1828; sergeant at law 11 Nov. 1830; justice of court of Common Pleas 12 Nov. 1830; knighted by William iv at St. James’s palace 17 Nov. 1830; baron of court of Exchequer 29 April 1834 to death; published with R. V. Barnewall Reports of cases in court of King’s Bench, 5 vols. 1818–22. (m. 1823 Georgina 3 dau. of Rev. Edward Drewe of the Grange near Honiton, Devon, she d. 1871). d. Beechwood park Hemel Hempstead, Herts 27 Jany. 1857. bur. churchyard of Risby near Bury, Suffolk. Selections from the charges of Baron Alderson by C. Alderson 1858.

      ALDERSON, Sir James (son of John Alderson, M.D. of Hull 1758–1829 by Sarah dau. of Christopher Scott). b. Hull 1800; ed. at Hull and Pembroke coll. Cam.; 6 wrangler 1822; B.A. 1822, M.A. 1825; fellow of his college 1823; incorporated M.A. at Magdalen hall, Ox. 1826; B.M. 1826, D.M. 1829, D.C.L. 1870; inceptor candidate college of physicians 26 June 1826; candidate 30 Sep. 1829; fellow 30 Sep. 1830; senior censor 1848 and 1856; treasurer 1854–67; pres. 1867–70; physician at Hull 1829–45; in London 1845 to death; F.R.S. 17 June 1841; senior physician of St. Mary’s hospital, Paddington 1851–67; consulting physician 1867; representative of Royal college of physicians at the general medical council 27 Jany. 1864 to 13 May 1867; knighted by the Queen at Windsor castle 11 Nov. 1869; one of Her Majesty’s physicians extraordinary 30 Aug. 1875; Lumleian lecturer 1852 and 1853; delivered Harveian oration 1854 and 1867; author of Diseases of the Stomach and alimentary canal 1847. (m. 24 June 1828 Mary Anne dau. of Peter Berthon of Glenadda, Carnarvon, she d. 5 March 1877). d. 17 Berkeley sq. London 13 Sep. 1882. Medical Circular i, 27 (1852) portrait.

      ALDHAM, William Cornwallis. b. 21 Sep. 1809; Captain R.N. 9 СКАЧАТЬ