Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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      The annexed is copied from a letter of his, which was received by a gentleman in the country.

      “The undersigned is able to inform you of something considerably to your advantage (value £100 and upwards), on receipt of 20/– by order on Whitechapel post office as an equivalent for his trouble and costs generally.


      Joseph Ady, Accountant,

      No. 5 York St Charlotte St.

      ¼ mile East of Whitechapel Chh.


      Personally known to each of the Aldermen of London, having been a Freeman and Housekeeper 50 years.

      April 5th, 1847.

      Should you find any difficulty in getting the money, the Rt. Hon. Sir Peter Laurie, Deputy Lord Mayor, will frank you from all Expenses except Postage, which you must pay both ways. In your reply be pleased to copy the Marks of Reference, F. 1847, Page 6.”

      ADY, Venerable William Brice (son of Wm. Ady, comr. of the Gun Wharf, Devonport). b. 1816; ed. at Eton; entered Ex. coll. Ox. 29 Oct. 1834, B.A. 1838, M.A. 1841; V. of Little Baddow, Essex 1842–57 and Rector 1857 to death; archdeacon of Colchester Dec. 1864 to death. (m. 10 April 1844 Emilia 3 and youngest dau. of Rev. Brook Henry Bridges, R. of Danbury, Essex). d. Little Baddow 21 April 1882. bur. Little Baddow churchyard 27 April. Statute 29 & 30 Vict. cap. 111, sections 15 and 16.

      AFFLECK, Sir Gilbert, 5 Baronet. b. 9 June 1804; succeeded 7 May 1851. d. Calverley park, Tunbridge Wells 18 Nov. 1854.

      AFFLECK, Rev. Sir Robert, 4 Baronet. b. 27 Jany. 1765; ed. at Westminster, captain of the school 1782; and at Ch. Ch. Ox.; B.A. 1787, M.A. 1790; Preb. of York cathedral 8 May 1802 to death; V. of Doncaster 1807–17; V. of Silkstone near Barnsley 1817–37; succeeded 10 Aug. 1833. d. Dalham hall near Newmarket 7 May 1851.

      AFFLECK, Sir Robert, 6 Baronet. b. Retford Notts 28 July 1805; succeeded 18 Nov. 1854; sheriff of Suffolk 1875. d. Dalham hall 9 Oct. 1882.

      AGAR, Sir Emanuel Felix, lieutenant 1 life guards 15 Nov. 1804; major 2 life guards 28 April 1814 to April 1815; M.P. for Sudbury (lib.) 5 May 1807 to 29 Sep. 1812; knighted by the Prince Regent at Carlton house 18 July 1812. (m. 21 Aug. 1811 Margaret youngest dau. of Edward George Lind of Stratford place, London, she d. 10 Aug. 1863). d. 6 Langham st. Marylebone, London 28 Aug. 1866 aged 85.

      AGAR, Honorable George Charles (2 son of Most Rev. Charles Agar 1736–1809, 1 Earl of Normanton Abp. of Dublin, by Jane eld. dau. of Wm. Benson of Downpatrick, she d. 25 Oct. 1826). b. 1 Aug. 1780; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox., M.A. 1807; ensign 3 foot guards 21 Jany. 1804; lieut. 1 June 1809 to 5 Nov. 1811 when he retired; F.R.S. 7 June 1832. d. Ropley house Alresford, Hants 24 Jany. 1856.

      AGAR, Honourable and Venerable James (3 son of Most Rev. Charles Agar, 1 Earl of Normanton). b. 10 July 1781; ed. at Westminster and at Ch. Ch. Ox.; preb. of Timothan in St. Patrick’s cathedral, Dublin 16 Nov. 1805; R. of St. Nicholas without, Dublin 1806; R. of Caningallen, Leitrim 1809; archdeacon of Kilmore 1810 to death. (m. 7 July 1829 Louisa youngest dau. of Samuel Thompson of Greenmount, co. Antrim). d. 6 Sep. 1866.

      AGER, Joseph (son of Joseph Ager of London, apothecary). b. London; entered at Pembroke coll. Ox. 1 April 1800 aged 18, Ossulston scholar; B.A. 1803, M.A. 1807, M.B. 1807, M.D. 1810; fellow of his college; F.R.C.P. 30 Sep. 1811, Gulstonian lecturer 1812, and Censor 1815, 1825 and 1835; delivered the Materia Medica lectures 1827–28: F.R. Med. and Chir. soc. 1814; assistant phys. to Marylebone infirmary many years; greatly assisted Robert Hooper, M.D. in the formation of his pathological museum. d. 85 Great Portland st. London 17 July 1857 in 77 year.

      AGLIO, Agostino. b. Cremona 15 Dec. 1777; painter at Rome 1797; went to England, Dec. 1803; painted scenery at the Opera house, London 1804, and at Drury Lane theatre 1806; largely employed in decoration of country mansions in England and Ireland; decorated Pantheon in Oxford st. 1811; ceiling of R.C. chapel in Moorfields 1819 where he also executed the altarpiece; produced many easel pictures about 1820; exhibited 22 pictures at British Institution, 8 at the Suffolk st. gallery 1825–56, and 13 at the R.A. 1830–46; painted 2 portraits of the Queen; decorated the Olympic theatre, which was reopened 26 Dec. 1849; published Mexican Antiquities 9 vols. 1830–48; drew many works in lithography. d. 87 Beresford st. Walworth 30 Jany. 1857. bur. Highgate cemetery.

      AGLIONBY, Henry Aglionby. b. 28 Dec. 1790; M.P. for Cockermouth (lib.) 12 Dec. 1832 to death. d. The manor house, Caterham, Surrey 31 July 1854. I.L.N. vi, 184 (1845) portrait.

      AGNESI, Louis Ferdinand Leopold, stage name of L. F. L. Agniez. b. Erpent, Belgium 17 July 1833; ed. at the Conservatoire, Brussels; a baritone singer of the first rank; member of Italian opera company at Drury Lane; sang at the fifth triennial Handel festival at Crystal palace 19–26 June 1874. d. 56 Loudoun road, Hampstead 2 Feb. 1875.

      AGNEW, Thomas. b. Liverpool Dec. 1794; fellow student with John Gibson the sculptor; partner with Vittoria Zannetti of Market st. lane, Manchester 1816, who was then the only art dealer in the north of England except Burland of Liverpool; carried on business in Exchange st. Manchester 1826 to Oct. 1861 when he retired; published many works of art and not less than 1000 engravings; alderman of Salford from its incorporation 16 April 1844 and mayor 1850; gave many pictures and prints to the free museum and library at Peel park, Salford. d. Fair Hope, Eccles. Manchester 24 March 1871. bur. churchyard of St. Mark’s Worsley 29 March.

      AHMUTY, James, 2 Lieut. Bengal artillery 7 Sep. 1791; colonel commandant 29 Aug. 1824 to death; general 15 Sep. 1855. d. 14 Chesham place, Belgrave sq. London 12 Jany. 1864 aged 89.

      AIKENHEAD, Mary (eld. child of David Aikenhead of Cork, physician who d. 28 Dec. 1801, by Mary eld. dau. of Mr. Stacpole of Cork, merchant, she m. (2) Mr. Bernard of Palace Anne and d. 1809). b. Cork 19 Jany. 1787; received into R. C. church 6 June 1802 and confirmed 2 July 1802; took name of Sister Mary Augustine, June 1812; superior of the first convent of sisters of charity William st. Dublin Aug. 1815 to 1827; made her perpetual vows 9 Dec. 1816; superior of convent at Sandymount 16 Aug. 1831; superior general of the Irish foundation of Sisters of charity 1843; lived at convent of Our Lady’s Mount, Harold’s Cross, Dublin Sep. 1845 to death. d. Our Lady’s Mount, 22 July 1858. Mary Aikenhead by S.A. 2 ed. revised 1882, portrait.

      AIKIN, Arthur (1 son of John Aikin, M.D. of Warrington, Lancs. 1747–1822 by Martha dau. of Arthur Jennings of Harlington, Bedford, she d. 1830 aged 83). b. Warrington 19 May 1773; ed. there and at Palgrave in Norfolk; studied classics under Gilbert Wakefield, and chemistry under Dr. Priestley; settled in London 1796; one of the founders of Geological Society of London 1807, which was incorporated 23 Apl. 1823; one of the secretaries and a member of council; lecturer on chemistry at Guy’s hospital 1816–52; secretary of Society for encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce 1817–40, where he read more than 40 lectures; chairman of its committee of chemistry 1840; the first treasurer of Chemical Society 30 March 1841; F.L.S. 1818; the first hon. sec. of Institution of Civil Engineers 2 Jany. 1818; one of specially selected members of the Athenæum club; much employed in drawing specifications of patents for improvements in chemical manufactures, in which Lord Lyndhurst held him to excel all other persons; made many chemical analyses for patentees and public companies; lived at 19 John st. Adelphi 1817–40; at 7 Bloomsbury sq. 1840 to death; edited The annual review 1802–1806; author of Journal of a tour through north Wales, and part of Shropshire 1797; Manual of mineralogy 1814, 2 ed. СКАЧАТЬ