Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ divinity at Kilburn 1863, and at St. John’s hall Highbury 1865 to death; preb. of St. Paul’s cathedral Oct. 1883; author of A commentary on the Thirty nine articles 1871; A history of the Church of England, pre-reformation period 1879. d. Bournemouth 30 Jany. 1884. Quiet strength, a memorial sketch of the life and works of the late Rev. T. P. Boultbee by Rev. Gordon Calthrop (1884).

      BOURCHIER, Claud Thomas. 2 Lieutenant Rifle brigade 10 April 1849, major 4 Aug. 1865 to 20 May 1868 when placed on h.p.; aide-de-camp to the Queen 30 April 1869 to 1876; V.C. 26 June 1856. d. 38 Brunswick road, Brighton 19 Nov. 1877 aged 46.

      BOURCHIER, Henry. Entered navy 28 Aug. 1797, Captain 22 Aug. 1811, superintendent of quarantine establishment at Milford Jany. 1827 to 1 Oct. 1846, retired R.A. 1 Oct. 1846. d. Lille, France 14 Oct. 1852.

      BOURCHIER, James Claud. Cornet 28 Dragoons 28 Sep. 1797; major 11 Dragoons 5 Nov. 1818 to 25 Sep. 1820, when placed on h.p.; colonel 3 Dragoon Guards 9 Jany. 1851 to death; L.G. 20 June 1854. d. Buxton vicarage, Norfolk 12 Feb. 1859 aged 78.

      BOURDILLON, James Dewar (2 son of Rev. Thomas Bourdillon, V. of Fenstanton, Hunts. who d. 11 March 1854 aged 82). b. 1811; ed. at Ramsgate and Haileybury college; writer in Madras civil service 1829; secretary to Board of revenue 1843; third member of Board of revenue 1855; secretary to Government revenue department 1859–60 when he became an annuitant on the Fund, resigned the service 1861; wrote report of commission which reported upon system of public works in Madras presidency; author of A short account of the measures proposed by the late Colonel J. T. Smith for the restoration of the Indian exchanges by an Ex-Madras civilian 1882. d. Tunbridge Wells 21 May 1883.

      BOURKE, Oliver Paget. b. 1817; Ensign 17 Foot 11 Dec. 1835, lieut. col. 7 Sep. 1855 to 10 Nov. 1856, when placed on h.p.; Exon of yeomen of the guard 17 July 1862 to Nov. 1873; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877. d. 3 Breffin terrace, Kingstown near Dublin 28 April 1880.

      BOURKE, Sir Richard (only son of John Bourke of Dromsally, Ireland). b. Dublin 4 May 1777; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; ensign 1 Foot 22 Nov. 1798; captain 1 Garrison battalion 5 Dec. 1805; quartermaster general South America 1806; served in the Peninsula 1809–14; governor of eastern district of Cape of Good Hope 1825, conducted the government of the colony to Nov. 1829; governor of New South Wales 3 Dec. 1831 to 5 Dec. 1837; colonel 64 Foot 29 Nov. 1837 to death; general 11 Nov. 1851; C.B. 4 June 1815, K.C.B. 26 Jany. 1835; sheriff of Limerick 1839; edited with Earl Fitzwilliam The correspondence of Edmund Burke 1829. d. Thornfield, Castle Connell, co. Limerick 12 Aug. 1855. R. Therry’s Reminiscences, 2 ed. (1863) 129–89.

      Note.—The people of New South Wales erected a magnificent bronze statue by Westmacott to his memory in the Domain Sydney, which was unveiled 11 April 1842, this was the first statue in New South Wales.

      BOURKE, Walter (eld. son of Joseph Bourke of Carrowkeel, co. Mayo who d. 1820). b. 1808; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1824; called to Irish bar 1827; Q.C. 7 Feb. 1849. d. Carrowkeel 26 Dec. 1870.

      BOURKE, Walter McWilliam (2 son of Isidore Bourke of Curraghleagh Claremorris, co. Mayo, a crown solicitor for Ireland who d. 1866). b. 1838; ed. at Stonyhurst and Clongowes Wood colleges and Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1859, M.A. 1863; called to Irish bar 1858, practised in Dublin and then in high court at Calcutta; purchased Rahassane park, co. Galway 1880; contributed to Dublin literary magazines; published a volume of Indian law reports; assassinated at Castle Taylor near Ardrahan, co. Galway 8 June 1882. Irish law times xvi, 298 (1882).

      BOURNE, Hugh (son of Joseph Bourne of Fordhays farm in parish of Stoke-upon-Trent, farmer). b. Fordhays farm 3 April 1772; a carpenter and builder at Bemersley, Staffs.; joined Wesleyan methodists June 1799; built a chapel at Harrisehead 1802; held a camp meeting on the mountain at Mowcop near Harrisehead 31 May 1807, first of many held in Staffordshire; expelled from Wesleyan Methodist Society 27 June 1808; formed first class of a new community at Standley near Bemersley 14 March 1810, first general meeting was held at Tunstall 26 July 1811, name Primitive Methodist was finally adopted 13 Feb. 1812, first annual conference was held at Hull May 1820, and a deed poll of the Primitive Methodist was enrolled in Court of Chancery 10 Feb. 1830; purchased land and built at Tunstall their first chapel 1811; travelled in United States 1844–6; author of Remarks on the ministery of women 1808; History of the Primitive Methodist 1823; A treatise on Baptism 1823; edited The Primitive Methodist Magazine 1824 to about 1844. d. Bemersley 11 Oct. 1852. bur. at Englesea Brook, Cheshire. J. Walford’s Memoirs of H. Bourne 1855, portrait; J. Petty’s Primitive Methodist connexion 1864, portrait; Simpson’s Recollections of H. Bourne 1859.

      BOURNE, James. b. Dalby near Spilsby, Lincolnshire 1773; teacher of drawing in London; made numerous sketches in Cumberland and in Devon and Cornwall; Huntingtonian minister at Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire May 1845 to death. d. Sutton Coldfield 11 June 1854 in 82 year. W. Benson’s Life and letters of J. Bourne 1875, portrait.

      BOURNE, James (brother of Hugh Bourne). b. Feb. 1781; joined Wesleyan Methodists 1799; co-operated with his brother in establishment of Camp meetings 1807; the first general book steward of Primitive Methodist connexion 1820; chairman at the annual conferences many times. d. Bemersley, Staffs. Jany. 1860. J. Petty’s History of Primitive Methodist connexion, (new ed. 1864).

      BOURNE, Sir James, 1 Baronet (2 son of Peter Bourne of Hackinsall, Lancs. 1783–1846). b. 8 Oct. 1812; ed. at Shrewsbury; lieut. col. commandant royal Lancashire artillery 13 April 1863 to 27 July 1881, hon. col. 27 July 1881 to death; M.P. for Evesham 12 July 1865 to 24 March 1880; created baronet 10 May 1880; C.B. 24 May 1881. d. Heathfield house, Wavertree near Liverpool 14 March 1882.

      BOURNE, Sir James Dyson, 2 Baronet (eld. child of the preceding). b. 29 July 1842; cornet 5 Dragoon guards 21 Dec. 1860, lieut. col. 1 July 1881 to 1883. d. Brook st. Grosvenor sq. London 11 Nov. 1883.

      BOURNE, Stephen. Edited the World newspaper which was incorporated with the Patriot 1831; an active promoter of the Protestant Society, of the Ecclesiastical Knowledge Society, and of the Test and Corporation agitation; stipendiary magistrate in Jamaica; registrar of Berbice; a cotton grower in Jamaica. d. Brixton, London 29 March 1868 aged 76.

      BOUSFIELD, Nathaniel George Philips. b. Dublin 1829; M.P. for Bath 4 Feb. 1874 to 24 March 1880. d. Grosvenor place, London 21 May 1883.

      BOUTELL, Rev. Charles (son of Rev. Charles Boutell, P.C. of Repps, Norfolk who d. 26 July 1855 in 84 year). b. St. Mary Pulham, Norfolk 1 Aug. 1812; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1834, incorp. at Trin. coll. Ox. 1836, M.A. 1836; R. of Downham Market, Norfolk 1847–50; V. of Wiggenhall, St. Mary, Norfolk 1847–55; Reader at St. Luke’s Lower Norwood, Surrey 1860–67; assistant minister at St. Stephen’s Portland town London 1872–73; one of founders of London and Middlesex Archæological society 14 Dec. 1855, sec. 23 July 1857 to 27 Nov. 1857; sec. of St. Alban’s Architectural Society; author of Monumental brasses and slabs of the Middle ages 1847; A manual of British Archæology 1858; A manual of heraldry historical and popular 1863, 3 ed. 1864; English heraldry, illustrated 1867, 4 ed. 1879; A Bible Dictionary 1871, republished as Haydn’s Bible Dictionary 1879. d. 18 Portsdown road, London 31 July 1877. London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. Trans. i, 209, 316.

      BOUTFLOWER, Rev. Henry Crewe (son of John Johnson Boutflower of Salford, Manchester, surgeon). b. Salford 25 Oct. 1796; ed. at Manchester school 1807–15, and St. John’s coll. Cam., Hulsean theological prizeman 1816, B.A. 1819, M.A. 1822; C. of Elmdon near Birmingham 15 April 1821; head master of Bury sch. Lancs. 6 May 1823 to 1857; P.C. of St. John’s Bury 1832–57; R. of Elmdon 1857 to death; author of The doctrine of atonement is agreeable to reason 1817, and of sermons; collected materials СКАЧАТЬ