Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ one of founders of Medical school of Birmingham, and the first lecturer there on practice of physic. d. Brush house, Ecclesfield 14 Jany. 1859 aged 80.

      BOOTH, Junius Brutus (son of Richard Booth of Queen st. Bloomsbury, London, attorney who d. 1840 aged 76). b. St. Pancras, London 1 May 1796; made his début on the stage at Peckham as Campillo in The Honeymoon 13 Dec. 1813; played in Belgium and Holland 1814 and 1826, and at Covent Garden 1815; acted in the provinces 1818 and at Drury Lane 7 Aug. 1820 to 13 Jany. 1821; went to the United States April 1821; appeared at Park theatre New York 2 Oct. 1821; managed the Camp theatre New Orleans 1828; played at Drury Lane, Surrey and Sadler’s Wells theatres 1836–7; lived on his farm at Bel Air 30 miles from Baltimore 1842 to death; made his last appearance at St. Charles theatre New Orleans 19 Nov. 1852. d. on board the J. S. Chenoweth between New Orleans and Cincinnati 30 Nov. 1852. bur. in Greenmount cemetery Baltimore 11 Dec. The elder and the younger Booth by A. B. Clarke (1882) 1–116, 3 portraits; Memoirs of J. B. Booth (1817), portrait; The tragedian by T. R. Gould (1868), portrait; Phelps’s Players of a century (1880); T. A. Brown’s History of the American stage (1870) 40, portrait.

      Note.—His son John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln, pres. of the U.S. at Ford’s theatre, Washington, Good Friday 14 April 1865, he was himself shot near Bowling Green 26 April.

      BOOTH, Richard (brother of John Booth who d. 7 July 1857). Breeder of shorthorns at Studley farm, Yorkshire 1814–34 when he sold his herd; breeder at Warlaby, Yorkshire 1835 to death; gained many medals and prizes at cattle shows. d. Warlaby 31 Oct. 1864 aged 76. Saddle and Sirloin by the Druid (1870) 195–207.

      BOOTH, Sir Robert Gore, 4 Baronet. b. Bath 25 Aug. 1805; succeeded 23 Oct. 1814; sheriff of Sligo 1830; M.P. for Sligo 12 March 1850 to death; chairman of the Musical Union; lord lieutenant of Sligo 7 Dec. 1868. d. Lissadell, co. Sligo 21 Dec. 1876. Burke’s Portrait gallery ii, 129 (1833).

      BOOTH, Sarah. b. Birmingham early in 1789; a dancer at Manchester about 1804; first appeared in London at Surrey theatre 1810 as Cherry in a burletta founded on the Beaux Stratagem; played at Covent Garden 23 Nov. 1810, at the Olympic 19 Dec. 1821, at Drury Lane 2 Feb. 1822, at Haymarket and Adelphi theatres; retired about 1828, last appeared for a benefit at Marylebone theatre 1841. d. 39 Queen’s sq. Bloomsbury, London 30 Dec. 1867. Mrs. C. B. Wilson’s Our actresses i, 121–7 (1844); Oxberry’s Dramatic biography iv, 55–65 (1826), portrait; Theatrical Inquisitor ii, 69–74 (1813), portrait.

      BOOTH, William. Ensign 53 Foot 8 May 1806; lieut. col. 41 Foot 11 July 1837 to 12 Sep. 1843 when placed on h.p.; colonel 15 Foot 10 Nov. 1861 to death; L.G. 27 March 1863. d. London 20 April 1868 aged 77.

      BOOTH, William. Deputy commissary general 18 Dec. 1818 to 1824 when placed on h.p.; served in Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands principal clerk of survey at Dublin 1824 to 1856; C.B. 17 Aug. 1849. d. 17 Lansdowne crescent, Cheltenham 4 May 1880 in 88 year.

      BOOTH, Sir Williamson, 2 Baronet. b. Stanstead Abbots, Herts. 15 July 1810; ed. at Eton; succeeded 24 Jany. 1850; sheriff of Cambridge and Hunts 1855. d. Paxton park, St. Neots 26 Aug. 1877.

      BOOTHBY, Benjamin (eld. son of Benjamin Boothby of Cornwall place, Holloway, London). b. Doncaster 5 Feb. 1803; barrister G.I. 28 April 1841; revising barrister for West Riding of Yorkshire 1845–52; judge of Court of Record of Pontefract and recorder 1848–53; second judge of supreme court of South Australia Feb. 1853, sworn in 17 Oct. 1853, presided as senior judge Dec. 1856 to July 1858; deputy judge of Court of Vice Admiralty 1856–61; removed from judgeship of Supreme Court by South Australian parliament July 1867 owing to his objections to the Real Property or Torrens act. d. Adelaide 21 June 1868.

      BOOTHBY, Rev. Sir Brooke William Robert, 10 Baronet. b. Winchester 21 Jany. 1809; ed. at Charterhouse and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1833; fellow of All Souls’ college 1829; R. of Elmley, Kent 1846–52; R. of Welwyn, Herts. 17 Sep. 1852 to death; succeeded 21 April 1846. d. Tunbridge Wells 21 Sep. 1865.

      BOOTHBY, Lady Louisa Cranstoun (eld. dau. of Frederick Hayes Macnamara, ensign 52 Foot). b. 1 April 1812; a juvenile theatrical wonder under name of Louisa Mordaunt, made her first appearance in London at Drury Lane theatre 16 Oct. 1829 as the Widow Cheerly in Cherry’s comedy of The Soldier’s Daughter; acted at the Haymarket 1830, 1837–39 and 1840–44; re-appeared at Drury Lane Oct. 1832; acted at the Queen’s 1835 and Strand; played Constance in The love chase nearly 100 nights from 9 Oct. 1837 and Lady Gay Spanker in London Assurance 4 March 1841 in both of which parts she was unequalled; played leading parts in genteel comedy at Covent Garden 1839–40. (m. (1) Jany. 1831 John Alexander Nisbett of Brettenham hall, Suffolk, Cornet 1 Life Guards, he d. 2 Oct. 1831. m. (2) 15 Oct. 1844 Sir Wm. Boothby, 9 baronet of Ashbourne hall, Derbyshire, he was b. 25 March 1782 and d. 21 April 1846). d. Rose Mount, St. Leonard’s on Sea 16 Jany. 1858. C. B. Wilson’s Our actresses ii, 66–88 (1844), portrait; Theatrical Times ii, 121, 130 (1847), portrait; Dramatic and musical review iii, 498, 527 (1844); I.L.N. x, 256 (1847), portrait.

      BOOTT, Francis (son of Kirk Boott of Boston, Massachusetts). b. Boston 26 Sep. 1792; ed. at Univs. of Harvard and Edinburgh, M.D. Edin. 1824; surgeon in London 1825–31; lecturer on botany in Webb st. school of medicine 1825–31; member of senate and council of Univ. coll. London; F.L.S. 1819, sec. 1832–39, treasurer Nov. 1856 to May 1861; wore a blue coat with brass buttons and a yellow waistcoat the costume of 1830 down to his death; author of Memoir of the life and medical opinions of John Armstrong, M.D. 2 vols. 1833–34; Illustrations of the genus Carex 4 parts 1858–67. d. 24 Gower st. London 25 Dec. 1863. Proc. of Linnæan Society (1864) 23–27.

      BORCHARDT, Louis. b. Landsburg on Warthe, Prussia 1813; ed. at Univ. of Berlin, M.D. 1838; practised as a physician at Zorbich and then at Breslau; imprisoned in fortress of Glatz 1848–50; practised at Bradford, Yorkshire 1850–52, and at Manchester 1852 to death, phys. to Childrens’ Dispensary June 1853, pres. of Manchester Medical Society. d. Swinton house, Fallowfield, Manchester 15 Nov. 1883.

      BORLAND, James. b. Ayr April 1774; surgeon’s mate 42 Foot 20 Dec. 1792; surgeon to the forces in St. Domingo 1796–8; deputy inspector of army hospitals 5 Dec. 1799; established existing system of regimental hospitals 1805; inspector general 22 Jany. 1807; head of medical department of the army in Mediterranean 1810–16 during which time he organised the hospitals of the Anglo-Sicilian contingent; retired on h.p. 25 May 1816; received order of St. Maurice and St. Lazare of Savoy; phys. extraord. to Duke of Kent. d. Bridgeman house, Teddington 22 Feb. 1863. G.M. xiv, 666 (1863).

      BOROUGH, Sir Edward Richard, 2 Baronet. b. Merrion sq. Dublin 20 June 1800; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; army agent in Dublin; succeeded 22 Jany. 1837. d. 61 Fitzwilliam sq. north, Dublin 3 Dec. 1879.

      BORRADAILE, Edward Sidney (son of the succeeding). b. Littlehampton 30 March 1845; assistant engineer Launceston and Western railway Tasmania 1868–9; wrote for the Press 1870–3; lost whilst exploring in North Australia June 1874, two mountains are named after himself and his companion Mr. Permain in memory of the event.

      BORRADAILE, Harry (son of Henry Borradaile of London 1759–1822). b. 19 July 1800; in the Bombay civil service 1819–44; compiled for publication by Government Reports of select suits decided in the Suddur Adawluts 1825; translated the Muyook (Sanscrit Law book) into Mahratta and Goozerattee 1827; author of Collection of the rules and customs of various castes as affecting civil rights; and of A table of a decimal system of accounts 1853; a member of the India law commission at Calcutta under T. B. Macaulay. d. London 7 Oct. 1876.