Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ Thomas William b. in the Vale of Aylesbury; assistant astronomer under Sir T. Maclear at Cape Town 1833–7; an artist and teacher of drawing at Cape Town; painted a panorama of the district; made a number of drawings in Mauritius 1866; published Four views of Cape Town 1844; South African sketches 1854; The Kafir wars a series of 20 views 1865. d. England 24 Oct. 1869. Art Journal ix, 107 (1870).

      BOWLES, Sir George (2 son of Wm. Bowles of Heale house, Wilts.) b. Heale house 1787; Ensign Coldstream Guards 20 Dec. 1804, major 31 Dec. 1839 to 30 May 1843 when placed on h.p.; served in the Peninsula 1808–14, in Flanders and France 1814–18, in the West Indies 1820–25, and in Canada 1837–43; commanded the troops in Lower Canada during rebellion of 1838; comptroller of household of Viceroy of Ireland 1843–5; master of the Queen’s household 4 April 1845 to July 1851; lieutenant of Tower of London 16 July 1851 to death; K.C.B. 22 July 1851, G.C.B. 24 May 1873; col. of 1 West India regiment 9 Sep. 1855 to death; general 9 Nov. 1862. d. 9 Berkeley St. Piccadilly London 24 May 1876. I.L.N. lxviii, 551 (1876), lxix, 255.

      BOWLES, Rev. Henry Matthew John. Educ. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1851, M.A. Ox. 1856; C. of St. John Cheltenham 1851–54; R. of Framilode Gloucs. 21 Sep. 1854 to 1867; R. of St. Aldate’s Gloucester 15 April 1867 to death; author of Prayers for the dead 1873; Fasting communion 1873; Lawlessness 1874. d. Cathedral house, College gardens, Gloucester 6 Jany. 1884.

      BOWLES, Rev. Joseph. Educ. at Magd. hall Ox., B.A. 1835, M.A. 1836, LLD. 1837, D.D. 1841; R. of Woodstock 1841–7; V. of Stanton-Lacey, Shropshire 1847 to death; author of Elegy on the death of the Princess Charlotte; Monody on the death of Sir John Throckmorton; Letters in vindication of the appointment of the Bishop of Hereford. d. 1879.

      BOWLES, Sir William (eld. son of Wm. Bowles of Heale house, Wilts.) b. Heale house 1780; entered navy 9 Sep. 1796, captain 13 Oct. 1807; commander in chief on South American station 1816–20; comptroller general of the Coastguard July 1822 to Nov. 1841; a lord of the Admiralty 13 May 1844 to 13 July 1846; M.P. for Launceston 20 May 1844 to 1 July 1852; admiral 28 Nov. 1857; commander in chief at Portsmouth 1 March 1859 to 1 March 1860; admiral of the fleet 15 Jany. 1869 to death; C.B. 18 April 1839, K.C.B. 10 Nov. 1862, F.R.G.S. 1833; author of Thoughts on national defence; Considerations on the late naval war 1856. d. 8 Hill st. Berkeley sq. London 2 July 1869. Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xl, pp. cxl-cxlii, (1870).

      BOWLEY, Robert Kanzow (son of Mr. Bowley of Charing Cross, London, bootmaker). b. 13 May 1813; brought up to the bootmaking business; conductor of Benevolent society of musical amateurs; organist of an independent chapel near Leicester sq. about 1834; joined the Sacred harmonic society 1834, librarian 1837–54, treasurer 1854–70: originated in 1856 plan of the gigantic Handel festivals which have been held every three years at Crystal Palace since 1857; general manager of Crystal Palace 8 April 1858 to death; committed suicide by jumping into the Thames from a steamboat at Greenwich 25 Aug. 1870.

      BOWLY, Samuel (son of Mr. Bowly of Bibury, Gloucs., miller). b. Cirencester 23 March 1802; a cheese factor at Gloucester 1829; chairman of many local companies; took a prominent part in agitation against the corn laws and against slavery; a founder of British and ragged schools in Gloucester; formed a teetotal society at Gloucester 30 Dec. 1835; pres. of National temperance league. d. Gloucester 23 March 1884. Sessions’s Life of S. Bowly 1884, portrait; The Public Good, Sep. and Oct. 1851, portrait.

      BOWMAN, Eddowes (eld. son of John Eddowes Bowman of Wrexham, bank manager 1785–1841). b. Nantwich 12 Nov. 1810; ed. at Hazelwood near Birmingham; sub-manager of Varteg iron works near Pontypool about 1835–40; studied in Univ. of Glasgow and at Berlin; professor of classical literature and history in Manchester New College 1846 to 1853 when college was removed to London as a purely theological institution; F.R.A.S. 1864; built an observatory at Manchester; author of Arguments against the divine authority of the Sabbath considered and shown to be inconclusive 1842; On the Roman governors of Syria at the time of the birth of Christ 1855 and of many papers in the Christian Reformer. d. Victoria park, Manchester 10 July 1869. Unitarian Herald 16 July 1869; Hall’s History of Nantwich (1883) 505.

      BOWMAN, Henrietta (dau. of Rev. John Bowman, P.C. of Burscough near Ormskirk Lancs.) b. Cumberland 1838; taught Bible classes for young ladies at Clifton and Southport; author of Life, its duty and discipline 1859; Christian daily life 1860, new ed. 1877; Our village girls 1863; Thoughts for workers and sufferers 1868; The autobiography of Elsie Ellis 1869, in which she describes her own childhood and girlhood; Lily Hope and her friends 1885. d. Southport 13 Feb. 1872. Songs amid the shadows by the late Hetty Bowman 2 ed. 1872; Woman’s Work in the great harvest field i, 137–40 (1872).

      BOWMAN, John Eddowes (brother of Eddowes Bowman 1810–69). b. Welchpool 7 July 1819; ed. at King’s college London; demonstrator of chemistry at the college 1845 and professor of practical chemistry there 1851 to death; one of founders of Chemical society of London 1841; author of A lecture on steam boiler explosions 1845; An introduction to practical Chemistry 1848, 6 ed. 1871; A practical Handbook of medical chemistry 1850, 4 ed. 1862. d. 10 Feb. 1854. Chem. Soc. Journ. ix, 159 (1857).

      BOWNESS, William. b. Kendal 1809; portrait and figure painter in London 1830; exhibited his ‘Keepsake’ at Royal Academy 1836 and about one picture annually until his death; exhibited 26 pictures at British Institution and 86 pictures at Suffolk st. gallery; author of Rustic studies in the Westmoreland dialect with other scraps from the sketch-book of an artist 1868. d. Charlotte st. Fitzroy sq. London 27 Dec. 1867.

      BOWRING, Algernon Charles. b. Hackney, London 19 March 1828; ed. at London Univ. and Trin. coll. Cam.; joined Church of Rome 1850; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder 24 March 1850; professor of rhetoric at Stonyhurst college 1854; studied theology at St. Beuno’s college and then in the Roman college at Rome 1855 to death. d. the Roman College 18 Nov. 1857.

      BOWRING, Sir John (eld. son of Charles Bowring of Larkbear Devon, serge manufacturer). b. Exeter 17 Oct. 1792; set up in business in London 1815; travelled abroad 1819–20; joint editor of Westminster Review 1824 and then sole editor; examined and reported on public accounts of Holland 1828 and France 1831; LLD. Univ. of Groningen 31 Jany. 1829; sec. to Commission for inspecting accounts of United Kingdom 1831; contested Blackburn 1832, M.P. for Kilmarnock 1835–37 and for Bolton 1841–49; British consul at Canton 10 Jany. 1849; plenipotentiary to China 24 Dec. 1853 to 17 April 1857; governor of Hong Kong 10 Jany. 1854; sent on special mission to Siam 12 March 1855; retired on a superannuation allowance 17 July 1859; knighted at Buckingham Palace 16 Feb. 1854; F.R.S. 5 June 1856; one of greatest linguists on record; author of Specimens of the Russian poets translated 1820; Minor morals for young people illustrated in tales and travels 2 vols. 1834–35; The kingdom and people of Siam 2 vols. 1857; The Oak, original tales and sketches 1869 and many other books. d. Claremont near Exeter 23 Nov. 1872. Bowring, Cobden and China a memoir by L. Moor 1857; Autobiographical recollections of Sir J. Bowring with a brief memoir by L. B. Bowring 1877; Sir J. Bowring’s The kingdom and people of Siam ii, 248–340 (1857), portrait; Illustrated Review i, 161–65, portrait; Dict. of Nat. Biog. vi, 76–80 (1886).

      BOWSTEAD, Rev. John. Educ. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1832, M.A. 1835; V. of Messingham, Lincs. 1840–62; R. of St. Olave’s Southwark, London 1862 to death; author of The village wake 1846; Practical sermons 2 vols. 1856; Regeneration not salvation, a letter to Mr. Spurgeon 1864. d. 29 Jany. 1875 aged 64.

      BOWYER, Cornelius. Entered Bengal army 1799, lieut. col. 9 July 1825, retired 20 May 1829; C.B. 26 Dec. 1826. d. Ostend 12 Feb. 1855.