Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase
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СКАЧАТЬ very successful in discovery of inedited Greek coins; author of Notice sur quelques médailles grecques des Rois de Chypre, Paris 1836 and of papers in Revue Numismatique, Numismatic Chronicle and various German numismatic periodicals; his collection of coins, antiquities and gems was sold in London 1851. d. Smyrna 2 Oct. 1851 aged 56.

      BORRER, William (eld. son of Wm. Borrer of Parkyns manor, Hurstpierpoint 1753–1832). b. Henfield, Sussex 13 June 1781; endeavoured to cultivate every critical British species and all the hardy exotic plants he could obtain, having no less than 6660 species; wrote descriptions of species of Myosotis, Rosa, and nearly all of Rubus for Sir W. Hooker’s British Flora 1830 and subsequent editions; several plants were named after him and the genus Borreria of Acharius amongst lichens; his herbarium of British plants is kept at the Royal gardens, Kew; F.L.S. 1805, F.R.S. 4 June 1835. d. Barrow hill, Henfield 10 Jany. 1862. Proc. of Linnæan Society (1862) 85–90; Lower’s Worthies of Sussex (1865) 71–73.

      BORRIE, John (son of Peter Borrie, proprietor of the Dundee foundry). b. Dundee 27 Nov. 1837; employed by Bolckow and Vaughan of Middlesbrough, engineers 1856–61; resident engineer at Cleveland iron works Eston 1866–71; a consulting engineer 1871 to death; designed and set to work the hopper-and-spout kilns for calcining ironstone 1869, which have become general, reducing cost of labour very considerably; M.I.M.E. 1869. d. Stockton-on Tees 8 Feb. 1884. Engineering 26 Nov. 1869.

      BORROW, George Henry (younger son of Thomas Borrow, captain in West Norfolk militia who d. 1823). b. East Dereham, Norfolk 5 July 1803; ed. at Norwich gr. sch. 1815–18; articled in office of Simpson and Rackham solicitors Norwich 1818–23; worked for Sir Richard Phillips the publisher in London; travelled in France, Germany, Russia, the East and Spain 1833–39, acting as agent for the British and Foreign Bible Society; sent letters to the Morning Herald 1837–39, being the first of the newspaper correspondents; travelled in Albania, Wallachia, Hungary and Turkey 1844; author of Romantic ballads translated from the Danish 1826; Targum or metrical translations from 30 languages and dialects 1835; The Zincali, or an account of the Gypsies of Spain 2 vols. 1841, 4 ed. 1846; The Bible in Spain 3 vols. 1843, new ed. 1873; Lavengro the scholar, the gypsy, the priest 3 vols. 1851, 3 ed. 1872 which is in a great degree an autobiography; The Romany Rye 2 vols. 1851, 3 ed. 1872; Wild Wales 3 vols. 1862, 2 ed. 1865. d. Oulton near Lowestoft, Norfolk 26 July 1881. Lavengro vol. i, (1851), portrait; The Norvicensian April 1882, pp. 109–14.

      BORROWES, Rev. Sir Erasmus Dixon, 8 Baronet. b. Portarlington, Queen’s county 21 Sep. 1799; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; succeeded 7 March 1834; R. of parish of Ballyroan, Queen’s county. d. Lauragh near Portarlington 27 May 1866.

      BORROWS, Rev. William. b. Derby 15 Nov. 1781; ed. at Quorn, Derbyshire, Winkfield, Wilts, and St. Edmund Hall Ox., B.A. 1812, M.A. 1815; C. of Over, Oxon 1812–15; P.C. of St. Paul’s chapel, Clapham 1815 to 1 July 1851; author of Reformation from Popery two sermons 1818; Sacred maxims collected from the discourses of W. B. by an attached member of his congregation 1852. d. 3 April 1852. bur. Derby churchyard 10 April. Select sermons by the late Rev. Wm. Borrows with a brief memoir edited by Rev. Philip Gell (1852).

      BORTHWICK, Cunninghame Borthwick, 12 Baron (2 son of Patrick Borthwick who d. 12 April 1840 aged 60). b. Edinburgh 6 June 1813; ed. at high school and univ. of Edin.; head of firm of Borthwick, Wark and Co. of London, stockbrokers; established his claim to this barony (which had been dormant since 1772) before a committee of House of Lords 5 May 1870; bought Ravenstone castle, Wigtonshire in 1874 for £85,000; a representative peer for Scotland April 1880. d. Ravenstone castle 24 Dec. 1885. P. H M’Kerlie’s Lands in Galloway ii, 445–50 (1877).

      BORTHWICK, Michael Andrews. b. Dunbar, East Lothian 30 Oct. 1810; A.I.C.E. 1833, M.I.C.E. 1845; resident engineer of Northern and Eastern railway 1837 and subsequently manager; engaged with Stephenson carrying out Egyptian railway between Alexandria and Cairo. d. Pernambuco 3 June 1856. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xvi, 108–13 (1857).

      BORTHWICK, Peter (only son of Thomas Borthwick of Edinburgh). b. Cornbank, parish of Borthwick, Mid Lothian 13 Sep. 1804; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; entered Jesus coll. Cam.; fellow commoner of Downing coll.; contested Evesham 1832 and St. Ives, Penryn and Falmouth 1847; M.P. for Evesham 6 Jany. 1835 to 23 July 1847; barrister G.I. 28 April 1847; edited the Morning Post 1850 to death; author of A brief statement of Holy Scriptures concerning the second Advent 1830; A Lecture on slavery 1836. d. 11 Walton villas, Brompton, London 18 Dec. 1852. G.M. xxxix, 318–20 (1853); I.L.N. ii, 8 (1843), portrait, xxi, 563 (1852), xxii, 11 (1853).

      BORWICK, Rev. W. B. b. Orkney; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; licensed to preach 1834; pastor of the United Secession church in the Overgate, Dundee May 1835, and of United presbyterian church in Bell st. Dundee 1850 to May 1866. d. Newport 15 June 1870 aged 62. Monument erected in Western cemetery Dundee Jany. 1871. W. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 355–7.

      BOSANQUET, Augustus Henry (2 son of Wm. Bosanquet of London, banker who d. 21 June 1800 aged 43). b. 1 March 1792; ed. at Harrow and Haileybury; in Bengal civil service 1811–17; one of founders of Universal Life insurance company 1842, director 1842–77. d. 19 Feb. 1877.

      BOSANQUET, George William (4 son of Rev. Robert Wm. Bosanquet 1800–80, R. of Bolingbroke, co. Lincoln). b. 4 July 1845; ensign 85 Foot 19 April 1864 to 1866; clerk in the Exchequer and audit department. d. 2 Brunswick terrace, Kensington 24 Jany. 1869. Essays and stories by the late G. W. Bosanquet, with an introductory chapter by Captain C. B. Brackenbury, R.A. 1870.

      BOSANQUET, James Whatman (2 son of Samuel Bosanquet of Forest house, Waltham forest, Essex 1768–1843). b. 26 Jany. 1804; ed. at Westminster school; taken into his father’s bank 1822; F.R.A.S.; author of Chronology of the times of Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah 1848; Messiah the Prince 1866, 2 ed. 1869; Hebrew chronology from Solomon to Christ 1867. d. Claysmore, Enfield 22 Dec. 1877.

      BOSANQUET, Samuel Richard (brother of the preceding). b. London 1 April 1800; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1822, M.A. 1829; barrister I.T. 5 May 1826; a revising barrister 1832; chairman of Monmouth quarter sessions 35 years; wrote many leading articles for The Times; author of New system of logic 1839, 2 ed. 1870; The rights of the poor vindicated 1841; Principia, a series of essays 1843; Prophecies of Zechariah interpreted 1877; Select interpretations of Scripture 1878. d. Dingestow court, Monmouth 27 Dec. 1882.

      BOSIO, Angiolina. b. Turin 22 Aug. 1830; made her début at Teatro Rè, Milan in I Due Foscari July 1846; sang in Paris 1848, in America 1849–51; sang at Covent Garden theatre London during seasons 1852 to 1855 and 1858; sang at the Lyceum theatre 1856 and 1857; première cantatrice to Imperial Court of St. Petersburg 1858 being the first singer to obtain that honour. d. St. Petersburg 12 April 1859. E. C. Clayton’s Queens of song ii, 317–29 (1863).

      BOSSEY, Peter (eld. child of Francis Bossey, constructor in royal carriage department of Woolwich arsenal). b. Woolwich 3 April 1806; apprenticed to Thomas Bayles of Woolwich; studied at United Borough hospital; L.S.A. 1826, M.R.C.S. 1828, F.R.C.S. 1852; surgeon to Convict hulk establishment at Woolwich to 1848 when he retired on pension; fellow of Med. and Chir. Soc. 1846; gave up practice 1857; author of many statistical reports and papers on diseases and mortality of prisoners printed in Reports of Superintendent of Convict establishment at Woolwich. d. Worthing 22 Dec. 1862. Proc. of Royal Med. and Chir. Soc. iv, 203–7 (1864).

      BOSTOCK, James. Proprietor of Bostock and Wombwell’s menagerie, d. 12 April 1878 aged 63.

      BOSTON, Florance George Henry СКАЧАТЬ